Biting, Scratching And Keeping Us Awake


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2017
We adopted our cat in August. He is about 1 year old. He is really bad about biting and scratching us (my husband and I). Most of the time it happens when we are sleeping. We do play with him before we go to bed and he does have toys and a 5 foot cat tree. I almost think he bites and scratches just to get attention because he never seems angry and doesn't hiss or growl.

We live in a 2 bedroom apartment and he has "escaped" the apartment a couple times. Meaning he walked down the hallway a bit before we were able to grab him.

We also don't have any kids and we both work, so we are gone the majority of the day.

Do you think he needs more attention and/or space than we are able to give him?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
I've lived alone (with a cat) a lot of years and worked, so it's ok to be gone for work hours. Cats sleep most of the time you're not home. It does sound like he may need a little more play time with you though. Maybe add an extra play session in the morning and/or after work?

Also, and I think the main problem is that one year old kitties are right at the peak of the "teenage years", which fortunately only last a few months in human time. They act like crazy teenagers for a while, testing their boundaries.

Give him a verbal correction and set him on the floor. He will likely try two or three times, or he may figure it out and jump back up to sleep instead of play attack. If giving him a firm "No kitty" and moving him off the bed doesn't get him to stop the attacks, you may need to put him out of the room either for a little while or for that night. (Expect him to meow at the door, but you're going to need to ignore him until he associates his biting/scratching with isolation from you.)

How have you been responding to his attacks so far?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I don’t think the problem is space or attention. It is mostly been a teenage cat who needs to have some boundaries set. When your guy bites, scratches or trys to play on you during the night tell him no and set him on the floor. If he comes back and starts again shut him out of the bedroom. If you do this consistently he will learn if he wants to stay in the bedroom with you he needs to lay down or play quietly. You are probably going to have more than a few nights of interrupted sleep and getting up to shut him out and he will likely pitch a major fit at being shut out of the room but he will learn to settle down.

Also, other there should be no play, petting or attention given to him in the bedroom except for removing him so that he also figured out the bedroom is sort of boring and there is more fun to be had in other rooms while you are sleeping.


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
~ Welcome to the world of cats . I hope your bed survives ! :gingercat:
We always have had several cats . They play and keep each other company . I always thought it better to have more than one .
I've had a few cats that want to play like yours . I give them some attention , put them under the blanket , let them play with my fingers . I think they want your attention . Feed your cat before bed and see if that helps .
Good luck & pleasant dreams ...
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