Bengal escaped outside for 4 days, now he's a monster.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 7, 2013
I love this cat dearly and when my roommate accidentally let him out of the house I was devastated! Me and my boyfriend were up for 4 night crying and looking everywhere for him. We finally got a call from a neighbor on the 4th day saying he was napping on their patio. I ran their and picked him up, we were elated!!

The first night and day back he drank, ate, and slept a lot. The next day he started getting really noisy, meowing NON STOP. I thought it might help if I put on his harness and take him for a long walk. I did and he seemed pretty happy with it. When we got back, he slept through the night and it was fine. 

Then yesterday he became the cat from hell. We got home from work and he started his meowing, REALLY LOUD AWFUL HOWLING MEOWS! So, I took him on a walk. We came back and he started back up again in an hour. I took him on another one and he staid pretty quiet. We went to sleep and about an hour into sleeping... he started up again. I didn't know what to do! He just meowed and meowed and we tried to ignore him but he just did it some more. IT WAS AWFUL. 

This morning we wake up to find he's peed on my boyfriend shoes. He's never ever done that before. On the walks I take him on he pees really strangely, he does it like he's spraying. He shakes and shoots pee out directly behind him.

PLEASE WE NEED YOUR ADVICE. We feel helpless and we just dont' know what to do. 


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I'm sorry your cat is acting up--but glad you found him.

A couple of questions:  is he a pure bred Bengal?  How old is he and is he neutered?

As a general/blanket statement:  when any cat has gone missing outdoors for any length of time, I always recommend a visit to the vet.  You never know what parasite (worms) he may have picked up; the uncharacteristic spraying/peeing may be his way of communicating to you that he doesn't feel well.

OTOH, he may have tasted the 'wild side' (of being outdoors) and is having a difficult time readjusting.  Or, what he discovered outside scared him and he is acting out. In either case, I would use some Feliway plug ins and maybe some Rescue Remedy (calming agent).  I don't know if walking him outside makes him more scared/missing the outdoors more or not.  I do think his behavior is probably temporary, unless he's not neutered, in which case, his behavior may escalate.  Try giving him extra love and attention.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 7, 2013
He is pure bred and he is neutered. He has a vet appointment Monday so hopefully we can check illness off the list soon.

We've tried to play with him but he won't play with any of his toys :( Our savannah kitten, who he used to play with all the time, tries to engage him and he just growls or walks away. It helps to know its temporary but it's just so hard because I want him happy :(


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 20, 2013
Maybe a catio may satiate his need to be outside?

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
I love this cat dearly and when my roommate accidentally let him out of the house I was devastated!

Okay, here are my "normal" list of questions: The first is, how old is he? I know he is neutured already. But, at what age was he castrated (that will make more sense later on)?

Has he ever escaped before? If so, how long? If not, has he been outside at all? Meaning, was he used to being "walked" on a harness and leash? Or, did he have access to a enclosure?

Next set of questions: how is he acting to the humans? Is he scared/frightened? Or, is he his "normal happy go luck self"? Is he aggressive with the people in the household? Lastly, on this set of questions, has a "stranger" (to him) been in the home since he was back in the home (again, this will make more sense later on)?

Last set of questions, how is he reacting the the F3 Savannah? Is he acting aggressive towards him or frightened of him? Or, are they still the "best of friends"? That answer will be very telling, of the future, based off my experience with SBT Bengals. Now, I am sure you still have your DSH's correct? If so, you want to keep him AWAY from them. Unless, he is showing a POSITIVE interest in them, just until he calm down!

Me and my boyfriend were up for 4 night crying and looking everywhere for him.

I can only imagine
. I would be a hysterical mess!

We finally got a call from a neighbor on the 4th day saying he was napping on their patio. I ran their and picked him up, we were elated!!

Was he "caught" before or after the fireworks started (again, once you answer, the question will make a lot more sense)? I can't imagine how elated you where!

The first night and day back he drank, ate, and slept a lot.

I am really really surprised by that. Did he lose a noticeable amount of weight?

The next day he started getting really noisy, meowing NON STOP.

I was expecting that first night. Was he meowing or making "noises" you never heard? If it is the latter, it the Prionailurus bengalensis (Asian Leopard cat) that you are now "hearing". The noises might or might not increase in "strange" level. Meaning, he may or may not make more "odd noises".

I thought it might help if I put on his harness and take him for a long walk. I did and he seemed pretty happy with it.

Okay, now let me start off by saying this: Do you want to routinely "walk" him? If so, then, you MUST only walk him when he is calm. Yes, I know, that might mean hours of "meowing" (it sounds more like screaming?). But, unless, you only walk him, when he is "CALM" you are simply reinforcing the negative behavior. If you are thinking, this is more like positive puppy training, you are correct. Now, if, you do not want to routinely "walk him" you need to STOP IT NOW. Since, the longer he has any exposure to the outside world, the more he will want it. 

When we got back, he slept through the night and it was fine. 

That is very very very very interesting. I guess, this might boil down to "do you want to walk the Bengal daily"? How long did you walk him that day and how far? Did he spray/mark while you walked him? Lastly, did he urinate or defecate during the walk?

Then yesterday he became the cat from hell.

Okay next set of questions: One, how long was he in your home by then? Like, since he had been "caught". Did you walk him yesterday? Had anything (and I do mean ANYTHING) changed in his environment since he "got home". Did the Savannah or domestic "suddenly" react differently to him? Did any human in the house, "SUDDENLY" react different to him?

We got home from work and he started his meowing, REALLY LOUD AWFUL HOWLING MEOWS!

Definitely horrible to us
. VERY NORMAL, for a hybrid (of any generation, meaning F1-F5) that went from having "freedom" (no matter how brief) to being confined in the house, This is why, I do NOT recommend hybrids be allowed in enclosures like pure exotics and some people do with pure domestics. Nor, do I recommend, as a general rule, that people "walk" there hybrid kitten. Since, once, they have had a "taste" of the outside world, that is ALL they will want. As a general rule, that does not end well for the cat or human.

So, I took him on a walk. We came back and he started back up again in an hour.

I am not surprised. Since, he naturally liked the outdoors, he wanted more. Plus, he has "learned" (threw no fault of your own) that if he "cries and carries on" you will give him more of what he wants. That is why, like I said earlier, if you are going to commit to walking him, it must be when he is calm. Even if it takes him HOURS to become calm.

