Black Spots on Cat’s Nose (Help!)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2019
Hi everyone,
I am hoping that someone might have some insight into an ongoing problem we’ve had. My cat keeps getting black spots on his nose that wipe off but keep coming back. We have taken him to the vet a few times and its not anything cancerous or bacterial according to swabs they took.

For some quick background, he is a rescue cat and we think he might’ve been abused in his previous household, he had physical trauma to both eyes and lost one.

The ongoing theory that the vet has is that tears from his damaged eye are leaking down his nose and causing the skin irritation/scabbing. This might be the cause but I still feel unsure. Anyone else have any ideas? Has anyone seen this on their cat before? Should we try another vet and get another opinion?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Does kitty drink or eat from a plastic dish? If so switch to glass or metal. Plastic can cause a sort of acne in kitties. Perhaps it is fungal. Cats do get problems with that. Is it tender? I wonder if vision issues cause kitty to bump into anything that caused small injuries? Also, does kitty have any pain that would cause head rubbing against something? It may be as the vet suggested but if kitty seems uncomfortable or these spots are raised I would revisit the issue with the vet. If you are not confident in the answers then I would ask another vet to give a second opinion.
Thank you so much for taking this rescue kitty! Kitty is absolutely beautiful! Please do keep us updated. We’d love to know more about kitty too. Welcome to TCS!

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Are you sure that he's not getting into something?
That sure looks like dirt spots, to me.

If he's blind on one side, that means that he doesn't have good depth perception. He can't tell how far away things are by sight alone.

He can use his vibrissae (whiskers) to feel for objects and tell what they are but he needs to be close in order to do that.
If an object is too far away to be detected by the vibrissae he might bump his nose into it before he can judge distance.

Those dots on his nose look as if they were made by something round like a crayon or a magic marker. If they were because of fluid coming from his eye then congealing, I wouldn't expect them to be so regularly shaped.

Might they even be something like cigarette ashes? I smoke. Even though I always smoke outside, I always bring my butts inside and throw them into the trash. Once in a while, one might fall out of the trash can without my notice then Casper could come over to sniff it and, potentially, get ashes on his nose.

Weirder things have happened! ;)