Are they Bengal kittens?

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
He is gorgeous!I love him
. Can't wait to hear stories after he comes home. Keep us posted.
Originally Posted by gdaly  <snipped>

Haha what should I do to "cat proof"?

I would recommend you first put away anything and I do mean ANYTHING that has any value to YOU. When I refer to the term value, I mean anything that has sentimental/"emotional value" and anything with monetary value.

Okay, now that you have that you have all that put away
, now for the items that need to be put away for the cats safety. Please note, I am going to post EVERYTHING. Depending your particular cats behavior you might not need to put it all away. But, with a five month old SBT Bengal, I would bet, you will need to put a lot of this "stuff" away.

First of all, you need to put anything and yet again, I mean anything that your cat might swallow. Small figurines, "normal cat toy balls" any toys (human or animal) that have bells in them. You will also want to get baby locks on your cabinets and closets. Since, you will not want your new SBT Bengal injuring himself on something like a kitchen knife or taking out all your clothes.

NO PLASTIC BAGS like grocery store type!!!!!!!! I had my personal Leptailurus serval need surgery for it. I have two personal friends, who lost a Leptailurus serval to a plastic bag and another friend lost a SBT/F5 Bengal to one as well

Now for some cat proofing that is very pure exotic cat or hybrid specific "cat proofing". The major one, IMHO, is you can NOT use clumping clay litter. Since, I know people that lost pure exotic cats and even lower generation hybrids via a "clogged" windpipe.

Another issue even with later generation cats like SBT Bengal is pica. While pica (the eating of nonfood items) is generally a symptom of a disease in pure Felis silvestris catus it is very common and normal with pure exotic cats and exotic cat hybrids. Some cats have specific issue with certain types of fabric. Other prefer to eat plastic. It depends on the age and the hybrid or exotic cats "taste". They are individuals after all
. So, anything you see your cat "chewing on" must be put away and locked up.

What kind of things should be hid away?

That really depends on how your home is set up and how much/how great your SBT Bengal's pica issues are. The first things that need to pet put away are ANYTHING that you do not want broken (vases, glass items etc) and anything small enough to be swallowed (Pens/Pen caps, Erasers, Shoe Laces etc) plastic like a table cloth is generally to be avoided. Since, many hybrid cats (early or later generation) cats LOVE to consume plastic.Lastly, anything that could injure your cat via cuts/causing wounds such as kitchen knifes and such items.

Again, these are just generalizations. After a few days to weeks, you will get the idea of what you need to put away. Since, like I said ( I know and am sorry that I am "beating a dead horse") all exotic cat hybrids just like pure exotics have different degree's of pica that require "cat proofing" as well as, different items on there pica "menu".

I've never had to worry about this with my current cat, but maybe I should have.

In my humble opinion, domestic kittens are NOT as destructive as a younger exotic cat hybrid. Most DSH adults are NOT anywhere near as destructive as a exotic cat hybrid (early or later generation). Apparently, some purely domestic breeds like a Siamese are like that.Hopefully, when  Maewkaew has time, she can explain about her experience with her Siamese.

 Although she does not get into things. 

How nice
.  I suspect with a five month old SBT Bengal, that "phase" is over for a "very long while"

Yes, here are some websites that I found and two youtube links

Okay, I have left you some "comments". Hopefully, you don't mind.

(That is a fine link, I must give the ASPCA "props" for once). Just remember, your SBT Bengal is physically stronger, "has more "staying power/stubbornness/willpower" then most DSH's and has a physical prowess most domestics just can't match/stand up to. So, you must work at the pace of your DSH. Only go to the next "step" when she is completely calm for a week or two.

That one is very very good too. Please "adhere" to the same steps as I noted above. That article mentions dogs. Do you have a dog? If so, it is much easier to introduce a early or later generation hybrid to a dog. But, it is NOTHING like it is with a pure Felis silvestris catus. So, I can give you some tips if you wish.

