Bladder Crystals....and What To Do Next


TCS Member
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Jun 18, 2018
My 13 year old boy cat nearly died two years ago. After trying to deal with bladder crystals under the vets guidance, he got a complete blockage and ended up in the hospital for the next two weeks. He recovered and since then we have had to keep him on C/D prescribed food and catease to ease any urethra discomfort. Nearly two years on and every now and again an attack would come, he wees outside the cat litter tray for a couple of days and then it calms back down. These attack’s are becoming more frequent. My other cat now has to eat C/D to ensure that my boy cat is not throwing off his PH. Since Thursday night he has started peeing on my bed. I have a small child child and I’m becoming frantic with cleaning my bed constantly and have had to have two changes in one night since then, plus changing every night. An hour ago we woke up to find yet another wet patch and realised he was the wet patch. So now we believe he is incontinent. He has halfed in size in the past year and he has also started to look incredibly old. We were at the vet 6-8 weeks ago as I was worried about yet another attack he had had. I’m at a loss what to do. He is still my baby boy, but he is rapidly turning into an old man at what I would still think is a young age for a cat. He constantly fights with my other cat and he only ever wants to be asleep on my bed. Am I being cruel keeping him alive? Am I cruel if I end his life? I’m between a rock and a hard place!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The fighting and sleeping may indicate that he is in pain.Does he crave any attention from you, or does he seem to want to be alone? I think it is a way to distance himself from all he loves to make the parting a little more tolerable. The best thing to do is to talk to a vet that knows him. Make a list of all the new changes he is going through and ask an honest opinion from someone who has been there many times.
It sounds like he has been through a lot in the last few years, and you have honestly been an angel to take care of him the way you are. It hurts so badly to see them deteriorate, 13 is not a great age, but he has had many good years too, and I'm sure he knows whatever decision you make, it will be one of the heart. I would take him in for one last checkup and see exactly where his condition stands. You could lay puppy pee pads on your bed, or get a couple of waterproof mattress pads to lay over the bed and protect it from the urine. One handy to replace the other. It won't be forever and he doesn't know what he is doing. He needs you now please give him some quality attention, and tell him how much you love him. There comes a time when living becomes existing, not truly living. When there is no cure to what is causing the pain, when there is nothing but a future full of unending pain and unhappiness, that is the time. If you think he is at that point, then it would be kinder to end his pain. Don't be upset at being mad at him for all the bed changes, that is perfectly normal and most likely from lack of sleep and interrupted nights. It is human to do so. Just hold him tight and tell him you love him and will be with him through all this. He, like you, will always remember the good times, and the bond you have with that sweet boy will help you and give you you comfort.
My heart goes out to you. This is not an easy time in any one's life. For your little one or for you. please know I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, please keep in touch, we are here.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 10, 2018
Putting him to sleep isn't cruel if he is suffering or has a poor quality of life. I would take him back to the vet and discuss your options with him. It's worth giving him a chance and to exhaust all other options first. a 13 year old can have at least a few good years in him if you can figure this out, and if it's something that's not manageable or he's going to suffer a lot, you can go from there.

Sorry to hear about all his issues. Hopefully something can be done to make him more comfortable.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Welcome to TCS albeit I'm sorry you are having serious health problems with your cat of 13 years. :hugs: I agree you should have a talk with your vet since they know your senior boy and his medical history best. Here is an Article regarding making a difficult decision that may be helpful to you:
When Is It Time? - Making The Difficult Decision

Please keep us posted on your cat's progress and know that we are here to help and support you. :alright:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Your little boy has "halved in size" and has become incontinent. In NO WAY would you be cruel should you decide he should go over the Rainbow Bridge. Quality of life is #1, and only you and your vet can know if that quality has been reduced to such a way that the time will come. I think at 13 years old, losing half his weight and urinary incontinence are all things to greatly consider. This is very difficult and I don't envy you this situation. Please do not feel guilty should you decide his little body has had enough. :alright:
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TCS Member
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Jun 18, 2018
Thank you everyone. I have spoke to the vets practise. I am going to take a sample in this week and they will check for any infection. Then depending on results it will be back to the vet to discuss options. I’m aware hormone treatments can be given etc, however with the bladder stones, I’m not sure if the treatment will be advised. I think what I’m finding difficult in getting my head around, is that he is still Claude. He still wants cuddles and he still has the want to play.....just as I was typing he has pee’d all over the floor.’s just all getting a little too much. Xx


