Cat acting normal, but recently reduced appetite


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2019
My cat had a blockage on 4th April and has made a full recovery. He's got to be on a special diet for the rest of his life and he's only 3 years old, so I had to make a lot of additions and changes. I tried to do it slowly and sneakily so he doesn't get stressed and so far, it doesn't appear to be this way.

However, he just doesn't seem like he enjoys his food as much and his appetite had reduced. I didnt change his food completely, but I tried some new things out which were healthier (higher meat content etc) and he seemed to like it. Also added something called "Cystease" which is a supplement by Feliway for cats that deal with things like cystitis. That's when he started to get a bit off his food. He didn't want to touch it at all with the added supplement in and I was getting extremely stressed trying to gey him to eat it. I tried it in different foods, different bowls and so on.

He usually screams for his food like the other cats, but now he's not bothered. At first he refused to touch any form of wet food or pate and only grazed on dry food which he cannot solely eat (he needs a lot of water).

So I'm thinking I've stressed him out, but then again could I have put him off his food? The thing is, he also goes through annual phases where he refuses to eat ANY of his food and I have to find new food that he'll like so I thought it was that initially. Also the weather was a bit warm for a few days in the UK. I don't know.

He's literally acting normal by playing lots, drinking water, going in the back yard with me with explore, is very comfortable and not appearing in any discomfort or pain, but isn't bothered about his good as much. I don't get it.

I will also he taking him to the vets


TCS Member
Nov 30, 2018
My cat Pumpkin is the kind of cat that would mug me one day for a meal then another day is just not interested. My vet also said if I'm stressed he senses it and won't eat. But also he gets bored of his food very easily just like we do I guess. Talk to your vet about this. Plus, have you seen the Webbox sachets that are like kitty milkshakes ?. I can easily disguise any medication or supplement in these. And most of our cats love them. They also come in different flavours like cheese or salmon.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
From reading your post, it sounds as though possibly the Cystease is the thing that got him feeling less like diving into his meals. If your vet didn't suggest it, maybe ask them if it's necessary and/or if there's another option that's similar? Or leave it out entirely and just stick with the special diet, depending on what your vet thinks?

Also, maybe start weighing him so that you can watch for any changes.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I agree about the Cystease - maybe it is not 'right' for him. Did you read reviews, and does it have a taste to it? If there is a taste to it that he doesn't like, that would be enough to cause some disinterest in his food.

What special diet is he on? A lot of vet recommended foods for things like urinary care are not enthusiastically eaten by cats. Adding a bit of his 'old' dry food as a topper might help.

What was the exact cause of the blockage? I also seems logical to go through a follow-up vet visit regardless if he hasn't had one since the surgery.
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