Breeder question...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 17, 2005
Sacramento CA
Originally Posted by Southernlocs

Thank you! Well since the plane ticket hasnt been purchased yet i'll see if she will send him when hes 12 weeks. Oh and shes actually been breeding for about 7 yrs or that what it says on the website.

I really appreciate this
I just didnt want to feel like i wasnt doing enough, or doing too much lol(i know i wasnt doing too much) I was more annoying about wanting new pics
Yeah it's hard to wait. I hate waiting and I can get on the annoying side myself. I can understand wanting pics.
Hmmm...breeding for 7 years huh? She should know better, and that's all I want to say on that.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 6, 2005
Forgive me if anything is repeated here, I scanned threw most of the responses but I may have missed some key sentences.

1) If she won't answer your questions, but will keep asking about money and how to get the kitten out of her care, then I would personally leave this situation. This happened to me with someone that I got to be very chummy with, but when she wouldn't talk with me on the important subjects, I cut ties and went else where. It's making you uncomfortable, so it is not a good thing to continue with.

You are adopting a LIFE from this breeder, and paying money for it, so you have every right to drive her insane with any little question that pops into your head if that is your wish.

2) If you are committed or continue with the adoption, get that kitten to see a vet ASAP. Most state laws will hold the breeder liable for any problems found within three days of receiving the kitten, even if you are in different states.

3) Is she traveling with the kitten? If not, then I don't know what airline he could possibly go on. Everyone I know of (where the undercabin temperature is controlled) will not take any animal as cargo without a rabies shot. Rabies can't be given until 12 weeks of age.

4) Also if you continue with the adoption, ask her for references. It sounds like this person is either a mill, or on the verge of being one. It's not responsible or ethical to let go of a kitten that young if you are a breeder - the kitten will learn many important things from Mom between weeks 8-12 and disruption of that could cause social issues. If she's breeding cats and dogs, and has the litters planned so that they're right on top of each other and she has to push the young ones out the door ASAP, then she is not behaving like a very good breeder at all, more like she sees these animals as a money machine. I have a feeling from the posts I've read that she isn't health screening these kittens either.

Again, I would get out of this agreement if you can. There are so many good Bengal breeders that you don't have to work with one that is questionable. If you have a contract, see if there is any clause to refund any money given. You may lose a deposit, but it will be much more costly in the long run if you end up with a sickly kitten.