I took him on another one and he staid pretty quiet.

He stayed pretty quite inside or outside? How long where each walk? Are you walking him around the same area? Are you walking him around different area's? How fast are you walking him? Lastly, what is the pace of your walks : "his pace" fast or slow?

We went to sleep and about an hour into sleeping... he started up again. I didn't know what to do!

Yes, I know, this is going to sound repetitive cause it is, but, if you are going to commit to walking him, he must be calm. Or, he is learning "pitch a fit/throw a temper tantrum" and I get what I want! At night, you need to simply ignore it, Yes, it is hard and yes it will get very very loud and quite possibly for a very very long time, but, he must learn (again, ONLY IF, you are going to commit to walking him) to be CALM and NO NIGHT walk. I want to point out, if you want to talk him at 3am that is fine. In fact he would be very very happy. But, I suspect, you do not want to talk him at 3am. So, he needs to learn no night walks!

He just meowed and meowed and we tried to ignore him but he just did it some more.

That is very very normal for a myriad of reasons. I will just touch on a few. One, your F5 Bengal "suddenly" has more in common with a early generation (F1-F3) Bengal hybrid. Meaning, his Prionailurus bengalensis instincts have been "awakened". His instincts dictate he should be outside at night "hunting/living it up". Well, until his escape, we "taught" him different. However, now, "he knows different" and is in no uncertain terms "telling you". Next, he learned that "meowing" got him what he wanted. That was to go outside. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, though only time will tell, he just "misses" his freedom more at night.


Yes, a screaming Bengal is NO FUN. My F1 Bengal, when I fist got her, made some outrageous noises, that first night. However, she stopped doing it very quickly. Your boy, will most likely quite down, but, it could realistically take weeks or even months for it to happen. Depending on how you answer the questions, that will help me advise you, on how to "calm him down".

This morning we wake up to find he's peed on my boyfriend shoes.

Are you SURE it was him? I only ask cause it could have been one of the pure domestics or the F3 Savannah. If it was indeed on of them, the behavior modification for that is VASTLY different then for the F5 Bengal. Now, if, you are sure that it is the Bengal, it is what I will call "protest" urination. Meaning, you ignored him all night and he was "angry". So, I would recommend you crate him (in a dog crate ideally) with just his liter box (a familiar one), water (in a familiar bowel), and a towel. If, that is not an option, then, a small tiled bathroom with the same "enticements" at night. Yes, he will complain more, But, it will help him "learn". Of course, either clean those shoes with a good enzymatic cleaner or throw them away.

As Ritz pointed out, it could be a UTI. I HIGHLY doubt it, But, if it is a UTI meds will fix it. That is MUCH better then a behavioral problem in a hybrid.

He's never ever done that before.

Has he done it since? If he has TRULY never done it before, it could be a UTI. You did say he had UTI's before right and that was why you did not want to change his diet? Is he urinating at all in the litter box? If so, is he urinating normally? Okay, maybe Ritz is right about it being a UTI *shrugs shoulders* on that one. But, I really hope it is a UTI. Much much easier to fix then a behavioral problem.

On the walks I take him on he pees really strangely, he does it like he's spraying. He shakes and shoots pee out directly behind him.

I am guessing now, he was castrated when you got him around 12 weeks? Or, was castrated before five months? If I am correct, then his internal "plumbing" was not "fully developed". This is NOTHING to worry about. It just explain why he is spraying in a "less then standard format"


I gave you some advice and yes I know, as usual, a lot of questions. As you always do, please be thoughtful and as descriptive as possible, with your answers. I hope that helped some. Please hang in there. He will EVENTUALLY calm down.

We feel helpless and we just dont' know what to do.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 7, 2013
Okay, here are my "normal" list of questions: The first is, how old is he? I know he is neutured already. But, at what age was he castrated (that will make more sense later on)?

Has he ever escaped before? If so, how long? If not, has he been outside at all? Meaning, was he used to being "walked" on a harness and leash? Or, did he have access to a enclosure?

He is 4 years old. He was neutered when he was somewhere between 6 and 9 months old. He has escaped before. We usually track him down right away. One time he did get out for a full night but he came walking in the next morning. When he was a kitten I took him on walks all the time, but it seemed to make his meowing worse so I stopped doing it.

Next set of questions: how is he acting to the humans? Is he scared/frightened? Or, is he his "normal happy go luck self"? Is he aggressive with the people in the household? Lastly, on this set of questions, has a "stranger" (to him) been in the home since he was back in the home (again, this will make more sense later on)?

Although he's more 'growly' at both humans and cats since he got back he is not aggressive or skiddish. He's not his normal self he growls when we pick him up and he growls out our savannah kitten, but he's not mean or scared. He's just little more standoffish. I'm not sure if any strangers have been in the house since he's been gone, I live with 4 other people and they often have people over. 

Last set of questions, how is he reacting the the F3 Savannah? Is he acting aggressive towards him or frightened of him? Or, are they still the "best of friends"? That answer will be very telling, of the future, based off my experience with SBT Bengals. Now, I am sure you still have your DSH's correct? If so, you want to keep him AWAY from them. Unless, he is showing a POSITIVE interest in them, just until he calm down! 

He's not aggressive, he's just ignoring him. The savannah is still a kitten and is used to playing with the bengal every night, but the bengal won't play now :( he just growls at the kitten and the kitten doesn't understand because the bengal isn't normally like that with him its VERY sad :( The DSHs aren't interested in Fur Fur (the bengal) at all nor is he interested in them. So far they haven't been part of the problem.

We finally got a call from a neighbor on the 4th day saying he was napping on their patio. I ran their and picked him up, we were elated!!

Was he "caught" before or after the fireworks started (again, once you answer, the question will make a lot more sense)? I can't imagine how elated you where!

I'm sorry if I was unclear, he was caught after being out for 4 days, not caught on the 4th. This whole ordeal just happened last weekend.

The first night and day back he drank, ate, and slept a lot.

I am really really surprised by that. Did he lose a noticeable amount of weight?

Not at all. We got him into the vet today and weight, temp., and heart rate are all normal.

The next day he started getting really noisy, meowing NON STOP.