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Lafemme, I totally understand. It truly does get to be a lot - not just for our furbabies, but for us. There is no shame in admitting that. I think you are doing a wonderful job in exploring all options before making such a huge decision. It's a lot of cope with and a lot of information will be thrown your way, I imagine, after they check the sample. One thing is for sure - I don't know what is best for Claude, but I DO know he sounds like a happy cat who loves you very much! Despite his ailments, he wants to play and cuddle. This is a happy cat. :alright: Rest easy knowing that, no matter what you decide.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 27, 2018
Athens, Greece
It is so hard having to make that decision. I was there just 11 days ago when I put my baby to sleep. Mine had lost more than half his weight, I was force feeding him for 36 days, I was giving insulin injections, taking him to the vet everyday for IV fluids a.s.o. There comes a time when we have to make this decision not for our sake but for theirs. Is his life unhappy. You say that he plays and cuddles, this is something. My baby would do nothing but purr and yet I didn't know if he purred just to ease his pain which might be the case many times. He wouldn't even drink water on his own, he only used the litter box normally and still I found poop in the living room sometimes within those days. He didn't groom himself or do his nails on the board. Does your cat do these things? If yes, I would discuss it with the vet. See if he is in any pain, if he is going to be in pain, but take this very seriously so as not to have any regrets later. For me, I only regret not putting him to sleep one week earlier. I didn't want to have to see him fall here and there, almost lifeless but I did, because I tried too much. So, also read the article here 'When is it time?', it helps a lot.

Good luck with everything. My prayers are with you and your sweet fur baby.
Lots of hugs and kisses to you both.:purr::lovecat3::lovecat4:
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TCS Member
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Jun 18, 2018
He has got worse with grooming himself, but because of the leaking eee, he cleans himself a lot. He has scar tissue inside of his penis from the bladder stones, so he gets sore there anyways. He is still being Claude, just not realising he is weeping himself and then he goes off and pee’s in corners etc. His appetite has never been the same in two years, after he was in hospital having treatment. He associates food with issues. He can’t have a lot of the medication because it made him so poorly last time and he vet and I are reluctant to try him again. It’s hard to think about putting him to sleep, but then I can’t imagine he is happy wetting himself. He can’t sleep with me anymore, because we keep being woken to our bed being wet threw. I’m so worried my little boy will come into contact with the wee, it could make him poorly. I’m going to get him seen on Saturday and take his urine sample with me.

I’m so sorry you’re little furry baby had to pass over. So so sad. But now he is no longer in pain. It doesn’t always help, but you did EVERYTHING you could xxx


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 27, 2018
Athens, Greece
Thank you so much. And I am sure you are doing everything you can too. So I guess take him to the vet with his urine sample and take it from there. He doesn't have to sleep with you and it is ok, I also had to take my cat from his mates with whom he had been for almost 12 years but I had to monitor him. Make sure you show your love and affection by holding him close and talking to him. They do understand you love them. I did too although he was pushing me away as if he wanted to make my pain less towards the end. I hope things get better but mostly that your little boy doesn't suffer.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Cat1967, that was so beautiful, one of the most beautiful posts I ever read. It is so very true - they do know we love them, and if they push away in the end, it is probably to ease our pain, not theirs .
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TCS Member
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Jun 18, 2018
So we went to the vets last night. Vet tested his urine. Apart from some signs of inflammation, no blood or anything to out of the ordinary. Examination of him, all looks good. Bladder felt healthy. On the scales, in 6 weeks he has put on some weight, phew! So why is he peeing? Honestly at his stage the vet has no idea. He is displaying signs of stones or at least a bladder issue, but is also showing signs of behavioural issues! So been sent home with catease and metacam and need to go back for an ultrasound. I couldn’t take another. Ugh the of not sleeping for fear of him peeing, so I made him lay next to me and just cuddled him. I think me stopping him on the bed has made him more nervous and as he suffers with anxiety which brings on cystitis, I thought I would give him another try and staying try. I think we have had a dry night. Yet to find any surprises!! Still no further forward in a diagnosis or knowing what to do with him. I’m going to order a feliway plug in, just my bedroom. Maybe that will help. Thank you everyone x


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 27, 2018
Athens, Greece
I am glad to hear good news. The truth is that changing a cat's habits can cause anxiety and abnormal behavior. When I had Benji with me all the time, my other cat was so pissed and she didn't want me even to touch her. Also my Yorkie, when he is jealous he pees here and there out of spite. I think feliway is going to make him relax. Lots of kisses to both of you!