"Butters" Aggressive cuddling and other odd behaviors


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2016
My cat butters has had some strange behaviors since I got him. He is a 4 year old, male, fluffly orange tabby with a tail that curls like a corkscrew. I bought him as a kitten from a pet store. I have 2 other male cats and he gets along well with them. I took him to the vet, and they treated him for gastritis but hes still having all the same behaviors.

1. Really Aggresive cuddling: every couple of hours he will get into this "mood" where he gets so affectionate that you cant get him to go away. he will cuddle a person so violently, bashing his head into people, tumbling over, falling off of things, and not only love biting fingers but literally trying to shove the person's finger down his throat so far that he gags. Its like he's trying to eat your entire finger.

3. Can't seem to feel pain. He will get into really intense play fights with the other cats and win because he doesn't seem to feel the claws of the other cats. You can pull his tail and he won't react. You can literraly pick him up and carry him upside down and he won't care. He is reckless and not afraid to run into a closing door or jump off of a really tall place.

4. Forgetfulness. He forgets that's he's been fed and will continue to follow me untill I bring him back to the dish.

5. Corkscrew tail. His tail is curly like a pig. It's lose My curled and does move, but he doesn't seem to have much control over it.

6. Night yoweling.
7. Excessive water drinking. Also, choosing toilet water over fresh water.
8.Pulling out clumps of the with his teeth.
9.Lack of fear for any strangers or our two husky malmutes that do hunt small animals
10.eating to the point that he pukes

Have any of you guys experienced a cat like this? Should I be concerned or is this all normal?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2016
I meant "pulling out clumps of fur with his teeth"

Sorry for the typos, im on mobile and my autocorrect is crazy


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Hello! Are your cats neutered? How much playtime do you have with them per day?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
All you have described is like a year old little outside boy I have right now, he is also reckless, seems to feel no pain when he jumps on the other cats, and displays many of the other characteristics you have described. I think it is their personality. You don't say how old he is, but he may lose some of the traits when he matures, around two years old. The hair pulling is usually a sign of stress, he may be worried or feels insecure about something. As for the water drinking and eating so much, if he has been checked out by a vet and is normal, some cats just do that, I've got a 15 year old that has always drank lots of water all day long. He also pukes if he eats too much. The aggressiveness may get better when he gets older, or once again it may be how he was brought up, if he was taken from his mother at too young of an age, before twelve weeks, that is the time they learn to interact with others and learn their social manners and their boundaries. To curb what he is doing, you will have to ignore him and leave the room. I think it's endearing to see them tumble over  with 'love' and head butt, but it can get very annoying to the older cats. Mine head butts and rolls on the kibble bowl and scatters kibble all over when i feed the strays outside, but it is just one more thing that makes him unique! I think all in all, your Butters is just different and unique, he's making his place in this world, and yours, and wants to stand out! I would love to see a picture of his tail, BTW, all the luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2016
Hello! Are your cats neutered? How much playtime do you have with them per day?
All three are neutered. Two of them don't have much interest in playing but I play with Butters a lot. They play with each other a lot too.