I was expecting that first night. Was he meowing or making "noises" you never heard? If it is the latter, it the Prionailurus bengalensis (Asian Leopard cat) that you are now "hearing". The noises might or might not increase in "strange" level. Meaning, he may or may not make more "odd noises".

The noises aren't too different. More growls and more howls. He meow for longer and louder. 

I thought it might help if I put on his harness and take him for a long walk. I did and he seemed pretty happy with it.

Okay, now let me start off by saying this: Do you want to routinely "walk" him? If so, then, you MUST only walk him when he is calm. Yes, I know, that might mean hours of "meowing" (it sounds more like screaming?). But, unless, you only walk him, when he is "CALM" you are simply reinforcing the negative behavior. If you are thinking, this is more like positive puppy training, you are correct. Now, if, you do not want to routinely "walk him" you need to STOP IT NOW. Since, the longer he has any exposure to the outside world, the more he will want it. 

Got it. Good point. I'll have to think on this.

When we got back, he slept through the night and it was fine. 

That is very very very very interesting. I guess, this might boil down to "do you want to walk the Bengal daily"? How long did you walk him that day and how far? Did he spray/mark while you walked him? Lastly, did he urinate or defecate during the walk?

He didn't urinate or defecate on that first walk at all. But the second walk the day after her peed twice quite a bit, and he did it in a way where he was kind of spraying it out behind him.

Then yesterday he became the cat from hell.

Okay next set of questions: One, how long was he in your home by then? Like, since he had been "caught". Did you walk him yesterday? Had anything (and I do mean ANYTHING) changed in his environment since he "got home". Did the Savannah or domestic "suddenly" react differently to him? Did any human in the house, "SUDDENLY" react different to him?

Nothing changed, it wasn't really a sudden change. It was more like he was building up to it. I walked him Thursday and Friday (he came back home on Tuesday) Friday yesterday was when the meowing got very intense and very very loud. 

We got home from work and he started his meowing, REALLY LOUD AWFUL HOWLING MEOWS!

Definitely horrible to us 
.  VERY NORMAL, for a hybrid (of any generation, meaning F1-F5) that went from having "freedom" (no matter how brief) to being confined in the house, This is why, I do NOT recommend hybrids be allowed in enclosures like pure exotics and some people do with pure domestics. Nor, do I recommend, as a general rule, that people "walk" there hybrid kitten. Since, once, they have had a "taste" of the outside world, that is ALL they will want. As a general rule, that does not end well for the cat or human.

This is very useful. I thought maybe the walking would mellow him out, now I'm regretting that :(

So, I took him on a walk. We came back and he started back up again in an hour.

I am not surprised. Since, he naturally liked the outdoors, he wanted more. Plus, he has "learned" (threw no fault of your own) that if he "cries and carries on" you will give him more of what he wants. That is why, like I said earlier, if you are going to commit to walking him, it must be when he is calm. Even if it takes him HOURS to become calm. Got it.

I took him on another one and he staid pretty quiet.

He stayed pretty quite inside or outside? How long where each walk? Are you walking him around the same area? Are you walking him around different area's? How fast are you walking him? Lastly, what is the pace of your walks : "his pace" fast or slow? I just let him go where he wants. I carry him outside, put him down, and let him go. Sometimes he'll walk pretty briskly down the sidewalks and other times he'll just want to sniff around in our front and side yard. He doesn't/hasn't gone past our block.

We went to sleep and about an hour into sleeping... he started up again. I didn't know what to do!

Yes, I know, this is going to sound repetitive cause it is, but, if you are going to commit to walking him, he must be calm. Or, he is learning "pitch a fit/throw a temper tantrum" and I get what I want! At night, you need to simply ignore it, Yes, it is hard and yes it will get very very loud and quite possibly for a very very long time, but, he must learn (again, ONLY IF, you are going to commit to walking him) to be CALM and NO NIGHT walk. I want to point out, if you want to talk him at 3am that is fine. In fact he would be very very happy. But, I suspect, you do not want to talk him at 3am. So, he needs to learn no night walks!

He just meowed and meowed and we tried to ignore him but he just did it some more.

That is very very normal for a myriad of reasons. I will just touch on a few. One, your F5 Bengal "suddenly" has more in common with a early generation (F1-F3) Bengal hybrid. Meaning, his Prionailurus bengalensis  instincts have been "awakened". His instincts dictate he should be outside at night "hunting/living it up". Well, until his escape, we "taught" him different. However, now, "he knows different" and is in no uncertain terms "telling you". Next, he learned that "meowing" got him what he wanted. That was to go outside. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, though only time will tell, he just "misses" his freedom more at night.


Yes, a screaming Bengal is NO FUN. My F1 Bengal, when I fist got her, made some outrageous noises, that first night. However, she stopped doing it very quickly. Your boy, will most likely quite down, but, it could realistically take weeks or even months for it to happen. Depending on how you answer the questions, that will help me advise you, on how to "calm him down".

This morning we wake up to find he's peed on my boyfriend shoes.

Are you SURE it was him? I only ask cause it could have been one of the pure domestics or the F3 Savannah. If it was indeed on of them, the behavior modification for that is VASTLY different then for the F5 Bengal. Now, if, you are sure that it is the Bengal, it is what I will call "protest" urination. Meaning, you ignored him all night and he was "angry". So, I would recommend you crate him (in a dog crate ideally) with just his liter box (a familiar one), water (in a familiar bowel), and a towel. If, that is not an option, then, a small tiled bathroom with the same "enticements" at night. Yes, he will complain more, But, it will help him "learn". Of course, either clean those shoes with a good enzymatic cleaner or throw them away. It was definitely the bengal, and it seems right on par with what I know of him that this was a protest urination. We cleaned the shoes with Nature's Miracle, so hopefully that did the trick. If he does the same thing tonight we have the bathroom set up for him. 

As Ritz pointed out, it could be a UTI. I HIGHLY doubt it, But, if it is a UTI meds will fix it. That is MUCH better then a behavioral problem in a hybrid.

Agreed, he's had a UTI in the past so he eats Urinary SO dry food, but we'll see. I'm pretty sure it is a behavioral problem. 

He's never ever done that before.

