Best Cat Litter For A Cat With Mild Asthma?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 12, 2017
I've switched from Scoop Away to Arm&Hammer to Worlds Best Cat Litter but I haven't found anything I'm 100% happy with. Was hoping you guys can give me some advice based off what I'm looking for.

1) No dust, so probably no clay-based
2) Scented enough that I can't tell if I have a litter box. I got WBCL unscented and it clumps well, it just smells like litter...I know scented things are taboo especially with asthma but also I live in a studio apartment.
3) Clumps well. Scoopable. Low maintenance.

For whatever its worth, I'd use WBCL if one of their other litter products have better odor control. I know they have pine and they have lavender...I just dont want it to be overly scented.


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
There are a lot of great suggestions on this thread: The Best Cat Litter

I don’t really have any suggestions from my personal experience because my Charlie uses the same cheap clay litter he had at the shelter, because I didn’t want to change things up when I first adopted him, and I have since been hesitant to change it, because he likes this litter.

That being said, I once cat sat for a cat who used Tidy Cats LightWeight 24/7 Performance Clumping Cat Litter. I liked this litter, it was so easy to scoop because it clumped so well, and is unscented but still keeps odors at a minimum, and is basically dust-free (99.9% dust-free).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I have a cat with mild asthma, and he cannot deal with any clay, or dusty or scented litter. I dont think the scented stuff really does much anyway, just gives you a lavender or pine scented poop JMO. :dizzy:

I use a few different litters, i have 4 cats and i like to give choices.

I guess the all around favorite is a grass based litter. I use either Abound that i get at our Kroger store, or i order Pioneer brand smart cat from chewy.

I also like Litter maid walnut litter that i get from Walmart. These days i even mix the Walnut and the grass litter in equal amounts. The grass is lighter weight and tracks a bit more, but clumps better, its amazing at clumping. The walnut is heavier and does not track much, but does not clump quite as well, good but not as good as the grass litter.. Mixing seems to bring out the best in both. But im fine with either one all on its own.

Both of these are fragrance free, and as far as i can tell dust free. I dont have a problem with odor with either litter, i think they both do a good job. I and my cats like both.

the other one i use is Dr. Elseys crystal litter, the respiratory relief, Its not a clumping litter, but it works very well.

I used WBCL for a while when i first started my "Litter Quest" But i found it to be dusty.


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
Hi there, corn and wheat based litters are actually some of the worst for dust. They can even be worse than clay litters. In my experience I have found that the only dust free litter is paper litter. If your cat has asthma it may be worth switching over to paper to ensure that it's dust free. Other than that, I would say that grass litter is the least dustiest of the rest. A popular brand is Smart Cat.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Hi there, corn and wheat based litters are actually some of the worst for dust. They can even be worse than clay litters. In my experience I have found that the only dust free litter is paper litter. If your cat has asthma it may be worth switching over to paper to ensure that it's dust free. Other than that, I would say that grass litter is the least dustiest of the rest. A popular brand is Smart Cat.
I like smart cat a lot. But if you have a kroger near by try their abound brand sometime. Smart cat has very very little dust, but it breaks down and has a little. The Abound brand is even less dusty.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I use Smart Cat now and really like it. Clumps well, no odor, not much dust. I’ve also used and like Okocat, which has several varieties of clumping and non-clumping wood, as well as a non-clumping paper. I’ve used the Super Soft clumping wood. Again, good clumping, no odor problems, and low dust. They’re quite light weight, though, and do track. I keep a cheap shaggy rug around the boxes that catches most of the litter they track out of the box.