Calling in the experts--urgent please


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I swear it took Artie a long time to get over each enema... It takes a lot out of them.. just think about. It would take a lot out of a human being.. With these little creatures, who have no comprehension of what is about to happen to them~~ well, all they know is fear and pain.. and things being shoved in places where they have no business being.. They are being violated.. and then forced to poop on themselves.. it is humiliating and frightening for them.. 

I am certain it takes a long time to get over the ordeal... I forget, did they hydrate your kitty the enema was done? If not, that could be another reason for it taking so long to get him to recover from this....

((hugs)) to you...

Heck, trained??? I was trained before I adopted Artie.. I spoiled him rotten.. tried not too, but he is so darn sweet...

We all love and spoil our babies...
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  • #62


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Oh @Artiemom  thank you. You have made me feel better.  The more he eats, the better I feel too.  His appetite is slowly, slowly returning.  It was a horrible scare and I'm still worried, but not at "full blown panic" stage at least. by day.  That's really all any of us can do.

Yes, they gave him IV fluids while he spent the night, and when I went to pick him up they did a large amount of subq fluids as well.  They said he wasn't dehydrated before, but it was to help replace what the enema took out of him.  I know it weakened him.  He has been drinking through all of this very well, but they said he needed the extra boost after 3 enemas.

I am positive he feels like he was abducted by aliens, anally probed, and dropped back off at home and is still traumatized.  Like I said, he didn't used to mind the vet...even through some of his worst procedures...but he could hear back then.  I've noticed a huge increase in his anxiety level since he lost his hearing.  He is at the point to where I run the vacuum next to him, and as long as I don't bump the chair or the bed he keeps snoring. It happened over a period of about a year, just gradual, and the vets he saw could find no physical abnormality causing it.  They believe it could stem from his many years of allergies.

Checked in with hubby a bit ago.  He said he has eaten again, dry this time on his own without being prompted or offered food, drank, peed, and went back to nap.  In Wurp's world, that is a "business as usual" kind of day.  It relieves my mind so much.  The nibbling at things was really, REALLY scaring me.

His usual daily routine is meet me in the kitchen at the butt-crack of dawn when I get up and demand breakfast.  He did that this morning.  Then he patrols out the windows, does his morning constitutional, and goes to the bedroom to nap.  He gets up about 9 or 10, eats, pees, patrols, back to nap.  He does that repeatedly throughout the day.  Today is the first day he has gone back to his usual activities and routine. Then come evening about 5 when it's time for me to get home, he gets up and stays up until we go to bed.  He did that yesterday evening.  He will either get on one of his perches/trees, demand brushing, mess with the other two cats in the household, prowl in the cabinets, etc.  Last night he did that a little, but got up on the sofa with us and stayed there, kind of dozing, the entire evening.  But after we went to bed I saw on the indoor camera footage this morning he had done his "secret cat business" of patrolling most of the night.

I'm hoping that his return to his routine is a good sign.  And here's hoping we get good lab results tomorrow and an encouraging check up.  My deepest fear is the lymphoma.  He has such a long history of gastric issues, and it has been a very long time since he had an ultrasound.  But if he is doing well tomorrow and they don't want to do one, I don't think I'm going to insist on one, unless he backslides in his eating and behavior.

Hugs to you @Artiemom   I hope Artie is pooing today!!
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  • #64


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Update! All is still looking good, but now we've added laxatone? to the routine. He is still increasing his food intake--but demanding treats. It's like he attempts a hunger strike now to get them. I'm having to leave the room now before he will give up on the treats and go eat his wet food. Bloodwork was again stellar. Not dehydrated at all. Right now the focus is on eating and pooping, which so far he's only done once since coming home, and it wasn't much.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Update! All is still looking good, but now we've added laxatone? to the routine. He is still increasing his food intake--but demanding treats. It's like he attempts a hunger strike now to get them. I'm having to leave the room now before he will give up on the treats and go eat his wet food. Bloodwork was again stellar. Not dehydrated at all. Right now the focus is on eating and pooping, which so far he's only done once since coming home, and it wasn't much.
Well that's good that he will eat his wet food if you leave the room, so he can't "hypnotize" you into giving him treats. 

Hopefully now that he is eating better, some poopies will follow. 