Has he done it since? If he has TRULY never done it before, it could be a UTI. You did say he had UTI's before right and that was why you did not want to change his diet? Is he urinating at all in the litter box? If so, is he urinating normally? Okay, maybe Ritz is right about it being a UTI *shrugs shoulders* on that one. But, I really hope it is a UTI. Much much easier to fix then a behavioral problem.  When he was younger he would do the 'protest' urination on our bed. When he had the UTI he urinated on my BF's controller I think trying to tell him he was hurting. I don't know which it is. Since he complained all night I'm leaning toward protest urination. 

On the walks I take him on he pees really strangely, he does it like he's spraying. He shakes and shoots pee out directly behind him.

I am guessing now, he was castrated when you got him around 12 weeks? Or, was castrated before five months? If I am correct, then his internal "plumbing" was not "fully developed". This is NOTHING to worry about. It just explain why he is spraying in a "less then standard format" Good to know. 


I gave you some advice and yes I know, as usual, a lot of questions. As you always do, please be thoughtful and as descriptive as possible, with your answers. I hope that helped some. Please hang in there. He will EVENTUALLY calm down. I'm hoping so!

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
He is 4 years old.
Okay, good to know. Thank you, for answering my question.
He was neutered when he was somewhere between 6 and 9 months old.
So, that was after you acquired him, am I correct?
He has escaped before. We usually track him down right away.

That is really really good!

One time he did get out for a full night but he came walking in the next morning.

You are very very lucky. That is VERY uncommon, even with an F5 Bengal. Do NOT expect the same, if the F3 Savannah, ever gets out the door :-(.

When he was a kitten I took him on walks all the time, but it seemed to make his meowing worse so I stopped doing it.

That is very telling. Even as a kitten, he most likely enjoyed the outdoors. Plus, the early exposure to it.

Although he's more 'growly' at both humans and cats since he got back he is not aggressive or skiddish.

Okay, more "ticked off" via being indoors? Or, something else?

He's not his normal self he growls when we pick him up

For now, I would just stop picking him up.

and he growls out our savannah kitten, but he's not mean or scared.

Just FYI, when a hybrid, even an F5 growls and it never has before, it is upset and can turn aggressive. When I say aggressive, I mean to a human or an animal. Please, keep that in mind!

He's just little more standoffish.

To animals or people? Or, people and animals? Can you explain to me, what you mean by "standoffish"?

I'm not sure if any strangers have been in the house since he's been gone, I live with 4 other people and they often have people over. 

For now, just try and keep "strangers" away from him, until he "calms down". If that is not possible, just let me know!

He's not aggressive, he's just ignoring him.
Okay, if that continues for a week or if the F3 Savannah shows ANY aggression or makes "any odd noises", I would recommend you separate them, just until the F5 Bengal calms down.
The savannah is still a kitten

I thought, by now, he was eight to twelve months old. Since, behaviorally, If I am right about his age, he is now in adolescent stage. He will "remain" in adolescent stage, till he is about two years old. So, how your Savannah views the world (people and animals) is now changing. If you want a more in depth explanation, just ask!

and is used to playing with the bengal every night, but the bengal won't play now :(

That should go away. Once the "Bengal winds down". How does the F3 Savannah act, when he no longer has his "playmate"?

he just growls at the kitten and the kitten doesn't understand

Trust me, the F3 Savannah understands. Savannahs, in general "have a very long fuse" or "just want to be everyone's friend".

because the bengal isn't normally like that with him its VERY sad :(

Very sad to you or very sad to the F3 Savannah? If you feel it is very sad to the Savannah, please explain to me, in minute detail, why you feel the F3 Savannah is "sad"?

The DSHs aren't interested in Fur Fur (the bengal) at all nor is he interested in them. So far they haven't been part of the problem.
Okay, if the Bengal has any interest in the domestics and you remotely suspect it is not positive, you MUST separate them!

I'm sorry if I was unclear, he was caught after being out for 4 days, not caught on the 4th. This whole ordeal just happened last weekend.

Nah, I am just so ditsy, I am easily confused LOL.

Not at all. We got him into the vet today and weight, temp., and heart rate are all normal.

Nah, I am just so ditsy, I am easily confused LOL.

The noises aren't too different.

Trust me when I say this, count yourself blessings.

More growls and more howls. He meow for longer and louder. 

Was that at anyone (animal or human) in particular? Or, did it just seem "random" to you?

Got it.

I am glad and sorry for beating a "dead horse".

Good point. I'll have to think on this.

Judging from the answers, posted earlier and how he reacted earlier, you will need to think A LOT! Let me know what you decide. Then, I will further "advise you" if you wish :-).

He didn't urinate or defecate on that first walk at all.

Okay, he used the litter box? Did he use it "normally"?

But the second walk the day after her peed twice quite a bit,
Dug a whole, like he was "in the litter box" or sprayed?
and he did it in a way where he was kind of spraying it out behind him.

That is VERY normal, for a hybrid cat, that is being "walked".

Nothing changed, it wasn't really a sudden change.

Okay, good to know

It was more like he was building up to it.

Okay, can you explain to me, what you mean by that?

I walked him Thursday and Friday (he came back home on Tuesday)

Okay, did you walk him today or yesterday (Saturday or Sunday)?

Friday yesterday was when the meowing got very intense and very very loud. 

Most likely, that is cause he wanted more "outside time".

This is very useful.

Glad that I was somewhat helpful

I thought maybe the walking would mellow him out,

If done "properly" it will. In other words, it CAN BE very helpful for some exotic cat hybrids. But, it must be done in a "very controlled" way. Hopefully, that made sense, if not, I will gladly rephrase.

now I'm regretting that :(

Only if you do not want to talk him. Even then, you just simple need to ignore him, when he "protests".  If you want to walk him, you just need to do it the way he described and he will "quickly" understand what is expected of him, if he wants to "go for a walk".

 Got it.

Only if you do not want to talk him. Even then, you just simple need to ignore him, when he "protests".  If you want to walk him, you just need to do it the way he described and he will "quickly" understand what is expected of him, if he wants to "go for a walk".

I just let him go where he wants.

Okay, thank you for answering that question.

I carry him outside, put him down, and let him go.
Okay, thank you again, for answering my never ending list of questions :-).
Sometimes he'll walk pretty briskly down the sidewalks and other times he'll just want to sniff around in our front and side yard.

That is very interesting. How is his tail placed (up, down, or against his body) when he walk on the side walks VS when he sniffs around. Does he make any noises? If so, what are they and when? Has he ever encountered another cat during his walk? If so, how did he react?