I hope you do not mind me adding some SBT Bengal "appropriate" YouTube's:

These are some "funny" but VERY TRUTHFUL video's of what it is like to live with an SBT Bengal are: http// (this will be for his whole life, okay technically not his whole life, just until his late teens

(I am speechless, a rare event I know

I added this one, since your boy is just five months old: (I would also like to point out, the "kitten stage" that ends in pure domestics around 8 months takes at LEAST 16 months for the average SBT Bengal in my experience.

 This site covers the pica issues which is covered by the "larger" idea of "cat proofing": I know it says Savannahs, but it is the same with Bengals. Even later generation ones. I am not sure why Bengal breeders do not mention it. But, trust me, it's common. Since, I DOUBT, my working with many SBT Bengal's ALL there behaviors could ABERRANT.
I would also like to ask, are you aware of the "specific medical needs a exotic cat hybrid needs, like specific anesthesia? As a general rule, the cat toy's designed for a DSH's will not stand up to a SBT Bengal? Also some toys, are not "safe" for an SBT Bengal as they are for a DSH. Lastly, has the breeder made you aware of his diet? Some lines of SBT Bengals, just like early generation (F1-F3) have very sensitive G.I. tracts. So, find a diet that is "acceptable" to each individual cats system is VERY important, IMHO!


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Haha what should I do to "cat proof"?

What kind of things should be hid away? I've never had to worry about this with my current cat, but maybe I should have. Although she does not get into things. 
Check out the TCS cat care articles. There are several under Your Cat's Environment.
Cats and Hidden Dangers in the Home
Household Chemicals and Your Pets
Making Your Home and Garden Safe for Your Cat

You can also find articles about introducing cats under the Behavior tab on the article page.

Good luck with your gorgeous new kitty.
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  • #23


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 6, 2013
Southern California
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Great information on cat proofing. I liked the YouTube videos also. 

I was not aware of the specific medical needs for a Bengal, I will definitely do some research on this topic.

Yes, I have some of the food that the breeder was feeding him, and I purchased a food that the breeder recommended.

I brought my kitten home about an hour ago, and he is settling in good. Just a little scared, I'll upload some pictures of him.

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

If, this was "aimed at me", you are very welcome. If not, I apologize. I told you, I am ditsy

Great information on cat proofing.

I think that was me

I liked the YouTube videos also. 

Now, I know that was me
.   You are very very welcome and I am glad you enjoyed them

I was not aware of the specific medical needs for a Bengal,

I can give you some websites that you MIGHT find helpful, if you wish

I will definitely do some research on this topic.

Or, you can do that
. I must commend you on your willingness to research. I wish more people where willing to do that

Yes, I have some of the food that the breeder was feeding him, and I purchased a food that the breeder recommended.

Cool cool
. Is it canned, raw or dry?

I brought my kitten home about an hour ago,


and he is settling in good.

Yay yay yay
!! Keep us, or at least me
, apprized to all the details

Just a little scared,

That is VERY normal, IMHO. I am sure, in two weeks, he will act like "he has known you his whole life".

I'll upload some pictures of him.

I can't wait
. You might want to make a new thread for that. Just make sure, if you do, please, send a link to the new thread, pretty please, with sugar on top
. Since, we all know how ditsy I am and will miss it
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  • #26


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 6, 2013
Southern California
I can give you some websites that you MIGHT find helpful, if you wish 

Yes I would love some websites to look at.

Cool cool 
. Is it canned, raw or dry?

I'm feeding him canned and, I have dry food out.

That is VERY normal, IMHO. I am sure, in two weeks, he will act like "he has known you his whole life".

Yeah I can't wait he is already coming out of his shell, especially at night.

Here is the link to the new thread


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 14, 2013
They could have some snow Bengal in them but they look pretty much like domestic tabbies to me.


TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
Nottingham, England.
A lovely cat, the most recent pictures remind me of my cat. Only slight differences in the fur pattern - mine is not a Bengal, but has been likened to a Sokoke (if not is one).