Brain Tumour?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2014
Hi guys, as I've said in some other threads, my moggy went blind seemingly overnight. On Thursday he went to the vet and had a clean bill of health. His CKD was found to be good, except that the vet thought his eyes were really big, which she thought was because he was scared. The next day, he started bumping into stuff and we found that he was completely blind.
Right now, we are postponing the MRI because we're terrified of having him undergoing anaesthesia. I feel like a horrible pet owner for doing this, and it makes me feel lousy and guilty. I also know that if he went for the MRI and something happened, I would also feel devastated, lousy and guilty. At the moment, I really don't know what to do. We think we'll ask the vet to treat it as inflammation first and see what happens.
Based on everyone's experiences here, what's the likelihood this is a brain tumour? Apart from his sudden blindness, he's eating very well, drinking very well, using the toilet properly (although a week or so before this happened, he kept marking our couch... but this was after we had guests over and we put it down to the behavioural changes he had after he got really sick just back in May with a 3-week bout of anorexia which led to 5 vet visits and a 1 week stay in hospital. Funnily enough, once he went blind, he stopped marking and went back to using the toilet perfectly). He's not circling, falling over or anything like that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Why do you think it's a brain tumor? did the vet suggest that?
Your mind and worry is leading you to dark places right now. Try to rest. Try to move through each day as it comes. Do not move the
furniture, let your moggie learn the pattern of the house. If he runs
into something don't swoop down on him with cries of dismay and sympathy, you will frighten him. Let him explore. he'll learn the lay out of the house faster than you think. Be proud of him as he works to
adjust to his new way of being in the world.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2014
Why do you think it's a brain tumor? did the vet suggest that?
Your mind and worry is leading you to dark places right now. Try to rest. Try to move through each day as it comes. Do not move the
furniture, let your moggie learn the pattern of the house. If he runs
into something don't swoop down on him with cries of dismay and sympathy, you will frighten him. Let him explore. he'll learn the lay out of the house faster than you think. Be proud of him as he works to
adjust to his new way of being in the world.
The vet didn't offer a brain tumour as a suggestion, I just thought of it since that's a logical suspicion. When I asked the vet if it was a brain tumour, the vet just said " I hope not". He said he's seen a lot of cases of inflammation that causes blindness. What I'm worrying about is that he'll start having seizures. I was doing research on the Internet and someone said their cat went blind suddenly and started having seizures several weeks later.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I know you don't want to do this, but could you take one day off from
Internet searches. Just one day to simple be with your moggie and let your mind drift. Make pictures in the clouds outside your window. Listen to the deep moggie purr, let it sing to the beat of your heart. Just be. I think your little one would enjoy that.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2014
Thanks Kflowers. I am going to spend time with my moggy right after I get off this site. I'm scared because I typed in "sudden blindness" in The Cat Site and it didn't throe up a lot of searches, but those searches it turned up did not have happy endings. I am out of my mind with worry, but hope I'll be abe to spend some quality time with him.
I know you don't want to do this, but could you take one day off from
Internet searches. Just one day to simple be with your moggie and let your mind drift. Make pictures in the clouds outside your window. Listen to the deep moggie purr, let it sing to the beat of your heart. Just be. I think your little one would enjoy that.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Feline Vision Problems: A Host of Possible Causes

This is not entirely fun reading, but it does not go right to a brain tumor as a cause of cat blindness. If it is inflammation it should be treated. I understand your hesitation about the MRI and anesthesia. If where you live is like here, the MRI machines are usually at the big vet clinics or universities and they are more prepared for eventualities than your vet would be with anesthesia; respirators usually set up and ready to go, etc.