Black patches on abdomen


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 13, 2022
Hello everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone could provide any insight on whether these black patches on my cats abdomen are normal or a cause for concern? The 1st image I took shortly after her spay surgery and the 2nd image is from today (a month later) when I noticed the patches.

I realize I may be overanalyzing it and I do apologize, but she's a bit of a fragile kitty and has been through quite a lot. A little background: she came to us with some sort of respiratory infection, as well as ear mites and an ear infection.. also she had an eye ulcer after a fight with another cat. Most of these problems were solved (she is still a bit congested sometimes but the vet said that's due to the small size of her nose and environmental irritants) so I thought things were finally looking up. But then she vomited (never done this before while she was sick with the other ailments). I thought it was just a 1 time regurgitation due to eating too fast/overeating as her poop was normal and she was not lethargic. However a week later she had another vomiting (seemed like regurgitation) and so she has been on vet prescribed digestive food for the past few weeks.

Then this week, she vomited again, several times, could not keep any food down, lethargy, as well as loose stool. I took her to the ER and they gave her some sort of anti-nausea injection to break up the vomit cycle (to my understanding) as well as a probiotic to put in her food. Elected against an X-ray unless the problem continued. I still don't know the cause of this vomit spell, as we ruled out plant ingestion (no plants in the room she stays in and no lilies in the house at all) as well as toy ingestion (I only brought out the feathered toys under supervision). She's a a bit of a picky eater (not interested in any treats ive tried) and only eats what's in her food bowl so I'm just at a loss for what it could've been. Since then, she has been able to hold down food and her stool has returned to a normal consistency... she did not vomit under my supervision, but while I was asleep she may have because I found a couple mystery patches (small and dried) on the ground in the morning...

Sorry for the long winded history, I just want to be extra vigilant to prevent further health problems in her future. The vomiting seemed to come out of nowhere and I want to make sure it's not correlated to the patches.
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TCS Member
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May 13, 2022
I was going through the forums and I realized she had been doing this "meatloaf" position this morning. I've seen her do this a couple times before in the height of her sickness but it did not even occur to me that it was not normal.... 😭


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I'd recommend taking her in to her regular vet for a check-up -- but also to make sure that she is healing (or has healed) properly from her spay surgery a month or so ago. The vet might want to rule out any possible infection from that, to be sure.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. That meatloaf position and the expression on her face does seem to indicate that is not feeling well. And I do agree that a regular vet - not an ER vet - should take a look at her - for the dark patches, a re-check of her spay incision, and for her general wellbeing.