Cat acting out after move


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2017

I really need advice cause Ariel, my 4 yo cat is driving me nuts! We moved to a new house about 2 weeks ago, I know this is a difficult adjustment for her as this isn't the first time we've moved, but this time is worse, she started peeing on my beloved fiddle leaf fig tree, which used to be in our old house and she never peed on it (she has never peed anywhere else other than her litter box). She yowls and yowls and scratches the door that leads to our backyard cause she insists in going out, she has never been an outdoor cat, so I have no idea what's this new fixation with going outside, I let her come out with me while I'm watering my plants or doing laundry so I can keep an eye on her and all she does is roll around the floor and get herself dirty (we don't have grass, it's concrete) the walls surrounding my house are not very tall and I can tell she can easily climb them and escape, and like I said she's not an outdoor cat so I worry she may get lost. Today I let her come outside with me and when I tried to bring her inside she scratched and bite me, which she never does, she also bite me when I was cutting her nails, which is not normal as she knows she'll get treats if she behaves, so she's usually a saint when it comes to nail trimming but today she was nasty.

She has also been very mean to her sister, she hisses and hits her, even if Kiara is minding her own business she would go and attack her, the other one is not very bothered by it, but I know this isn't right nor normal, they've been together for almost 3 years and they're very close. She has also been meowing randomly, I call her and she calms down, but then she starts again, thankfully she doesn't do this at night as she goes to sleep with me.

One important thing to note is that she lost almost 2 pounds before we moved, I took her to the vet and she couldn't find anything wrong with her, she vaccinated & dewormed her, I'm supposed to take her again this week for a checkup, but she eats, drinks water, I haven't noticed anything weird in her litter box, and apart from the bad behavior she's been showing lately she's still active and, most of the time, sweet & lovely as she usually is. I started feeding them fancy feast, she doesn't eat a lot of it and gets easily distracted while eating, but that is very normal in her.

I've been thinking of buying Feliway but I've read very opposite opinions and I'm not sure if it's worth the money. Any other advise or suggestion will be very appreciated, I'm working from home due to the pandemic and having a cat yowling all day long is very very tiring & not very pleasant when you have meetings to attend to. Thanks!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Obviously Ariel is letting you know her displeasure with the move to a new house. Cats are very territorial so she probably isn't too happy right now. The stress could cause a potential health problem so I'm glad you have a follow up appointment at the vet this week. You may want to ask them to do bloodwork especially since you mentioned she lost 2 lbs. before the move.

TCS has two Articles that may have some helpful information for you:
How To Move With Your Cat To A New Home In A Safe Way
9 Tips That Will Help Your Kitten Adapt To A New Apartment

Many other members have had a good experience with Feliway so you may want to consider trying it. This thread may have some alternative options and/or suggestions: Chill Pills for Cats


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You may also be having an issue with new neighborhood cats frequenting your yard. If that's the case, then her inappropriate peeing is her way of screaming, "THE BARBARIANS ARE AT THE GATE! FILL THE MOAT!" Try looking out when she's clawing at the door. If you see other cats, that's almost certainly the case.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Oct 9, 2017
I saw a black cat by our wall last night, so the peeing may be definitely that, now I don't know where to move my plant!

This morning she started scratching the floor around her food bowl right after I served her wet food, she just scratched the floor and left, didn't eat a single bite, she was eating the kibble last night though, but it worries me she's not eating enough cause she's really skinny.

We're going to the vet tomorrow am cause they're going to do blood tests, but that's a whole thing, she HATES car rides, she poops and pees in the carrier, and I'm very very worried of putting her under that much stress cause she's already so stressed at home, my poor baby :(

I read the thread neely neely recommended and lucky me my mom is a doctor who also uses alternative medicine, I'll ask her to give me Bach Rescue Remedy for her & Kiara, I'll see how that goes, if it's not enough I'll buy the Feliway too.

Thank you so much for your advices!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Good luck at the vet tomorrow, we'll be keeping our fingers crossed for Ariel. :crossfingers: You may want to ask the vet about something to reduce her stress on car rides. Please keep us posted on your progress.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Well, one tiny bright spot...dry food is higher in calories than wet, so if she's going to be picky about them, FOR NOW, the dry will help with that. However, for the long-term, wet is best, especially for their kidneys.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2017
Things with the vet went as well as they could considering they needed to shave her & draw blood from her neck or paw, I was hoping she had gained weight but she lost more, not a lot more, but still not good news, the test part was horrible, my poor baby behaved like a saint the 99% of the time but just at the very end she moved and hurt herself, we couldn't stop the bleeding for what felt like an eternity, and her paw hurt so bad that when she tried to move you could see tears coming down her face, it broke my heart seeing her in pain with her shaved paw & neck.

Doctor just sent me the test results & everything seems ok, except for the cholesterol levels which are a bit high and you can tell she's been losing muscular mass as well, she told me we need to switch her dry food and give her vitamins to increase her appetite, and she's going to run more blood tests in a week to rule out any other disease, fingers crossed.

I got the Bach rescue remedy + a homeopathic medicine to relieve stress & I've been mixing it with their food and water and so far they've been acting less aggressive with each other and Ariel hasn't been insisting as much in going outside, I'll keep an eye on her and let you know how things go with the new food & vitamins.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Has she had an MRI so that you can really see what is going on inside her? They're expensive, so I don't know if that is possible for you. Meanwhile, I'm lighting a candle!

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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2017
Hi again, we went to the vet yesterday after a whole week in treatment for the pending blood test & she behaved like an angel while the doctor was doing the procedure. I just got the results back & thankfully she doesn't have leukemia, which was my biggest fear, but it looks like she had a bacterial infection & her defenses are low. My mom has an echinacea + thyme + propolis supplement that's specific for boosting defenses so I asked the vet if I could give it to Ariel and she approved the remedy, it's just 3 drops a day so I'm going to be able to mix it with her wet food, no more liquid medicine drama!

One good thing I forgot to mention at the beginning of the post is that she gained weight!! In less than 2 weeks she gained 300 grams, vet & I were ecstatic about those results. Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 thank you for your suggestion of the MRI, I searched for a lab to take her but the closest one that does this kind of study is 3 hours away from us :(

Hopefully this is the end of blood tests & vet visits, doctor didn't ask me to take her back for more tests, so it looks like we're on a good track and she'll recover quickly, thank you so much for your good wishes!

PS: Bach remedy has been working like a charm, no more fuzzy cats or random meowing, sisters are finally getting along like they used to :D