Blood in Poop Part 2

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
I took some poop in today to be tested. They are going to do two tests. One in in house, a diarrhea panel. The other is sent to a lab, I think it was a giardia panel.

Regarding the rest of the tests you mentioned, @cat-tech:

- He said blood work isn't necessary, wouldn't show us anything (I don't know how...can't they just check white blood cell count or something simple as an indicator of infection?)

- He said we could do an ultrasound, which could show inflammation or possible growths

- X-ray would only show bone/blockages, and if she had one, it's likely that she'd be vomiting and not going poop

- The best answer would be to do a scope - but this is more expensive and we'd have to put her under anesthesia.

- He said that we should come in and get some of the Royal Canin high fiber diet because it's geared to food sensitivities, and if it clears up on that food, it's likely just food insensitivity. (But such meh ingredients...and he'd want her on it long term).

I just want her to be better.
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
The poop tests came back, basically negative for everything except some things that they will apparent test positive for forever.

So we went to pick up the Royal Canin hypoallergenic food to give it a shot, but she hates pate and wouldn't even go near it.

Does anyone know of a different/non-pate hypoallergenic food we could try before trying another four weeks of Tylosin?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I don't know the consistency of any of the CANNED limited ingredient foods, but do know that if you were to get the freeze dried raw foods and rehydrate them, you can control how much you rehydrate them, making them somewhat chunky.  The Feline Natural stays very chunky, but it's got TWO proteins in it...Chicken and either lamb or venison.  What flavor hypoallergenic food did you try?  Primal makes several unusual proteins that might work...not sure how they hold up when rehydrated though...mine eat it in the dry form as treats. 

You could always make her food yourself.  There are supplements you can add to make sure it's nutritionally complete.  Here's a resource thread on it:
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
Hey everyone. Update: we've tried tobgetbher to eat a couple of more foods for food sensitivities, but she won't touch them.

For a couple of days, we started to see improvement...she was still having diarhhea at the end of what looked like normal poops...until this one earlier this evening that I just scooped. Now I'm really concerned.

That's a black poop. It was really small too. She went again after that and had a normal brown one with diarhhea at the end - maybe a bit if the red blood but not much.

Isn't black poop a sign that there's bleeding higher up in the digestive system? Isn't it more serious now? :'(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
GI bleed stool is usually very sticky/tacky. 

You might consider trying some of the suggestions on the link below. If this was my cat I'd have her on a bland meat only diet while using s boulardii and slippery elm syrup to get the diarrhea under control and then slowly reintroduce commercial foods to pinpoint the sensitivity. You could be dealing with IBD, and if you are you may need to work towards raw or homecooked to control it.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 12, 2016
Dorset, England
I didn't read your first thread, so forgive me if I only have half the story. 

When we first got my cat, he had poo like in your picture. Soft, often unformed, and with mucousy blood. The vet gave him dewormer because he was a kitten, but I don't think that was the problem since he's an indoor cat and his sister never had any problems with her poo. He also wouldn't touch the special digestive food because he hates pate. I started feeding him homemade food, and since then his poo has been completely normal except once or twice when he has managed to eat something he shouldn't. I take chicken thighs and breasts and wrap them in foil, cook them in the oven until they're done, reserve the liquid that seeps out during cooking, chop the meat into cat-size pieces, mix it back into the cooking liquid, add some extra water and a mix-in to make it complete cat food (I use Felini Complete because I'm in the UK, if you're in the US you could use EZ Complete or another brand) and a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin puree. He's been eating a variation of this (sometimes with turkey, sometimes duck, occasionally beef) and like I said his poo issues cleared up completely. It's a bit labour intensive, but both my cats love it. 
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
She went in for an ultrasound today. The vet is going to call with the results later...the tech let me take photos of the images they got, and I am a little confused. They took images of her left kidney, right kidney, spleen, bladder, gall bladder, and stomach. If the problem is blood in the poop and they are looking for inflammation in the digestive system, shouldn't they have taken images of like, her intestines and stuff?

Feeding homemade food really scares me because I can barely get nutrition down right for myself, let alone my kitty. But if it gets to that point where nothing else works, I am up to try anything.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
She went in for an ultrasound today. The vet is going to call with the results later...the tech let me take photos of the images they got, and I am a little confused. They took images of her left kidney, right kidney, spleen, bladder, gall bladder, and stomach. If the problem is blood in the poop and they are looking for inflammation in the digestive system, shouldn't they have taken images of like, her intestines and stuff?

Feeding homemade food really scares me because I can barely get nutrition down right for myself, let alone my kitty. But if it gets to that point where nothing else works, I am up to try anything.
EZcomplete does all the work for you. All you do is cook up boneless meat, or use raw meat, add the supplement and you're done. It's super easy!

Seems like their site is down right now, but def poke around on it when it's back up there's tons of good info. 


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
@catzorz, what were the results?  You  never came back and told us, unless you started a new thread that I don't remember. 
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
@mrsgreenjeens Sorry! I ended up making a different thread after we got her ultrasound done because this was was getting really long to read though and I was super freaking out/needed advice.

Her ultrasound showed thickening of the likely IBD or lymphoma.

I have only been feeding the Rayne Kangaroo Maint, and I have seen some improvement! The majority of her poops are actually shaped like poop...not big stinky piles of mush anymore. While there is sometimes a bit of diarrhea/mucous/blood at the end of her poops, it is not as frequent and definitely not as severe as it was before. More recently (the past few days), I have noticed blood drops at the end of the poop again...which is concerning because it seemed like she was getting better. Hopefully it was just a fluke. It's been a few weeks now on the kangaroo and the vet said to try it for six weeks. I am hopeful that it will work, but I am also super concerned about what we do if it doesn't work....but I am trying not to think about that!