He doesn't/hasn't gone past our block.

Okay, if you decide you want to talk him, I have some suggestions on how do that. Do you want me to explain them now or later?

 It was definitely the bengal, and it seems right on par with what I know of him that this was a protest urination.

Yes, when hybrids (even F5/SBT) will protest urinate.

We cleaned the shoes with Nature's Miracle, so hopefully that did the trick.
I would recommend another enzymatic cleaner. I have NOT found it to be very effective. But, if it works for you, then that is just fine. I can post links, to enzymatic cleans, I have used.
If he does the same thing tonight we have the bathroom set up for him. 

Good good and get ear plugs

Agreed, he's had a UTI in the past so he eats Urinary SO dry food, but we'll see.

Can the vet, easily or fairly easily, do a urine analysis? If so, I would recommend it.

I'm pretty sure it is a behavioral problem. 

I really really hope it's not. But, only time will tell

 When he was younger he would do the 'protest' urination on our bed.

I hope that did not happen frequently. Out of curiosity, did you have a down comforter on the bed at the time? Some hybrids and pure exotics enjoy urinating on them. I am not sure why. But, is a common observation between pure exotic cats and exotic cat hybrid owners.

When he had the UTI he urinated on my BF's controller I think trying to tell him he was hurting.

It sounds probable.

I don't know which it is.

Me either
. Like I said earlier, I would try and get a urine analysis done.

Since he complained all night I'm leaning toward protest urination. 

Me too

Good to know. 

Glad that was helpful.

I'm hoping so!

More then likely, he will. You just "have to ride the wave" of noise. Decide if you want to walk him. Then, I can advise you further.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 7, 2013
He was neutered when he was somewhere between 6 and 9 months old.

So, that was after you acquired him, am I correct?  We had it done after we got him, yes.

He has escaped before. We usually track him down right away.

That is really really good!

One time he did get out for a full night but he came walking in the next morning.

You are very very lucky. That is VERY uncommon, even with an F5 Bengal. Do NOT expect the same, if the F3 Savannah, ever gets out the door :-(. That makes me sad. I hope he doesn't ever get out then, so far he's had no interest.

When he was a kitten I took him on walks all the time, but it seemed to make his meowing worse so I stopped doing it.

That is very telling. Even as a kitten, he most likely enjoyed the outdoors. Plus, the early exposure to it.

Although he's more 'growly' at both humans and cats since he got back he is not aggressive or skiddish.

Okay, more "ticked off" via being indoors? Or, something else? Yeah he just seems mad, but like I said he's not acting aggressive he's just acting ticked off.  

He's not his normal self he growls when we pick him up

For now, I would just stop picking him up.

and he growls out our savannah kitten, but he's not mean or scared.

Just FYI, when a hybrid, even an F5 growls and it never has before, it is upset and can turn aggressive. When I say aggressive, I mean to a human or an animal. Please, keep that in mind!   I definitely will, but when we take him to the vets for a shot or even just a check up he'll growl and get upset but NEVER NEVER bites or scratches, 

He's just little more standoffish.

To animals or people? Or, people and animals? Can you explain to me, what you mean by "standoffish"? If I go to him and pet him he'll bump into my hand and be sweet, but if I try to move him off the counter or something he'l growl which isn't normal. 

I'm not sure if any strangers have been in the house since he's been gone, I live with 4 other people and they often have people over. 

For now, just try and keep "strangers" away from him, until he "calms down". If that is not possible, just let me know! We can keep him in our room, shouldn't be a problem.

He's not aggressive, he's just ignoring him.

Okay, if that continues for a week or if the F3 Savannah shows ANY aggression or makes "any odd noises", I would recommend you separate them, just until the F5 Bengal calms down. Agreed

The savannah is still a kitten

I thought, by now, he was eight to twelve months old. Since, behaviorally, If I am right about his age, he is now in adolescent stage. He will "remain" in adolescent stage, till he is about two years old. So, how your Savannah views the world (people and animals) is now changing. If you want a more in depth explanation, just ask! So far he still acts very kitten-ish. His behavior hasn't changed except he's not as playful with Fur Fur, but that's because Fur Fur isn't giving him the time of day these past 3 days.

and is used to playing with the bengal every night, but the bengal won't play now :(

That should go away. Once the "Bengal winds down". How does the F3 Savannah act, when he no longer has his "playmate"? Kind of sad :(

he just growls at the kitten and the kitten doesn't understand

Trust me, the F3 Savannah understands. Savannahs, in general "have a very long fuse" or "just want to be everyone's friend".

because the bengal isn't normally like that with him its VERY sad :(

Very sad to you or very sad to the F3 Savannah? If you feel it is very sad to the Savannah, please explain to me, in minute detail, why you feel the F3 Savannah is "sad"? I could very well be projecting. 

The DSHs aren't interested in Fur Fur (the bengal) at all nor is he interested in them. So far they haven't been part of the problem.

Okay, if the Bengal has any interest in the domestics and you remotely suspect it is not positive, you MUST separate them! Will do. 

I'm sorry if I was unclear, he was caught after being out for 4 days, not caught on the 4th. This whole ordeal just happened last weekend.

Nah, I am just so ditsy, I am easily confused LOL.

Not at all. We got him into the vet today and weight, temp., and heart rate are all normal.

Nah, I am just so ditsy, I am easily confused LOL.

The noises aren't too different.

Trust me when I say this, count yourself blessings.

More growls and more howls. He meow for longer and louder. 

Was that at anyone (animal or human) in particular? Or, did it just seem "random" to you? Not at anyone or thing. He'll go to the window and meow, or he'll go to the stairwell and meow ( I think he likes how it makes his meow louder!)  In general he'll just walk around meowing nonstop!

Got it.

I am glad and sorry for beating a "dead horse".

Good point. I'll have to think on this.

Judging from the answers, posted earlier and how he reacted earlier, you will need to think A LOT! Let me know what you decide. Then, I will further "advise you" if you wish :-). Probably not! I think it'll end up doing more harm than good.  

He didn't urinate or defecate on that first walk at all.

Okay, he used the litter box? Did he use it "normally"?   In a manner of speaking. The savannah has a terrible habit of bugging him when he's trying to go so I do my best to keep the savannah out of their when he's using it.

