Are your cats vocal? What kids of sounds do your cats make?


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Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2022
My kitten Zuko is extremely vocal! He definitely lets you know at all times what he’s doing and where 😂😂

That being said, he never really meows. The only time is if he is shut out of the room I’m in, he’ll stand at the door and let out the most pathetic meows you’ve ever heard until I open the door for him to join me. Most of the time, the sounds he makes range from a chicken, a raptor, to a human baby, the sound he makes most is almost the same tone as a whiny toddler when he’s just chatting away. It’s very hard to describe his noises. I’ve heard him trill quite a bit and purr, and I’ve seen him chatter at birds, but I have no idea what to call most of what he does.

He’s my first cat so I was kind of surprised by the fact he talks so much but rarely “meows”


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Mingo is very vocal too, and also very expressive. It's like he is copying human emotions. He whines, shows delight, love (he gets very squeaky), surprise, anger, and loneliness. He also makes a lot of noise when he sleeps - grunts and groans like he's stretching. We have regular conversations.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Nightfury -

Despite being 9 years old sounds like a kitten. He does what I'd describe as a whiny needy rolling meow when he wants something. Could be attention, a door opened, food or to be put down for a nap. Truly sounds like a kitten trying to get moms attention all the time. He doesn't meow outside of when he wants something from a human.


Broken meow. Sounds like a frog snuck into her throat and is imitating a meow. She growls and hisses like normal when the boys annoy her. But for humans? Broken meow is the main one, mostly when she wants something and you've ignored her mind control attempts to get it out of you. She will mostly just stare unblinking until you figure it out what she wants. One time, I took her to the vet, she did her Broken meow under the counter probably to tell me she wanted to go home, and the vet spent a good minute looking for the other cat because the vet did not believe that meow came out of Rocket. In her defense, she didn't really make any noise for probably the first two or three years of her life. She will meow though when she is being pet for some reason. There is a weird meow when she's being pet more aggressive (which she does love at times) where it's almost like the meow is being pushed out by the pet, kind of meowing motorboat thing. She also does what I call the typewriter meow when your petting her less aggressive where she moves under your hand, does a quick meow when you hit the tail to indicate its time to go back to her head again and repeats (if you don't listen you get a nip).

Link -

Constant neverending meowing whenever he can't find someone. He has a very traditional yowling meow. He will stop if you talk back and he sees you, kind of a Marco polo style until he finds you. He snores, huffs, smacks his tail to thump when annoyed, and just talks. But you also can hear him eating, drinking and just walking, he is a generally loud guy.


Maine Coon Madness
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2021


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 24, 2021
Boogie is quite vocal and loud but doesn't really meow. He likes to trill and mrrp a lot! He also makes weird meows if he's had a big poo and about to zoom, or he will almost howl/meow when he's in the next room over and feels like he's lost all contact with me hahaha! In terms of purring he's very quiet and low purring.

Nugget was dead silent when we first adopted him. He only made a noise when they were wrestling and boogie was winning, in which case Nugget would yowl like he was being torn to shreds (he was not lol). But he started becoming more vocal in the last few months with what I can only describe as... Little meeps? Definitely not meows and he doesn't even really move his lips when it happens. My boys are weird lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Toffee is the runt of his litter, so his vocal chords don't work properly and he's never been able to fully meow - he does little "squeaks" which are very cute! When he was a kitten, he couldn't meow at all. He can't purr properly either, and makes snuffling noises instead.

Fudge is a very loud vocalist - he and his brother are part Siamese, which you can hear in Fudge's meows. He's a very loud purrrer too.


Sadie rules, Julian drools, my boys rule heaven ❤
Alpha Cat
Mar 15, 2022
Pittsburgh PA
My kids have such a wide range, you would think I lived in a petting zoo.

Casper is the oldest, and he is the MOST vocal of the group. He likes to wait until midnight when everyone is asleep to "attack" his toy. He's another that sounds like he has frog throat so to speak, lol, but man he gets a hold of that toy and you get some really weird high pitched scratches!! (I promise, I'll try to capture his sound one day. Hysterical.)

Nico is our street rescue - he doesn't really meow, but he trills, purs, "barks" lol - he's another crazy dude. And my gosh, don't even get me started on the odd noises he makes after he runs out of the litter room!! 🤣

Sadie our youngest is the quietest. BUT- she is a treat monger. Don't you dare set foot into the kitchen, lest ye be begged by the dying princess for treats. She'll sit on the floor with the saddest eyes until you address her royal highness and ask if she needs a princess treat... You will be replied to with the highest pitched "meow!" Lol. Every once in a blue moon when she gets a wild hair loose, she makes this weird yowl almost... Usually when she's hunting her toy stick. Yes, a stick. And old beat up plastic rod that used to have feathers at the end that mommy is not allowed to throw in the garbage or I'll find it and pull it back out (she actually did that twice.) 😜

Ps, all my cats talk to their "Grandma" (my mom lol) on the phone too. LOL


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
This thread is hilarious!!
My oldest female sounds like a foghorn, yet my oldest male sounds like a cross between an air leak and the baby T-Rex from Jurassic Park. My youngest cat has the closest thing to Fran Drescher's voice I've ever heard out of a cat.
The others live at work, the females are less chatty (though one loves to chirp and trill as she's chasing imaginary nothingness, probably from outerspace) and the other will loudly yell gutteral sounds worthy of an Acadamy Award nomination as she walks through the room with a dilapidated catnip mouse crammed in her jaws. She gave up this habit to take on a new one, peeing in the brand new cat exercise wheel. Crap :frown:
The males are more than chatty. They're the obnoxious people at the movie theater who won't stop talking the entire time. Chirp, trill, meow, peep, yell, hiss, yell again, the one makes a noise that sounds like he's saying "Map" and the other one sits there and stares dully at everyone else like he thinks we're all complete idiots for not understanding the conversation :lol:

