Casper’s new “Little Brother.”

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Continuing from here: We have a visitor!

Our new adoptee, Elliot is now in his own separate room and he’s settling in, nicely. Soon, it will be time to let him out and start introducing him to Casper. I think Elliot is starting to get itchy feet, so to speak. ;)

Casper and Elliot already know each other and they have been getting along well but they haven’t been living in the same house, together, yet.

The plan is to lock Casper in the master bedroom (his safe space) then let Elliott out to roam the house for an hour or two. If Elliot does well, we’ll wait a day or so then put Casper in Elliot’s room and repeat the exercise.

Casper knows that Elliot is here. He goes to Elliot’s door and sniffs under the crack. So far, there has been no bad behavior from either cat. Casper hissed at Elliot one time after he came home from the vet but I think that’s just non-recognition aggression. It hasn’t happened since.

I don’t think there will be many problems between the two but I’m worried that Casper will feel jealous because he’s been the only cat for more than seven years. (Casper is going on ten. Elliot’s just a year.)

We’ve been telling Casper that Elliot is his “little brother.” We tell him that he will always be the “Top Cat” in this house and that we’ll always love him. We actually say these thing to him and we try to make sure that he gets the same amount of love and attention as before. (They do have separate litter boxes and feeding spots.)

The other thing we’ve been telling Casper is that he has a new job as Elliot’s teacher. Elliot never had a home and it’s Casper’s job to teach Elliot how to be a house cat.

Even though it’s only been four days, Elliot has been settling in, nicely. It took a couple days for him to start using his box but that seems to be getting better. He doesn’t run and hide when you come into the room, anymore. He meows when you talk to him and he even sat on my lap for some petting.

So far, so good! Eh? :)

Do you think it would be a good idea to let Casper smell me after I’ve been having lap time with Elliot or do you think it better to change my clothes and wash up, first?
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I would wait a bit before doing too many face to face intros as well as letting him out. He was just neutered and his hormones have not settled yet. He will be more apt to spray in your house when he gets out and smells Casper. Elliot will want to add his scent to the mix. Right now his urine is still very strong and stinky. This will go away in a few weeks but it takes a few weeks. I would give him more time in his safe room before letting him out to roam just yet. Rushing the process is what often leads to issues down the road.

For now I would start scent swapping. Place a blanket or towel in Elliot's room so that his scent will get on it. Then take it into the main area of your house. Just set it down. Don't force Casper to sniff it or do anything with it. You can also place a few treats on it. This will give a positive note to the scent. You can then also bring something of Casper's into Elliot's room.

Another way to do scent swapping is to take a clean wash cloth or small towel. Wipe each cat down concentrating on the scent areas; under the chin, feet and rear end. Then swap the towels. You can place Casper's scent in Elliot's room and Elliot's scent with Casper. T

You can also get a brush and brush each cat. This helps to mix their scents.

As humans we always want to rush the process of getting our cats introduced. Slow and steady wins the race. When we rush the process we often have to move backwards and undo issues that cropped up.
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  • #4

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
I am listening but remember that Casper and Elliot are not complete strangers.

Elliot has been coming to the back porch since last fall and he’s been inside the house several times. The two cats have been around each other and are already friendly. In fact, Elliot kowtows to Casper by laying down and showing his belly.

If we let Elliott out, Casper will go into the bedroom with the door closed and Elliott will be supervised the whole time.

I’m still thinking about things before moving ahead.
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  • #5

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Elliot has been doing well since Tuesday.

He's been in his room the whole time. He's using the box normally. Hasn't peed in the house, any more. Hasn't been tearing anything up. He hangs out and looks out the window. His neuter incision is healing and the wound on his ear is getting better, too.

Elliot's fur is still pretty dirty and greasy and there are a few knots and sticky spots in his fur. When you pet him, you can feel four or five scabs under his fur, presumably from being in fights, outside.

I don't want to cut the knots out with scissors. I don't think I'll need to. When I pet him, I carefully tug at the knots to loosen them, a little at a time. Eventually, they should come out as his fur sheds. We have some kitty "wet wipes" so, when Elliot is in the mood, I'll give him a good wipe-down.