But the second walk the day after her peed twice quite a bit,

Dug a whole, like he was "in the litter box" or sprayed?

and he did it in a way where he was kind of spraying it out behind him.

That is VERY normal, for a hybrid cat, that is being "walked". Ahh good to know. Yes, all the times I've seen him go in the past days he has done this spraying thing instead of peeing and covering it. 

Nothing changed, it wasn't really a sudden change.

Okay, good to know 

It was more like he was building up to it.

Okay, can you explain to me, what you mean by that? He meowed more than normal on Wednesday, then Thursday  he was getting pretty obnoxious, then last night he was at his worst and meowed for hours into the night! 

I walked him Thursday and Friday (he came back home on Tuesday)

Okay, did you walk him today or yesterday (Saturday or Sunday)?

No not Saturday, but he did go to the vet so he slept quite a bit when we got back.

Friday yesterday was when the meowing got very intense and very very loud. 

Most likely, that is cause he wanted more "outside time".

This is very useful.

Glad that I was somewhat helpful 

I thought maybe the walking would mellow him out,

If done "properly" it will. In other words, it CAN BE very helpful for some exotic cat hybrids. But, it must be done in a "very controlled" way. Hopefully, that made sense, if not, I will gladly rephrase.

now I'm regretting that :(

Only if you do not want to talk him. Even then, you just simple need to ignore him, when he "protests".  If you want to walk him, you just need to do it the way he described and he will "quickly" understand what is expected of him, if he wants to "go for a walk".

 Got it.

Only if you do not want to talk him. Even then, you just simple need to ignore him, when he "protests".  If you want to walk him, you just need to do it the way he described and he will "quickly" understand what is expected of him, if he wants to "go for a walk".

I just let him go where he wants.

Okay, thank you for answering that question.

I carry him outside, put him down, and let him go.

Okay, thank you again, for answering my never ending list of questions :-).

Sometimes he'll walk pretty briskly down the sidewalks and other times he'll just want to sniff around in our front and side yard.

That is very interesting. How is his tail placed (up, down, or against his body) when he walk on the side walks VS when he sniffs around. Does he make any noises? If so, what are they and when? Has he ever encountered another cat during his walk? If so, how did he react? The first night he had his tail up most of the time. The walk we had yesterday  he kept it down the whole time, but not tucked into his body just down.  No other cats but some dogs (didn't really care about them) and when cars drove by he dove for cover.

He doesn't/hasn't gone past our block.

Okay, if you decide you want to talk him, I have some suggestions on how do that. Do you want me to explain them now or later?  I think I will definitely NOT be walking him. 

 It was definitely the bengal, and it seems right on par with what I know of him that this was a protest urination.

Yes, when hybrids (even F5/SBT) will protest urinate.

We cleaned the shoes with Nature's Miracle, so hopefully that did the trick.

I would recommend another enzymatic cleaner. I have NOT found it to be very effective. But, if it works for you, then that is just fine. I can post links, to enzymatic cleans, I have used. Which one do you recommend?

If he does the same thing tonight we have the bathroom set up for him. 

Good good and get ear plugs 

Agreed, he's had a UTI in the past so he eats Urinary SO dry food, but we'll see.

Can the vet, easily or fairly easily, do a urine analysis? If so, I would recommend it. I talked to her about it, but she didn't seem inclined to do the tests, but she will of course if we ask her to.

I'm pretty sure it is a behavioral problem. 

I really really hope it's not. But, only time will tell 

 When he was younger he would do the 'protest' urination on our bed.

I hope that did not happen frequently. Out of curiosity, did you have a down comforter on the bed at the time? Some hybrids and pure exotics enjoy urinating on them. I am not sure why. But, is a common observation between pure exotic cats and exotic cat hybrid owners. No down comforter, it was definitely because he was mad at us. He would meow and meow and if we ignored him he'd pee.

When he had the UTI he urinated on my BF's controller I think trying to tell him he was hurting.

It sounds probable.

I don't know which it is.

Me either 
.  Like I said earlier, I would try and get a urine analysis done.  I absolutely will if he pees again.

Since he complained all night I'm leaning toward protest urination. 

Me too 

Good to know. 

Glad that was helpful.

I'm hoping so!

More then likely, he will. You just "have to ride the wave" of noise. Decide if you want to walk him. Then, I can advise you further. Definitely not going to walk him unless something changes to make me think it would be a good idea, but probably not. Riding the wave... I think it's getting better!

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
Quote:Originally Posted by OGKitty  

 We had it done after we got him, yes.

I am sure, you had it done by a trusted veterinarian. So, did the mention anything about it? Or, was it "straight forward"?

That makes me sad. I hope he doesn't ever get out then, so far he's had no interest.

With foundation (F1-F4) hybrids (Bengal,  Chausie, Safari and Savannah) and more so early generation hybrids (F1-F3), they lack the Felis silvestris catus "homing instinct" Plus, the early generation hybrids, natural desire dictates they should have a "home range" that would be MANY MILES! Plus, the hybrids DO NOT have the "natural road sense" seen in Felis silvestris catus. Of course, the hybrids also have to "worry about" how people will react them. I know many, and some of them where F5 Bengals mind you, that got shot/killed, cause people thought they where WILD animals

Yeah he just seems mad, but like I said he's not acting aggressive he's just acting ticked off.  

More likely then not, he is still "wound up" and is in the process of "unwinding". In a few more days/weeks, the F5 Bengal should be back to his "normal self"

I definitely will, but when we take him to the vets for a shot or even just a check up he'll growl and get upset but NEVER NEVER bites or scratches, 

That is very very good/positive
. Since, some hybrids (early generation or "later generation") can have "misdirected aggression" when they are "overstimulated". Meaning, the hybrid is: " too happy, too excited, and or angry/upset".

If I go to him and pet him he'll bump into my hand and be sweet,

That is a very very good sign, IMHO.

but if I try to move him off the counter or something he'l growl which isn't normal. 

For now, until the F5 Bengal is done "unwinding" either do not life him off the counter or BEFORE he growls throw him a toy or treat. DO NOT give him attention or treats when he is growling.

So far he still acts very kitten-ish. 

By this point, I thought he was about 10 months to a year old. How old is he?

His behavior hasn't changed except he's not as playful with Fur Fur, but that's because Fur Fur isn't giving him the time of day these past 3 days.

