Bottle babies and their language


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 14, 2014
Just out of curiosity, do bottle babies understand the "language" of other cats? My bottle baby is almsot three, she does the chatter when she sees a bird and talks back when she's in trouble, but she doesn't get on with my two rescues. The most recent rescue is very vocal in friendly chirps, but my bottle baby doesn't "talk" back or seem to understand something like a submissive position. Any thoughts or experience regarding this?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 17, 2015
I've only raised on bottle baby.  I found Lucy in my garage when she was maybe two weeks old, abandoned by her mother.  I'm not sure how generalizable my experience is to other cats.  Hopefully, others here with greater knowledge will chime in.

For what it's worth, Lucy never talks.  She vocalizes in two situations: when she is lonely or when she's frightened.  When Lucy is lonely, she cries a sort of howling, waller sound.  She will cry until either Archie or I find her.  When she's frightened, like if Archie bites her too aggressively, she yelps.  Often she will run to me and hide behind me to protect her. 

If by submissive posture, you mean the "elevator butt" Lucy does that frequently, especially when petted.  In terms of getting along with other cats, she and Archie are best friends.  They were, however, raised together; I found Lucy on the same day I brought Archie home.  In fact, Archie (who grew up in a semi feral community) helped raise her.  

But a few years back I tried to introduce a new cat into our family.  We went thru the month long, gradual introduction process. It did not end well.  Lucy continually attacked the new cat.  I don't mean, playful aggression; I mean full-on, vicious blood drawing attacks.  Eventually, I gave up and re-homed the new kitty.  It broke my heart, but I felt it was the only safe course of action.

I wish you the best.


TCS Member
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
I bottle fed a few in different occasions. Each kitten grew up having their own individual personalities, and their "vocalization" was also assorted. When it came to relationships with other cats, some showed more aggression than others but I found it normal. 

There was one time when I bottle fed four at a time and when they were able to move about, my boy Wawa  
, became their "daddy" and taught them everything about being a cat. 

Another one, Go 
 was quiet but he was very, very naughty, playful and smart. Now that I think of it, Go never meowed at all. 

At present, my oldest cat - San - was bottle fed. He is the most vocal. He's also shy with strangers (humans) but is friendly towards other cats (and dogs).

So for me, it does not make a difference whether bottle fed or not. Cats learn as they grow older and develop their unique kitty temperament. 