boy cats versus girl cats?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jan 11, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I have always had boy cats as pets, both as a child and as an adult. My young daughter is considering adopting a female kitten from a friend's cat's new litter. This will be a first for me if we make this decision. Any thoughts on the differences between females and males as pets?


TCS Member
Jan 10, 2021
Boy cats for sure! I dunno but I've had many cats of both genders and I've always had favorite male cats! Plus with females you definitely have to get them fixed or you'll most likey end up with a half dozen more cats or kittens that you'll have to find homes for! Plus maybe it's just my female cat but it seems like her poop is wayyyy smellier then any male cat I've ever had. I know that sounds crazy but I have a friend who says the same thing about his new female cat when he's only had boy cats. Other then that my famale cats have been just a lil more laid back then my boys! But like the person said above just depends on the cat they most def can both have good personalitys. But my preference is still male cats!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I have had both genders for longer than I would like to think (my age, not having cats) and though there are exceptions to the rule, males seem to be much more friendly with other cats and more laid back. It may just be their genetic inheritance, mine right now are pretty inbred, but the females have almost always been bossy, do not play well with others, and are the limit setters, the manners teachers. Both male and female are all nice and cuddly when they are kittens and get to be more standoffish as they age. That is why my husband always tells mine he is getting a dog when they won't sit on his lap. Females especially don't seem to appreciate sharing with another female but tolerate males, they like to boss the around. Two males have almost always been good together and become best friends. You can see a kitten's personality almost from day one develop. Active, bold, curious babies almost always grow up to be that way. Shy, timid kittens seem to stay that way too. That being said, right now I have the sweetest, loving, best behaved little girl who is the mother to my two ornery boys. Her mother died when she was two weeks old and she was hand raised, I always wonder if that had something to do with it.