Cat beginning to play very rough with new kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 15, 2016
Hello! I'm new to the forum, and although it seems this is a common problem I'm about to ask about, it seems each situation is a bit different, so hopefully this isn't redundant!

Background story:

2 years ago we adopted a 4 month old kitten (who we named Wellington/Welly) who was brought back to the shelter for "behaviour problems". Really, he was just really hyper. With a lot of playtime and attention, that eventually died down. Although he still has random bursts of energy, especially at night, he's turned out to be a fantastic cat.

A week and a half ago, I was outside watering my garden when I heard small cries. I looked at an old/abandoned van across the street and saw a small black kitten under it panting, trying to cool down in the 40C degree weather. I grabbed my cat carrier, a bowl of water and a can of wet food and tried to catch the little fellah. One of my neighbours came out and told me that the kitten had been living in the engine of the van and they've been trying to catch him for a while. Being a feral kitten he was very afraid of people. Any sudden moves, such as to close the carrier once he was inside, and he'd bolt. After about 2 hours I almost gave up and thought I'd try one more thing, bringing out Welly to see if he'd be more comfortable with another cat. Sure enough, they took to each other right away and within 15 minutes we had the kitten in a carrier. I called the SPCA and they said that they couldn't take him because they were at full capacity and told me about their foster to adopt/surrender program. So instead of sending the little guy off to be euthanized, we decided to foster him, and if he got along with Welly, we'd end up adopting him. 

We decided to name the little guy Duke. We slowly introduced Welly and Duke, but it didn't seem to be quick enough for either of them. They would sit on opposite sides of the door and just cry and stick their paws under the door. Duke spent most of the days either at the door or hiding under the bed, being terrified of humans. After a few days, we moved Duke to a dog crate in the living room so they could see and touch each other but still be separated. Duke would sit as close to Welly as he could and vice versa. If we walked by, he'd run and hide in the box we put in the crate. After a few days we opened the crate. Right away Welly and Duke began playing. Duke follows Welly around like a little puppy, trying to do all the things Welly does. He's become a lot more comfortable with us too, although sudden movements still send him running and he won't let us touch him. Sometimes Welly would pin Duke down by the scruff and then start grooming him, all of which seems to be normal displays of dominance.

Lately though, things have been getting a bit rough and more frequent. Welly will grab Duke by the neck, flip him over, and start kicking him with his back paws. Some times he gets his whole mouth around Duke's neck, which is really scary. Duke starts to cry and Welly doesn't let go until we distract him either with calling his name to be pet or with a toy. As soon as that distraction is gone, he goes right back to trying to grab Duke. Duke doesn't seem to be hurt, but he won't let us get too close so I can't check him for injuries. Once he gets away, within a few minutes he's back to following Welly around. Neither cat has shown any sign of aggression, no growling, hissing, or anything like that, Duke just cries out and meows when Welly has him pinned. I'm afraid to leave them home alone unattended, but both cats seem really stressed out when they are separated. I'm not quite sure what to do, I really don't want Duke to be injured, nor do I want to give him up, especially since he isn't eligible for adoption yet and I'm not sure what would happen if we give him to the SPCA. 

Welly is fixed, Duke is due to be fixed in a few weeks. They estimate he is about 3-4months old. Otherwise both cats are healthy. 

This is the first day after we took Duke out of the crate. They'd wrestle a little bit, but it was mostly adorable harmless stuff! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
How old is Duke?  Also what is Duke doing right before Welly exhibits the behavior where he is pinning Duke.  I saw very similar behavior when I adopted a six week old Starbuck years ago when I had two very bonded senior boys.  Adopting Starbuck was not planned at all it was done very quickly for her own safety.  Starbuck was not well socialized because she was separated from mom and siblings to early.  She had no concept of kitty communication.  She would ask one of my boys Tegato to play with her by walking up and chomping on his head.  She was not chomping hard enough to hurt him but he got sick of it.  He started to pin Starbuck to the floor when she was being a brat.  She would scream like she was being murdered too. He was not actually doing anything to hurt her.  Tegato was teaching Starbuck boundaries.  She quickly learned more appropriate ways to ask to play.  There was also no hissing or fur flying when this was happening it sounded really scary but it was normal cat behavior.

I am not completely sure if what you are seeing is rougher version of what I dealt with.  It is good that you are keeping them supervised and re-directing Welly.  Try to watch Welly's body language and see what is happening before he goes after Duke.  There may be signals given off before this behavior starts.
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TCS Member
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Jul 15, 2016
 They estimated he's about 3-4 months old. Duke doesn't really do anything, Welly sort of just attacks. If Duke is playing with one of Welly's toys, sometimes he'll boop Duke on the head with his paws (no claws), which I totally get. We went out and bought some brand new toys for Duke so Welly hopefully wouldn't be offended if he plays with them. Duke still prefers Welly's toys, but hopefully he'll learn soon enough haha. But when Welly gets really rough, Duke isn't doing much. He never provokes Welly, which is one of the reasons we're a bit worried! 

We really don't have much background on Duke, but we found him alone and haven't see any other kittens around. He was very healthy when found, and at a healthy weight, so his mother must have been around until recently. We live in a new build, so essentially a construction zone, so there are quite a few places for other cats to hide. 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 15, 2016
Not sure if you can edit posts, so sorry if this is a double post. Welly sort of just, attacks. Like there isn't really much of a warning sign. Sometimes he'll stalk Duke, but sometimes he just nibbles or licks Duke's ears, other times he pounces, pins, and kicks. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Yes you can edit posts. Look for the pencil at the bottom of the box and click on it edit the post.

It almost seems like Welly is not reading Duke's behavior clues correctly. I am not really sure how to deal with that. There always clear reasons for why Tegato would pin Starbuck down. The only thing I can think of is Welly never learned how to play with another cat.

If you can post a video of their interactions and maybe someone else will see something I am not picking up on.