Bandit... a beautiful cat who I feel has reached the end of her life....


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 13, 2013
Central Florida
I’m so glad I found this website.  This is my first post on here, and unfortunately I am posting with sadness in my heart.  I apologize for this long, rambling post but I want to share Bandit’s story….

I feel my dear Bandit (an incredibly intelligent 14 yr old Siamese with a beautiful, beautiful, soul) is in the process of dying.  Its difficult to write this as I know what needs to be done… but nonetheless it breaks my heart. 

Bandit’s story….

I inherited Bandit along with two other cats from a very, very close friend who passed after a protracted battle from colon cancer 2 years ago.  She was like my sister and I consider her family to be my 2nd family.  These cats were with her their entire lives (she found each of them outside at her home at various times) and it seemed that after she died things were never the same for them again.  Noel was Bandit’s “sister” and was roughly the same age as Bandit is now.  Unfortunately, she had to be put to sleep last year after a very sudden onset of kidney failure.  The youngest, Stealth, is a Tuxedo cat and is ~ 5 years old and, thank God, is in good health.

Back to Bandit… she has severe allergies (ripping fur off, chewing on her skin, etc) and the only thing that has helped her has been her monthly steroid shots.  Well, as of this Friday.. no more.  She has a pretty significant heart murmur and any further shots are too risky.  Allergy pills, Atopica, etc.. have not worked for her.  Unfortunately, she can’t smell very well due to her allergies so I’ve been trying to feed her anything I can.. I’ve found the strongest smelling canned cat foods, treats, etc.. and over the last few days it sorta worked.. today.. nope. Without her steroid shot.. she just can’t get any relief and doesn't have a sense of smell. She has nibbled a bit… drank a fair amount of water… butI noticed she has “pulled” away from me.  We would snuggle and sleep together every night.. today when I tried to pet her she pulled away.  She wandered off into my office and I’ve built her up a pallet of blankets.. provided food/water/treats of every kind in hopes that she might eat something.  So far… nothing.  Her eyes, once so beautifully clear and bright.. are dull.. its like she has lost her “fire” and seem increasingly distant. She slept almost all day.. gets up to drink a bit, maybe nibble and use her litterbox and then back to sleep she goes.  A few times I’ve caught her just staring at nothing.  She seems to walk just fine and isn’t falling over but I know w/o sufficient food intake she isn’t going to make it.  I’m going to spend the night with her in the office.. I don’t want her to be alone.  I’ll have some soft music on to help her relax but am fairly certain I may have to take her to an emergency vet tomorrow.  I just “know” somehow from her… that she is tired and I believe is ready to meet back up with her prior owner.  I’ve snapped a few pics of her sleeping and am working myself thru the process to release her from her suffering.  I’m a late 30’s guy and I have to say.. I’m crying like a baby.. no cat has ever affected me the way Bandit has… she completely captured my heart and I’ve been truly honored and blessed to be her caretaker for the last few years.

I’m sorry for such a long, rambling post.. but I just needed to express what I am going through right now.  To anyone that is dealing with a dying pet.. I feel for you.  It is nothing less than heart wrenching and stressful.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I'm sorry you're going through this and hope Bandit has a peaceful end. We were in a similar situation with a cat dying of heart disease. He had his ups and downs, including with eating, for over a year before we had to say good-bye six weeks ago. It's heart-wrenching, and all you can do is take it one day (or hour) at a time, offer peaceful surroundings and lots of love and watch for signs when it's time to help your feline friend cross over, as you're doing.

One of our members wrote a beautiful post for times like this, which you might find helpful: When the moment comes...

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hello, Bandita, and welcome to TCS.

I was going to post last night when I read your story...then, I, I'm regretting that hesitation.

Bandit's health experiences raise more questions for me than your account of her history answers.

First, I have to say that her age, by itself, would be no reason for me to diminish my estimation of her remaining lifetime.

You say that you "feel" she is in the process of dying......but, the symptoms you're describing are not of themselves those that would be indicators that her end is near.

To be frank with you, what I am hearing is your interpretation of them in that light.

And, what surprises me is that the allergy issues have never been successfully dealt with.....

Now, something else: I can't determine what it is that you want/wanted to receive from the community here at TCS....was it advice? ...was it confirmation of your own "gut" feeling (that her natural time is near)? ...was it to eliminate some lingering doubt you might have had?

I ask these things with the sole purpose of trying to understand what (I, for one) might be able to offer in response to your post.

I hear your heartache - I don't know how/in what manner to acknowledge it.

I will say for now that, if it were advice/recommendations you came for, I'd be suggesting aggressive supportive nutrition and hydration, and the earliest possible appointment with a holistic Veterinarian. As a type of disclaimer, I will tell you that I most often tend to advocate for the cats in situations like yours...while acknowledging completely that we, as guardians, are each uniquely placed to make decisions appropriate to our own circumstances and realities.

I hope some of this will make sense for's the best I can manage at the moment.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 13, 2012
Toronto, Ontario Canada
I have tears in my eyes as I read this. I know 'the look'. I've seen it with my fur babies and it's a hard one. Whatever you decide, just do what's best for her. She deserves no less. Prayers are with you.


TCS Member
Apr 15, 2013
Get another vet's opinion, just so you don't end up with regrets later. But I know this tragedy, and m heart goes out to you. My beloved Grey Goose, who was my best bud for the last 14 months, got very ill suddenly and had to be put to sleep. It was the biggest heartbreak of my life. My husband and I cried for days, and I still cry daily. He was so special. It's great that Bandit has such a great home and brought you so much joy. Stay strong.