

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2012
This is gonna be fairly long so bare with me!

I have 3 cats a 2 year old female name Mika, a 2 year old male named Bandit and a 4 month old female named Leela. My female Mika is really laid back loves to cuddle and just be near people but she isn't playful at all. As where Bandit never stops running and playing. I decided he could use a friend. I went to my local shelter and adopted little Leela. They bonded with in days. Bandit and Leela are always together and happy as could be. But Mika is insanely mean to the little one. She was fine the first week or 2. Could care less what Leela is doing. Then a huge change. I started notice Leela was all tore up. Mika would/will corner her and just beat her senseless. She went has far as ripping open her toe and clawing her in the eye ball. Leela just drops and huddles in a ball whenever Mika is near. Then it got better for about 2 weeks. No fights. No cowering. Nothing. But it's started again worse then ever. Leela is living under a chair in my living room. she hardly ever comes out. When she does she runs for the litter and food then goes back under the chair. Last night Leela was sleeping on my foot rest and Mika came flying out of nowhere and attacked her. I have read that keeping them away from each other helps but it really hasn't. The carpet in my bedroom is completely ruined from locking her up. I need peace in my household! Please help. I can't get rid of any of them either.
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p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
So for 2 weeks or so they do OK and then it starts back up?  Hmmmm... Is Mika spayed?  If not, she could be coming into heat and that is why she beats up on Leela... Though desexed (I'm assuming since almost all shelters spay and neuter before adopting out) she is still viewed as a female and competition.  If Mika is not spayed, have her done and then separate them for a few weeks, it can take awhile for the residual hormones to flush out of her system. 

Get some Feliway diffusers or ask your vet about something cheaper... Put one in about every other room or so and especially where the kitties spend the majority of their time.  This helps calm them. 

I'm assuming because of the pattern I am seeing that it is because Mika is not spayed.  This is heat cycle behavior.  So look into getting her spayed asap and keep her as seperate as possible from poor Leela until then. 

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
That's unusual that a cat from a rescue shelter is not spayed before adopting out!  Oh well, get her spayed.  Mika may be sensing her cycle and becoming aggressive because of it.  It could also be why your boy is so lovey with her.  Usually they go through puberty at around 5 months but some are early bloomers just like people... Anyway, get some feliway diffusers too.  Keep Leela separated from Mika as much as possible for about a month after desexing... That way all the hormones will be out of her system and the feliway will have taken full affect.  Then try a positive reinforcement reintroduction.  Best of luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2012
She's getting fixed in September! Thanks so much. My household is stressful. Keeping them apart is super hard. Mika has killed the carpet in my bedroom and the linolium in my bathroom =/