If, you want to look at this in a different light/different angel, this is actually a good thing. What I mean by this is: just like the F3 Savannah learned "limits" from the pure Felis silvestris catus, the F3 Savannah is now learning "limits" from the F5 Bengal. This is an invaluble lesson for an early generation cat and NOT something we humans or at least I could ever teach.

 Not at anyone or thing. He'll go to the window and meow, or he'll go to the stairwell and meow ( I think he likes how it makes his meow louder!)  In general he'll just walk around meowing nonstop!

That is because, the F5 Bengal learned that if he "pitched a fit" he got what he wanted. In this case, that was going outside.

Probably not! I think it'll end up doing more harm than good.  

That is fine. Since, if you can not commit to consistent walks. He will just get more and more vocal. Plus, the "stress" of not consistantly going outdoors could cause other problems. While very normal for a exotic cat hybrid, they are VERY "obnoxious" to us humans.

 In a manner of speaking. The savannah has a terrible habit of bugging him when he's trying to go so I do my best to keep the savannah out of their when he's using it.

My F3 Savannah would do that with my DLH. I am not sure why Savannahs do that. But, it seems like a "normal" habit for the breed/species.

Ahh good to know. Yes, all the times I've seen him go in the past days he has done this spraying thing instead of peeing and covering it. 

Yes, nothing to worry about. Furthermore, once the F5 Bengal is "used to" not going outdoors/outside, the behavior should disipate.

No not Saturday, but he did go to the vet so he slept quite a bit when we got back.

Okay that is good. How did he make out at the vet? How was his behavior Sunday and Monday? More normal hopefully?

The first night he had his tail up most of the time. The walk we had yesterday  he kept it down the whole time, but not tucked into his body just down.  No other cats but some dogs (didn't really care about them) 

Hmmm... I am not sure what to make of that to be honest. Other then to say, I guess his "mood" after the first night was somewhere in between confident (first time) and "terrified" (the second/last time).

and when cars drove by he dove for cover.

That can actually work to your advantage. But, I really hope, that I do not need to explain to you, what I mean by that. Lets hope, your F5 Bengal, "unwinds" all on his own

 No down comforter, it was definitely because he was mad at us. He would meow and meow and if we ignored him he'd pee.

I am hoping he is over that stage? Gotta love the exotic cat hybrids sometimes LOL

Definitely not going to walk him unless something changes to make me think it would be a good idea, but probably not.

Glad you figured out what works best for you and your cats. I also must commend you for thinking BEFORE making a decision.

Riding the wave...I think it's getting better!

Yay yay and yay ! Why do you think that?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 7, 2013
 We had it done after we got him, yes. I am sure, you had it done by a trusted veterinarian. So, did the mention anything about it? Or, was it "straight forward"?

They didnt' mention any problems and he healed up quickly with no complications. 

With foundation (F1-F4) hybrids (Bengal,  Chausie, Safari  and Savannah) and more so early generation hybrids (F1-F3), they lack the Felis silvestris catus  "homing instinct" Plus, the early generation hybrids, natural desire dictates they should have a "home range" that would be MANY MILES! Plus, the hybrids DO NOT have the "natural road sense" seen in Felis silvestris catus. Of course, the hybrids also have to "worry about" how people will react them. I know many, and some of them where F5 Bengals mind you, that got shot/killed, cause people thought they where WILD animals 
Thankfully I really got to know my neighbors over the days Fur Fur was gone and I'm pretty sure they would all recognize him if they saw him! They were all really nice and several said that he went right up to them in their yards when he was out. My biggest fear is if he gets out again he'll be even more elusive and possibly cross the street :( 

Yeah he just seems mad, but like I said he's not acting aggressive he's just acting ticked off.   More likely then not, he is still "wound up" and is in the process of "unwinding". In a few more days/weeks, the F5 Bengal should be back to his "normal self" 
. Can't wait! 

I definitely will, but when we take him to the vets for a shot or even just a check up he'll growl and get upset but NEVER NEVER bites or scratches, That is very very good/positive  
.  Since, some hybrids (early generation or "later generation") can have "misdirected aggression" when they are "overstimulated". Meaning, the hybrid is: " too happy, too excited, and or angry/upset".

If I go to him and pet him he'll bump into my hand and be sweet,

That is a very very good sign, IMHO.

but if I try to move him off the counter or something he'l growl which isn't normal. 

For now, until the F5 Bengal is done "unwinding" either do not life him off the counter or BEFORE he growls throw him a toy or treat. DO NOT give him attention or treats when he is growling.

So far he still acts very kitten-ish. 

By this point, I thought he was about 10 months to a year old. How old is he? 

His behavior hasn't changed except he's not as playful with Fur Fur, but that's because Fur Fur isn't giving him the time of day these past 3 days.

If, you want to look at this in a different light/different angel, this is actually a good thing. What I mean by this is: just like the F3 Savannah learned "limits" from the pure Felis silvestris catus,  the F3 Savannah is now learning "limits" from the F5 Bengal. This is an invaluble lesson for an early generation cat and NOT something we humans or at least I could ever teach. I think this experience is teaching him, he's been a lot less in Fur Fur's face lately, giving him space and waiting to run up to him. Probably a good thing for him!

 Not at anyone or thing. He'll go to the window and meow, or he'll go to the stairwell and meow ( I think he likes how it makes his meow louder!)  In general he'll just walk around meowing nonstop!

That is because, the F5 Bengal learned that if he "pitched a fit" he got what he wanted. In this case, that was going outside. Very true, I need to learn to ignore him better!

Probably not! I think it'll end up doing more harm than good.  

That is fine. Since, if you can not commit to consistent walks. He will just get more and more vocal. Plus, the "stress" of not consistantly going outdoors could cause other problems. While very normal for a exotic cat hybrid, they are VERY "obnoxious" to us humans.

 In a manner of speaking. The savannah has a terrible habit of bugging him when he's trying to go so I do my best to keep the savannah out of their when he's using it.

My F3 Savannah would do that with my DLH. I am not sure why Savannahs do that. But, it seems like a "normal" habit for the breed/species.

Ahh good to know. Yes, all the times I've seen him go in the past days he has done this spraying thing instead of peeing and covering it. 

