Cat Ate An Elastic String Off Of One Of His Toys :(


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
So I just found one of my cat's toys separated. It was a toy that had an elastic string with a ball on the end and a stick on the other end. I'd say about 6-8 inches of the string is missing. I think he ate it some time today while I was gone. He's acting normally: eating/drinking, playing. But I'm not sure if it has been enough time yet where it would effect him.

I just have a couple of questions about it. First, should I call the vet tomorrow and schedule an appointment or just wait it out to see if he starts vomiting/diarrhea or stops eating/drinking? Next, is there anything I can give to him to help him pass it? Like would pumpkin help? Lastly, has anyone gone through this and have any advice? I'm really freaking out. He just had surgery to get a lump removed on his face and it would really be bad if he had to get another one to get the string removed.

Any help is really appreciated, thank you in advance.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
I hope everything is ok with your buddy! You must be so scared. Is the entire string gone? Or just a few inches of it? Is there any chance that the string is just lost somewhere? I know you've probably already looked everywhere, but I'd definitely double check under all the furniture or vaccum and check the bag / canister afterwards. Also, I'd call the vet to double check. I'm not an expert, but I think that something blocking the intestinal tract wouldn't necessarily cause extreme symptoms like vomiting / diarrhea immediately. In fact, it's likely to be the exact opposite. He might be constipated and unable to pass stool, but a blockage can get very serious, very quickly. Pumpkin might help in the meantime to see if he can pass it himself. Wishing you luck! :hearthrob:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I agree that a call to your Vet might not be a bad idea. In the meantime, check his feces for that string every time he has a bowel movement. And if he starts showing any signs of distress, either vomiting or straining in the litterbox, get him in to be seen asap. Hopefully it will pass within a couple of days without incident :crossfingers:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
I hope everything is ok with your buddy! You must be so scared. Is the entire string gone? Or just a few inches of it? Is there any chance that the string is just lost somewhere? I know you've probably already looked everywhere, but I'd definitely double check under all the furniture or vaccum and check the bag / canister afterwards. Also, I'd call the vet to double check. I'm not an expert, but I think that something blocking the intestinal tract wouldn't necessarily cause extreme symptoms like vomiting / diarrhea immediately. In fact, it's likely to be the exact opposite. He might be constipated and unable to pass stool, but a blockage can get very serious, very quickly. Pumpkin might help in the meantime to see if he can pass it himself. Wishing you luck! :hearthrob:

Thank you! I am really scared :( Basically the entire string is gone. I triple checked everywhere in my apartment so I really do think he ate it, but you never know it could be somewhere! He seems to be acting completely normal and has pooped twice since. Thank you for your help :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
Any news on the string? I agree that you should check all his bowel movements for the string. If you have clumping litter, you may have to break the clumps up to see if the string is inside.

I did a little more research, and since the string is long, and elastic is usually pretty strong, this could get serious if he doesn't pass it. This article outlines the concern that one end of the string could become anchored to a place inside the body, and the movement of the intestines working the string towards the anus could tanlge up his intestines if the string won't let go at the anchor. It also points out that if you see a tiny bit of the string hanging out, you shouldn't attempt to pull it out yourself since it's so long, and could cause serious internal problems.
Ask a Vet: My Cat Ate String -- What Should I Do? | Catster

Here is another person who had the same thing happen on the forums here. The cat eventually passed the string, and it seemed that it had been eating the string in sections rather than gobbling the whole thing down at once. I think that although it's still far from ideal, eating the string in pieces would've been easier for your cat to swallow, so hopefully it would be easier to pass, as well. The replies also suggested feeling your kitty's tummy to see if there is an abnormal reaction:
kitty ate elastic string

Finally, aside from the pumpkin, do you have any of that hairball remedy? Or vaseline oil? This blogger, (who also said not to pull the string if you see it come out kitty's bottom!) suggested that along with pumpkin (which they said could "cushion" the string to help it pass,) you should add a bit of olive oil to your cat's wet food. In addition, you could put a bit of hairball remedy oil or petorleum jelly on your cat's paws (so they lick it off,) to help pass the string safely.
what to do if your cat eats string – Marcy Very Much

Sorry for all the reading, but I thought there were some helpful tips! Hope all is well with your baby soon! :vibes::rbheart:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
Any news on the string? I agree that you should check all his bowel movements for the string. If you have clumping litter, you may have to break the clumps up to see if the string is inside.