Boy! Is he a snuggler! Every time I walk into the room he meows for me to come pet him. If I sit on the floor he'll be on my lap in seconds! If I lay down, he'll lay on top of me, purr and make biscuits. The last few nights, I slept on the floor in his room with him snoozing on top of me.

When I come home from work (late shift) he'll be waiting at the window, meowing for me as I come inside.

We let Casper in to see him for just a minute but he scuffled with Elliot so we separated them, right away.
Elliot wanted to be friends. He kowtowed for Casper but Casper would have none of it. Casper swatted at Elliot (no growling or fighting) so we said, "Okay, that's it," then closed the door, again.

Uh, oh! Casper's jealous! :kitty:

Both, I and Girl-Human, have been making sure to give Casper and Elliot equal attention.
Whenever I go to see Elliot, I make sure to go pet Casper, first, and tell him that he's still the "Number One Kitty." After I leave, I go back to Casper to pet him and reassure him again.

Each cat has his own sleeping spot (behind closed doors for Elliot) they have their own food, toys and their own litter boxes. There shouldn't be any competition on that front. I think it's just that Casper never had a full-time roommate, before.

I'm sure the two will become friends. They were friends before. Casper just needs to get used to the new arrangements.

A bit of humor... Casper's nickname has always been "Puddy Tat." We've gotten so used to saying it that we often call other cats "Puddy Tat." I think that's part of what makes Casper jealous. Casper thinks, "Hey! I'm the Puddy Tat around here!"

So, we're going to have to come up with another nickname for Elliot. I think his nickname is going to be "Little Tiger."

Whenever I pet a cat, I try to be sure to call them by their respective nicknames. I say, "Casper is da' Puddy Tat!" or "Elliot is the Little Tiger!" It teaches each cat which one is being spoken to and it makes me remember who's who.

We also tell Casper that he's "Number One" and that he needs to be Elliot's teacher.

So far, it's been just a week and things are going well. Elliot's settling in and he's healing up, well. We expected Casper to be jealous but we're pretty sure he'll come around and the two cats will become brothers, after a while.

We're probably going to give it another week before we start moving forward in earnest.

I think Elliot needs more time for his hormone levels to start going down, more.
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I do think that you have this under control and are proceeding carefully. It will all work out I am sure. I have brought cats into the house, sometimes as an emergency rescue after getting a clearance from the vet, and even with less than great introductions everyone became friends. I am so happy for Elliot that he has a home!
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Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Yup! Elliot has a good home!
His Girl-Human is really good with cats. She and Casper will be good teachers for Elliot. (Me too! ;) )

I've still been considering whether Elliot is going to be an indoor cat or an indoor/outdoor cat.
I originally thought indoor/outdoor but, lately, I've been starting to lean the other way.

At this point, I've been thinking that he might be indoor/outdoor for the summer then transition to fully indoor by winter but even that can change.

As much of a snuggle bug Elliot has been, he might just weasel his way into our hearts and be an indoor-only cat. ;)

We'll see how it goes. It's still early. ;)

Still working on that picture. This little tiger doesn't stay still long enough! ;)
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  • #9

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Yeah, I've already put sheet metal screws into the outside window frames to keep the screens from falling out and the patio door has cat proof screen fabric.

Elliot even climbed the patio screen, all the way to the ceiling, when we were trying to coral him.

Ain't no cat gonna' get through that! ;)

Casper, pretty much, doesn't care to go outside. He escaped a couple of times but that's because there was another cat outside.
The first time Casper escaped, just after we got him, it was cold and snowy outside. Casper hit the front stoop and, when he realized it was cold, turned around and we were able to scoot him inside without much trouble at tall.

I don't see any reason why Elliot won't be the same... Time will tell. ;)
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  • #10

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
I was finally able to get some video of Elliot!

We put Casper in his room and let Elliot out so that he could check out the house. He was supervised at all times, of course.
We gave him some catnip to play with and he behaved very well.

He stayed out for an hour or so. No problems at all! :)

Elliot's back in his room and Casper is sleeping in the other bedroom.

