Are cat walks a good idea?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 30, 2013
I like to give some exercise and fresh air to my indoor only cat, so I take him outside everyday. Right before meals, I take him out for 10-20 minutes with a collar on and keep an eye on him so he doesn't wander. I have a bag of treats to lure him back if he gets too far away from my backyard. He's been getting a little more adventurous and sneaking out to the front yard though. 

During unplanned walks, I have him on a harness which he's comfortable with. I end up just following him with a leash while he sniffs around. I was thinking about walking him in a trail not too far from my house (5 min drive) and has a killer view. The problem is that he doesn't like the carrier, probably won't like the car ride either, and doesn't like strangers or dogs. I'd obviously have to go during non peak hours and try to avoid other people. He was an outdoor cat for the first year of his life before we adopted him.

So, good idea or just giving him unnecessary stress?

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
In my opinion, it would be a good thing to do with him because it would give him positive associations with carriers and cars eventually, although the first few rides may be stressful.  (For most cats, carriers and cars mean one thing - VET VISIT -- and they hate them.)  Avoid strangers and dogs as much as possible, and just scoop him up if you see some along the way.  A harness is safer than a collar, if you have a good harness he can't back out of.  That way if he does get spooked and take off, he won't hurt himself when he hits the end of the leash.  My friend uses one of those leashes that can extend when she walks in the woods with her cat,but just a short leash when she walks in the neighborhood.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 2, 2014
Ontario, Canada
We did walks on the leash (with chest harness, not collar)  with the first cat, on unfenced front yard and on the sidewalk (quiet residential area). As long as there were no people or dogs on visible distance, in the early morning, all was fine. Reading "news" spayed by others on bushed and stones, looking around, watching something new. But as somebody appeared, cat did run as fast as he could back home, we are moving much slower, had to use long retractable leash and do not go farther than 4  houses/units away.

With second cat we didn't do that, he is more sensitive/less resistant, and there is always a chance to pick up some infection or parasites left by others (wild life, cats or dogs), including fleas. But, like the first cat, he has safe enclosed cat safe planted backyard. Not much passerbys or events there, though.