I did a little more research, and since the string is long, and elastic is usually pretty strong, this could get serious if he doesn't pass it. This article outlines the concern that one end of the string could become anchored to a place inside the body, and the movement of the intestines working the string towards the anus could tanlge up his intestines if the string won't let go at the anchor. It also points out that if you see a tiny bit of the string hanging out, you shouldn't attempt to pull it out yourself since it's so long, and could cause serious internal problems.
Ask a Vet: My Cat Ate String -- What Should I Do? | Catster

Here is another person who had the same thing happen on the forums here. The cat eventually passed the string, and it seemed that it had been eating the string in sections rather than gobbling the whole thing down at once. I think that although it's still far from ideal, eating the string in pieces would've been easier for your cat to swallow, so hopefully it would be easier to pass, as well. The replies also suggested feeling your kitty's tummy to see if there is an abnormal reaction:
kitty ate elastic string

Finally, aside from the pumpkin, do you have any of that hairball remedy? Or vaseline oil? This blogger, (who also said not to pull the string if you see it come out kitty's bottom!) suggested that along with pumpkin (which they said could "cushion" the string to help it pass,) you should add a bit of olive oil to your cat's wet food. In addition, you could put a bit of hairball remedy oil or petorleum jelly on your cat's paws (so they lick it off,) to help pass the string safely.
what to do if your cat eats string – Marcy Very Much

Sorry for all the reading, but I thought there were some helpful tips! Hope all is well with your baby soon! :vibes::rbheart:

Omg thank you SO much! You are so thoughtful to take the time to look up all that! I don't have any hairball remedy or vaseline oil, but I will get some! He pooped again about an hour ago, but still no sign of the string :( Hoping for the best. Thank you again, you have no idea how much I appreciate it. <3
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
So he still hasn't passed the string. He's been pooping everyday though and his poops have been pretty normal. He has also still been eating and drinking. He still is pretty playful. I don't know what to do, I've been cutting up every poop he has and there has been no sign of it (just a lot of his hair) :( I am almost 100 % he ate it, because he has another stringed toy with a stick and a bird at the end and I caught him trying to chew the string off of it today (all his toys go away now when I'm not supervising lol). He seems fine, but I still feel like something is wrong. It might just be that I'm paranoid and worried about him, but I just have this feeling.

Even though he is still acting pretty normal, could the string still be causing a blockage? Or damage to his intestines? I think I read somewhere where strings can wrap around the intestines and cut off blood supply to them and it is deadly if it is not treated quickly. If this was happening he wouldn't be pooping right? I know cats can hide when they're not feeling well so I'm not sure what to do. It's been over a week now and it obviously should have passed. Should I take him to the vet even though he's acting pretty normal? The vet told me that sometimes strings can just ball up in their stomachs and stay there for a while and just to monitor him and if he starts acting sick then to take him in immediately. I feel like such a bad cat mom for leaving the toy out :(


TCS Member
Dec 22, 2018
Did you ever find out if your kitty was ok? I just came into my room and my cat had gotten into his toys and ate a string off the cat toy. Concerned on what to do. Wondering if your kitty is ok?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
Did you ever find out if your kitty was ok? I just came into my room and my cat had gotten into his toys and ate a string off the cat toy. Concerned on what to do. Wondering if your kitty is ok?

Ahh I’m so sorry to hear your kitty ate a string. I remember how stressful it was. But my kitty ended up being fine :) I never found the string in his poop or in the apartment so who knows what happened to it! And he’s totally fine to this day haha. I would just closely monitor your cat — like if he starts vomiting , not eating or pooping then I’d definitely call your vet! Hope this helps. I hope he ends up being okay!