First time out! So far, so good! :)
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  • #11

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Today, we let Elliot out for another time to explore the house and it seems to be going well, so far.

We put Casper in his room. Elliot went downstairs. After he had been out for a while, we opened the door to Casper's room. After about ten minutes, Casper and Elliot met up in Elliot's room.

Casper hissed and growled a couple of times. I said, "Cas-PER! Be nice!" Casper seemed to listen.

Casper sniffed around Elliot's room while Elliot laid by the window sill and watched.

They came nose-to-nose and sniffed. Casper hissed... "Be nice," I repeated.

The two cats left the room without incident. I can't see them from my vantage point but I don't hear anything. I think they are both going about their business.

At this point, I'm very encouraged! There have been no incidents except for one minor scuffle and some hissing and growling on Casper's part. It's been a quiet introduction, otherwise!

I know that Elliot wants to be friends with Casper. Casper's just being an old "stick in the mud" but I'm certain he'll come around, soon.

I think it will be okay to let both cats out of their respective rooms as long as at least one of us humans is around to referee, in case of trouble. We'll put Elliot in his room when we leave the house or when we go to work. Of course, if things go sideways, we'll send each of them back to their rooms and start over.

Fingers crossed! So far, so good! :)
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  • #13

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Thanks! :)

They've both been out all afternoon. They're going about their respective business...mostly napping as cats are wont to do, this hour of the day. No scuffles. No hissing. All's quiet on the Western Front, so to speak!

We're still going to put Elliot in when we go out, though.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
He looks so happy with that huge bowl of catnip! It sounds like you are making great progress. The "old grump" will probably come around once he figures out that Elliot is not a threat. Does Elliot want to play and Casper is not really crazy about that anymore?
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  • #15

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Casper has never been much of a player. He'll run around the house when he gets the zoomies. He'll tussle with his Girl-Human. Occasionally, he'll paw at a feather toy if I dangle it for him. Yes, he can be an 'old grump' when he's not in the mood.

Elliott kowtows for Casper by rolling over and showing his belly. He meows at Casper. He obviously wants to be friends with Casper but I don't think he's tried to initiate play, yet.

Casper came into Elliot's room and sniffed around while Elliot was laying by the window sill. He sniffed Elliot's cage. (The door is always open.) He sniffed Elliot's litter box. Then, he went over to sniff Elliot. Elliot meowed at Casper then Casper went on his way. Casper is elsewhere in the house, right now. Elliot is lying on the table by the window. All's quiet.

Much as Elliot's still a kitten, he hasn't been much of a 'little upstart' as you would expect.

It's only been ten days. Time will tell. ;)
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  • #17

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
In this house, that's not such a huge amount of catnip. ;)

If you look in the background, there's a wooden shelf behind the scratching post. That bowl stays on that shelf 24/7 and it's always kept full. Casper has always had access to as much catnip as he wants. We brought the catnip bowl out just so Elliot would stay in one place long enough to have his picture taken.

In the future, Elliot will have his own bowl of catnip to sample any time he wants, too. :)

All that catnip might look like a big mess but it'll vacuum right up.

Besides, isn't the smell of catnip supposed to be an insect repellent? We shouldn't have any bugs in our carpet, now. Should we? ;)
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  • #19

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Casper eats it! He doesn't just lick it or nibble it. He eats it by the mouthful! "Om, nom, nom!"
If we bring a live catnip plant home from the pet store, it will be eaten down to nubs within the hour!
Surprisingly, it doesn't make him puke.

I know that cats will become less interested in catnip if they are exposed to it so often but, for Casper, having catnip available 24/7 is kinda' necessary to bring him down to normal. He likes it and catnip is mostly harmless. As long as Casper is happy, that's all that counts. Right?

I'm sure that Casper will teach Elliot the finer points of quaffing catnip! ;)


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Apr 29, 2022
Magnus loves catnip and we always have silvervine sticks and a fresh catnip plant for them. I dont limit them. It doesn't seem like they are less inclined to want it just because it's around.

We have a little vacuum and do so once a day for all the catnip! 😂

Calcifer specifically loves when we dry out the leaves and it makes cronching sounds as he chews it.