Cat and worsening aggression


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 10, 2020
It didn’t used to be like this.

I have two male cats, Meep (4) and Merlin (8). Both neutered. Have lived with each other for over three years at this point.
When we first got Meep all was well. Over the years he has divulged into aggressive attacks on our elderly dog and Merlin. Usually he is triggered by loud noises. If that spooks him enough he will attack the nearest animal. We cannot even raise our voices or he will attack. Sometimes if the dog WALKS by him Meep will chase and hiss and swat at him. He has bloodied my old dog’s face at one point because he was angry for being in his personal bubble.
But just this morning a fight broke out between the two cats, Meep obviously starting it. This time there was no trigger, or so it seemed. Merlin walked into the room (my fault for not shutting the door all of the way; we are still reintroducing them after their last major fight, almost two months ago at this point) and whether Meep was protecting what he thought was his territory or what, it turned into a massive fight once more. I am not sure what to do at this point, we even had a cat behaviorist come and assess our situation. She suggested calming collars, treats, natural medications. She thinks it might be time to put little Meep on Prozac. I’m very sad. I don’t know why he has digressed this far.

Anyone have any experience with fights, with kitties on Prozac, or any of the above experiences that we have had? Is there something I could be doing? They have litter boxes and spaces to climb, so that shouldn’t be the reason. Meep now has a calming collar and gets the max dose of Zyklene in his food every morning. We have a Feliway diffuser (working on getting more), Feliway spray, calming treats, and we are working on more play time. I’m just so stressed. After they fought this morning I sat outside and cried my eyes out, wondering if I would have to give him up one day because we can’t live like this. We can’t keep the cats separated forever. We can’t walk on eggshells around him for the rest of his life. My husband and I are newly married and sleep separate so each cat isn’t alone. It’s frustrating and has my anxiety levels sky high.



Seniors, Special Needs, Ferals, and Wildlife
Super Cat
Aug 4, 2014
I am so sorry you’re going through this, and I fully understand how hard it is, both in terms of energy and emotion (and even sleeping in separate beds to keep separated cats company... been there, done that too).

Have you taken kitty to the vet? If so, what tests were run, and what did the vet say? Have you ever sought a second opinion?

Is there anything at all that precipitated the change in behavior that you can recall?

What are the fights between the cats like? Is fur flying? Is blood drawn? What are the cats doing?

Have you seen any improvement at all with the Zyklene? Calming collat( what brand?)? Feliway? Treats?

Is aggression ever directed toward you or your husband?

Have you moved at all since this started?

Do they have access to see out windows?

How are your dog and Merlin? Has this impacted their behavior at all?

What does Meep do if there is a loud noise and no animal around to attack?

Does he have any other behavioral issues?

Did he have any other behavioral changes (positive or negative) around the time this started?

Kitty Prozac should always be a last resort, however - it saves lives. It is always worth a shot when you’ve exhausted all other options. It doesn’t always work for some cats. But it performs miracles for others.

Hang in there.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 10, 2020
I am so sorry you’re going through this, and I fully understand how hard it is, both in terms of energy and emotion (and even sleeping in separate beds to keep separated cats company... been there, done that too).

Have you taken kitty to the vet? If so, what tests were run, and what did the vet say? Have you ever sought a second opinion?

Is there anything at all that precipitated the change in behavior that you can recall?

What are the fights between the cats like? Is fur flying? Is blood drawn? What are the cats doing?

Have you seen any improvement at all with the Zyklene? Calming collat( what brand?)? Feliway? Treats?

Is aggression ever directed toward you or your husband?

Have you moved at all since this started?

Do they have access to see out windows?

How are your dog and Merlin? Has this impacted their behavior at all?

What does Meep do if there is a loud noise and no animal around to attack?

Does he have any other behavioral issues?

Did he have any other behavioral changes (positive or negative) around the time this started?

Kitty Prozac should always be a last resort, however - it saves lives. It is always worth a shot when you’ve exhausted all other options. It doesn’t always work for some cats. But it performs miracles for others.

Hang in there.
Hey Moxie, thanks for your lengthy response.
Meep went to the vet this morning. Physically they said he is great. They drew some blood and will be back with me tomorrow about it.
As far as changes, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Yes, we moved and bought a house in June, but hours of redirected aggression were happening prior to moving as well. They settled in quite nicely after the move, in fact.
My old pup is a happy go lucky guy. He goes about his business A-OK, even with Meep beating on him. As for Merlin I think he’s taken a confidence beating. I’m not sure how to help him regain his confidence so he’s not so easy a target.
Fighting wise, yes, Meep is pulling Merlin’s hair out and Merlin not necessarily screams but makes some uncomfortable noises. No blood involved just yet, thank goodness. I think Meep just goes full force on Merlin while Merlin is trying so hard to get away.
The Feliway diffuser has been up over a month and I haven’t noticed any changes. As far as the collar, treats and Zyklene I just started them this week so I’m not sure on the effectiveness quite yet. No aggression is ever directed at me or my husband. He adores us. They have windows to look out of in all the rooms.
If there are no other animals around and a noise erupts, Meep usually just gets curious and goes to investigate.
I would like to avoid the Prozac for as long as I can. Even for myself I am very wary of medications, not because they don’t work or I don’t like them, but I’m not gonna pop a pill for every little thing. Same goes for my animals unless absolutely necessary. Thanks for your empathy. I am exhausted. Sometimes I don’t even want to be home because I am having a hard time handling this :(