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Diamond makes a Waaah noise with a sharp cut off. He only makes that sound when he wants something.
Seal has a plaintive meow, mainly when he wants to be on the other side of a door.
Leo tries to meow, but only a little squeak comes out. He will scream at another cat from time to time.
Boden meows very often. He is very demanding about food. He trills when he cuddles in bed.
Tiger may have grown up around dogs, because the main sound he makes is a bark-like squeak. He kinda talks too. Woot! Po-weet, meep.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
Nobel has a high-pitched kitten voice. He usually sounds like someone is attempting to murder him. He does loud "MRROW?"s when he can't find someone. When he's angry he sounds like a murlock from World of Warcraft. He chirps at birds. He does have a range of "brr"s and things that a rare.

Magnus doesn't shut up. He will scream for 5 hours straight if he wants something you won't give him (okay less so these days because we don't give in). His foster said he was silent. It was a lie. 🤣 He squeeks, he chirps, he does a weird 'silent' whisker meow that I'm sure can only be heard by other cats. He makes a sound that sounds like a human "ow" when he wants something. It's a very wide range...much how you describe with yours. He will go silent if he notices a camera on him.

Calcifer sounds like a cat trying to sound like a child who's pretending to be a ghost. "OooOoooOo"s in his meows. He's very talkative about food. Much less range of vocals but more grunts and almost like little baby bear sounds. Mostly it's this:


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Lola, my newcomer, has a variety of meows and chirps and is very vocal all the time. Except when she is playing by herself my Willow is a whiner and a moaner. Once in a while I will get a very soft short breathless sounding meow but mostly, closed mouth whines. When she has the zoomies though she runs through the house and utters these loud guttural howls and hisses at imaginary things on the walls.


Queen of the Crazy
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2016
I'm about to kill my loud-mouthed one. We're currently having a disagreement on how much food he should be allowed. Vet said I can cut him off after 12-14oz wet cat food a day. He has hyperthyroidism and we're trying to get his numbers under control. All I hear is this... Murr-ow! All day and night. I'm bringing the squirt bottle to bed tonight.😓

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
None of my cats have ever meowed 'normally'. I think it is because a lot of their genetic makeup is Siamese. They soudn more like they are hoarse, more of a loud waahh! My Yammy, who is my chicken monster, sounds like a Yamaha starting up, He repeats Nah,nah, nah over and over, LOUD for his chicken. None of them are shy about talking to you either!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
None of my cats have ever meowed 'normally'. I think it is because a lot of their genetic makeup is Siamese. They soudn more like they are hoarse, more of a loud waahh! My Yammy, who is my chicken monster, sounds like a Yamaha starting up, He repeats Nah,nah, nah over and over, LOUD for his chicken. None of them are shy about talking to you either!
One of my former girls, the Divine Miss Murphy, was part Siamese and had that voice. She always had a lot to say and heaven help me if I made her unhappy, I’d be hearing about it all day and night.


Sadie rules, Julian drools, my boys rule heaven ❤
Alpha Cat
Mar 15, 2022
Pittsburgh PA
I'm about to kill my loud-mouthed one. We're currently having a disagreement on how much food he should be allowed. Vet said I can cut him off after 12-14oz wet cat food a day. He has hyperthyroidism and we're trying to get his numbers under control. All I hear is this... Murr-ow! All day and night. I'm bringing the squirt bottle to bed tonight.😓
Lol I feel that pain. Nico is diabetic, so he thinks that means he gets to eat many small meals day AND night. If he gets a hunger pang at 2am, he looms over my heard purring loudly and if that doesn't wake me he shoves stuff off the top of my dresser. 😳

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
“Prrup?” (It can sound especially triumphant when he has leapt upon a sleeping me in the dark—- sort of a cross between “Humdee ho, just passing through,” and: “You aren’t NOTICINg me enough! Now wake up at 4AM and PET me!”).


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
“Prrup?” (It can sound especially triumphant when he has leapt upon a sleeping me in the dark—- sort of a cross between “Humdee ho, just passing through,” and: “You aren’t NOTICINg me enough! Now wake up at 4AM and PET me!”).
"And as long as you're awake, I'll grand you permission to attend to breakfast while I nap on the pillow you nicely warmed up for me...."
My female has trained me well and I need to put a stop to it. I usually wake up around 5:30, give or take. One of my first chores is letting the dogs out and then getting everyone's breakfast around. So when I get up, I start in on the food almost immediately.
During the COVID lockdown, I decided I wasn't going to get used to sleeping in so I'd still wake up early. One morning I heard her outside my bedroom door wailing. The clock said something like 5:15 and I was like "meh, close enough" and got up and started feeding everyone. A week or two later, I realized she was wailing and it was 5:00. I was awake, so I got up and got going.
After a few weeks, I realized I was being woken up at 4:30, 4:15, etc. No more of that. I drug out the white noise machine, then didn't hear my alarm. Can't win for nothing around here :lol:
So I started playing a game back to her. I'd get up at 5:30, get my dogs out, then sit outside and have coffee. Then come in and have more coffee while I tidied up the kitchen. By now ALL the cats were practically throwing bricks at my head. By the time lock down ended, I was up at 5:30 and feeding the cats between 7:30 and 8:00AM. The wailing at my door had stopped.
Then the lock down ended and I don't have the time to fiddle fart around. I'm back to waking up, getting my dogs out, feeding cats all while juggling a hot cup of coffee. And like clockwork, she's back to sitting at my bedroom door wailing at 5:00AM. Tomorrow, I'm sure it will be 4:59AM.
Like I said, can't win for nothing around here!