Yes, nothing to worry about. Furthermore, once the F5 Bengal is "used to" not going outdoors/outside, the behavior should disipate.

No not Saturday, but he did go to the vet so he slept quite a bit when we got back.

Okay that is good. How did he make out at the vet? How was his behavior Sunday and Monday? More normal hopefully? He was really good Sunday night, but last night he pitched a fit from 3-4:30, thought I was going to kill him!!! Too bad a love his furry face too much :p

The first night he had his tail up most of the time. The walk we had yesterday  he kept it down the whole time, but not tucked into his body just down.  No other cats but some dogs (didn't really care about them) 

Hmmm... I am not sure what to make of that to be honest. Other then to say, I guess his "mood" after the first night was somewhere in between confident (first time) and "terrified" (the second/last time).

and when cars drove by he dove for cover. 

That can actually work to your advantage. But, I really hope, that I do not need to explain to you, what I mean by that. Lets hope, your F5 Bengal, "unwinds" all on his own

 No down comforter, it was definitely because he was mad at us. He would meow and meow and if we ignored him he'd pee.

I am hoping he is over that stage? Gotta love the exotic cat hybrids sometimes LOL Yeah! He hasn't done it in a long time. But I'm in the habit of tossing him in the litter box if he makes that one specific MEOW that used to precede angry peeing. 

Definitely not going to walk him unless something changes to make me think it would be a good idea, but probably not.

Glad you figured out what works best for you and your cats. I also must commend you for thinking BEFORE making a decision.

Riding the wave...I think it's getting better!

Yay yay and yay ! Why do you think that? He's not being as grumbly as he walks around and he's playing. For the first few days he wouldn't even look twice at two we tossed his way. But last night and the night before we got him to play a little. And he behaved better for it. I just wish there was a toy out there that could keep his attention for longer than 5 min :( 

Thanks again for all of the help!

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
They didnt' mention any problems and he healed up quickly with no complications.
Okay, that is good. Then, he might just have an "odd/nonstandard format" for spraying. Nothing you need to worry about

Thankfully I really got to know my neighbors over the days Fur Fur was gone and I'm pretty sure they would all recognize him if they saw him!
Be glad, be very very glad. Since, I know quite a few people, who lost there hybrid cause they thought it was a WILD Lynx rufus. Please do NOT ask me HOW. But, is has/does happen!

They were all really nice and several said that he went right up to them in their yards when he was out.

That is very good for two main reasons. The first is that the neighboors know that they saw the F5 Bengal and can tell you. Second and more importantly, at least IMHO, is that your F5 Bengal does not "revert back" to his Prionailurus bengalensis "roots".

 My biggest fear is if he gets out again he'll be even more elusive and possibly cross the street :(

Both fears are VERY justified, IMHO. But, lets hope, he never ever escapes again!

Can't wait! 

I am sure you can't wait. I sure don't blame you in the least! How did he behave the rest of the day (yesterday) and that night, more importantly? How has he been today so far? 

I think this experience is teaching him, he's been a lot less in Fur Fur's face lately, giving him space and waiting to run up to him.

That is very very good. Since, by this point, your F3 Savannah is in his "adolescent stage" (this is in his own mind
). So, you want him to NOT want to challenge your F5 Bengal. Since, physically, your F3 Savannah is MUCH stronger then your F5 Bengal now. Hence, you want the F3 Savannah, to have the same "limits" he has with the pure Felis silvestris catus.

Probably a good thing for him!

Yes, it is very good for the F3 Savannah and SBT Bengals "relationship". But, when dealing with an early generation Savannah, one can never be too sure
. The only way you will "for sure" (as much as you can with an EG Savannah) is when the F5/SBT Bengal is "back to normal". Hence, you will know, IF, the F3 Savannah learned "limits" with his Bengal buddy via how they play and more importantly, how the Savannah approaches your F5 Bengal. Please note, if the Bengal goes back to his "fun loving self", soon you may "never know" if the F3 Savannah, "learned a lesson". That is fine too, IMHO!

Very true, I need to learn to ignore him better!

Do not be so hard on yourself. It is VERY hard for anyone, including ME, to ignore a "meowing" exotic cat hybrid at 3:00 to 4:00AM! But, you need to do it or the behavior will not end. That isn't good for anyone. Please note, right before the behavior ends, it might "get worse" before it "gets better". This is called the extinction phase.

He was really good Sunday night,

That is really really good IMHO!

but last night he pitched a fit from 3-4:30, thought I was going to kill him!!

, that can't have been pleasant. However, when you look at it from the behavioral standpoint, that is not a lot of time. So, the behavior should be ending in the next couple of weeks. Can you try and exercise him to the point of exhaustion (like he is panting) right before bed? That should help!

Too bad a love his furry face too much :p

I am sure you do

Yeah! He hasn't done it in a long time.

I am really really glad, he hasn't done that in a long time. I am sure NOT as glad as you

But I'm in the habit of tossing him in the litter box if he makes that one specific MEOW that used to precede angry peeing.

Number one, I am glad, you have "learned your cats cues", I.E, that specific meow and how to deal with the unwanted behavior via tossing him in the litter box.

He's not being as grumbly as he walks around

That is really good. Since, as I am sure you know, he is getting used to being "inside" more. Hence, the SBT/F5 Bengal, is now "further unwinding". Plus, he has learned that "pitching a fit" does not get him a "reward", AKA going outdoors!

and he's playing.

That is even better news! Was he playing with toys or the F3 Savannah? Or, ideally/possibly both?

For the first few days he wouldn't even look twice at two we tossed his way.

Well, at least that part is over now. Plus, you see a "noticeable and or tangible" sign that the Bengal is "unwinding" or returning to his "normal state".

But last night and the night before we got him to play a little. And he behaved better for it.

Good good
! Where you able to play with him last night? If so, was he more "interactive"?

I just wish there was a toy out there that could keep his attention for longer than 5 min :( 

Has the F5/SBT Bengal, always had "ADD" or is just since his escape? What type of toys have you tried in the past? I have a few suggestions, if you want, I will share them. Lastly, his best "toy" is his F3 Savannah
. Since, they can "play there game" better then we can or any other cat!

Thanks again for all of the help!

You are very welcome. I just
to help people with there exotic cat hybrids whenever I can! Hopefully, this last part was somewhat helpful. If you need any clarification, just ask