Automatic Cat Litter?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 14, 2018
Hi, I hope everybody is safe and healthy,
Cleaning the little has always been something I dread. I did some research, and it seems that "Scoop Free Litter Box" is the cheapest automatic litter. Problem is, you have to use the litter that they provide. They're apparently silica litter. I'm not sure if that's a safe option for my kitty. Also, I'm using a very fine litter at the moment, and it seems to track all over the house. The litter they provide is quite small as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Maybe these machines have improved since the last time I used them. However, I have found that automatic litter boxes come with more problems than they solve. My Krista (and the cat I had before her) often peed directly out the front of the box. Also, because they have to step or leap over the waste receptacle area, they often did track the litter a lot more. And when they weren't peeing out the front, their pee often found the seams where the two halves of the box would meet. This meant a pee pad beneath the box and changing out that pee pad regularly, as well as having to tear down the whole box for a regular clean quite often. Unless you have a backup box, this means taking her bathroom out of service.

I have found that a good litter like World's Best and a couple of uncovered litterboxes are much easier to clean and maintain. I actually have triplicates so that I can deploy two and use the third to swap one out a dirty for a fresh one, and clean the old one on my time without taking either box out of service for her. Her pee is a breeze. It clumps instantly and it never smells like cat pee. Those clumps go into a Litter Genie. Her poop? That can't be helped. Probiotics go a long way but there's always a faint aroma that says, "take care of this now." Although if she properly buried it, it can chill until I wake up or get home. Activated charcoal powder in a dog poop bag helps there. Then I put these in an airtight container like a flour jar and remove them to the dumpster once a day.