Blood on anus


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2016

I have a 5 year old male DSH cat named Benny. For the last few months I've noticed after using the litter box and having a bowel movement there has been a little bright red blood around his anus. Otherwise he is acting normal, eating and drinking, as well doesn't seem to be in any discomfort. I have taken him to my vet twice regarding this issue as originally I had thought it was impacted anal glands. After the first rectal exam the vet found no impacted glands and said he was healthy, I didn't have pictures to show but only by explaining the issue. Upon return to home I tried Incorporate some wet food into his diet for added moisture thinking it could be a slight constipation issue. After about a month it still had happened every once in a while so I took him back again except with pictures and stool for my vet to look at. He did another anal exam to inspect the glands again and as well to see if there were any polyps, nothing... I showed him pictures and he was very stumped as to why it was happening. He said to him he can't find anything wrong. I guess I should mention Benny is also an indoor cat. After that vet visit we talked about changing his food to a high fiber food incase the firmness of the stool was a bit too hard. I have got him fully onto the new food now after slowly introducing it to him. Again now I am still seeing blood although his stool has seemed to get softer with the new food. I saw a very little bit on Sunday October 9th and again now tonight Wednesday October 12th he just went to litter box and there was a slight little bit of bright blood on his anus. Also the Vet inspected his stool and said there is no blood in the actual stool, as well after the rectal exam there was no blood on his finger. I don't understand why this could
Be happening as I never had this issue before. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on what this could be? The vet didn't seem too concerned about it and said he is healthy and can't find anything wrong. Am I just being and over worried cat mom? Any input would be appreciated as I'm driving myself nuts over here with worry.... I will attach a few photos I took before I had taken him the second time to the vet. Mind you thee photos are the worst I've seen it and recently it seems to be less blood? Just from observation... if anyone has other questions you can ask but I think I've included all information I know...


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 8, 2016
Fenton, Missouri
Cheyenne, our siamese has blood in his stool sometimes. The vet said that he has irritable bowel syndrome. He is on a vitamin B-12 shot and  special diet. It helps but there is still some blood every once in a while.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Sydney Australia
I am a human doctor, not a vet and any advice that I give you should be checked with a vet.  

Having written that, it appears from the photo that there is bright red blood on the anus, suggesting that the bleeding is fairly local.  Blood from the upper bowel is affected by gastric or intestinal juices and turns black. 

Is there any small tear or abrasion on the anus?  If your cat will allow you (my cat will strenuously object) try cleaning the cat's backside - gently! - with a moist cloth.  You may see the cause there as an abrasion or small tear. If not, I suggest expectant treatment - if you do not know the diagnosis, then do nothing but watch carefully.  There will be only three possible outcomes:

1. The bleeding will stop and you have cured the cat.

2. the bleeding will get worse - and you should take the cat to the vet ASOP!

3. The bleeding will stay the same and you continue watching.  However if the bleeding is continuing, as before, for any length of time, then you should discuss it again with your vet.   

I don't think that you should let yourself be sick with worry as long as this is only minor bleeding - but stay in contact with your vet.

With all best wishes,

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TCS Member
Apr 2, 2024
Hi OP, I noticed my cat has been having the same issues as yours and my vet is also just as stumped!
Did you ever find out what was wrong?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The OP was here on TCS for literally one day...the day that the thread was started, so you may not get a reply.