Anyone else missing their kitty months/years later?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 28, 2016
I lost my sweet boy Toffee about 5 months ago now. He was 5 years old, but we had only adopted him a few months prior to his passing. Even though the time we had with him was short, he was a special, sweet kitty and we fell in love. He passed away from heart failure which came out of the nowhere, and months later, I still have dreams that I'm searching for him in different places :(

Anyone else lose a kitty some time ago and still missing them a lot? I figured we could make this a thread to remember them and pay them homage. Days go by and we heal, but sometimes it feels just as tough as the day we lost them. I love you, Toffee.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I lost my ginger cat Tom in September 2013 to FIP and still think of him everyday. There are days when I think of him harder and there days when a tear rolls down my eyes. We have a framed picture of him on the wall in the living room. I look at it at least twice a day.

He arrived to my home one evening of two years before, he was clearly starving, I gave him some food and he stayed since, showing a huge sense of love and gratitude. He was about 5 or 6 yo when he chose me.

He was a very lovely cat, he loved every form of life, other cats, birds, butterflies, dogs, humans, were all friends of him. He used to purr to the vets too, he was always happy even when he was ill, and his health wasn't his strongest point. He was FIV+ when he arrived, but a few months later we found him positive to FeLV too. He had some trouble breathing because his nose had broken in the past, he was missing all his incisors, he had very delicate eyes. But despite all these miseries he was always happy.

He used to roam and find some feral cats around and lead them home where he offered them his dish, because he knew that those feral cats could rarely find a decent meal, but he could have had it everyday.

Everybody would fall in love with him at their first sight, some veterinarians asked me to give him to them because they had never seen a friendlier and happier cat before.

I'm sure he has found millions of new friends in the place where he is now.

I'm still crying :(
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I lost my Chrissy at ten years old five years ago this year. I truly thought my heart went with her. It was, and still is the hardest thing I have ever been through, no human death has even come close to what I feel I have lost. She was feisty and crabby and had the loudest purr I have ever heard. She ruled the boys of the house with an iron paw, but was not above licking them gently at times, and bringing them her 'kills' of furry toy mice. I was the only one who could stroke her and the only one she laid with and watched TV.  She would allow two strokes from everyone else and then would let them know to leave her alone.  She was proud and bold and so beautiful with her black paws and gray tabby coat. Her eyes were huge and round and the color of spun gold, my nickname for her was 'owl eyes'. 

I thought my life ended too when she died, it took me a long time to realize that she would never want me to be so sad for the rest of my life. The memory of her zest for life taught me to begin to live again. My heart is full with the love I hold for my other little ones, they have given me a welcome distraction from my grief and have taught me to live day by day, we are never guaranteed a tomorrow, so embrace what you have right now and be grateful for what you had in the past, it is priceless.

Chrissy, if I could live that day over. I would trade years to do so. But no matter how badly I want to do so, we can never change the past. I miss you so very much, I cry still for what I have lost. Wait for me sweet little girl, one day we WILL be together again and happily together for eternity!   

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I lost Boris 11 months ago.  It still hits me hard sometimes.  He was such a good friend.  He was always around, on my desk, in my lap, on a chair or on the floor nearby.  If I was sad or upset he would stand with his feet on my leg and peer into my face as if to ask, "You OK, Jim?"  He really made a difference.  He was a beautiful cat and had so much personality.  He had HCM and went from super healthy to euthanized in 12 hours.  He was just shy of his fourth birthday.  I hope you don't mind if I post his picture.  Rest in peace, dear friend.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
We lost our Jamie to HCM on March 1, 2013, and hardly a day goes by without my thinking about him. He was a real "character", even for a cat.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I still sometimes think about and miss my childhood pets, I am 61 now.  It is nothing like when I first lost them but they are still a part of me and I miss that part of me.  The really raw grief will pass when you are ready but your kitty will always be part of you.

lily paddy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 23, 2016
I miss my JAxx everyday, i still cry.. i have him as my screensaver on my duel monitors at work.. and as my icon here.. He is my forever angel kitty, he was only 5 months when he passed from FIP.. he had two makings of exact angel wings on his back.. I loved him so.. and miss him every single day. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
I lost my Kiki on January 29. I still think of her every day, even though I have two other kitties.

I started crying yesterday because I grabbed a bag of tortilla chips. Kiki ALWAYS came running for tortilla chips.

I lost her in just 2 days. Friday something was not quite right, Saturday she obviously did not feel well. On Sunday, we went to the ER and they were not able to stabilize her enough to figure out what was the root cause.

They said several days in ICU might stabilize her, but that I might not ever get her back again. I had to let her go, instead of leaving her alone, in a hospital cage, with strange people and strange noises.

I walked her to the bridge, I never did that before. She knew I was there at the end, she was not in pain, and she purred for me before she crossed over.

My other cats had all been ill before I let them go. The shock of losing Kiki has still not gone. I look for her where we used to sit, in bed where she tucked me in at night.

I've found this site, and the support has been wonderful. I've spent far too much time reading about the wonderful kitties here and the extraordinary ways people have rescued and cared for their fur babies.

It's been helpful to "hear" how other people still grieve for their pets.

I know this will fade in time, but it still is quite raw for me. I think of Kiki less often, but it can still come back in an instant. She took a piece of my heart with her, and a piece of her will always be with me



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
My 10 month old kitten Harry passed away last summer post-surgery from cardiac arrest. I am still devastated.

Here he is on the first day mommy gave him his own food bowl.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2017
I lost Tiger on 2/13/17. She was 12 years old and I do think about her everyday. I had to force myself to stop crying and move forward. She was my first pet and I learned a lot from her about love, friendship, pet care, etc.

When Tiger was about a year old she started to lose some of her fur. Took her to the vet, the prescribe a liquid vitamin supplement (dont remember), wash her with this special shampoo and to feed her Science diet sensitive skin and stomach. Needless to say, her fur was fine for a time and as time progressed in her later years. It gotten worse. I wasn't paying attention or thought to find ways to rectify the problem.

Needless to say, she was getting violently ill and I took her to the hospital. Just to discover that she has triad's disease. There's no cure. This was primarily due to the food I fed her, based on the vets recommendation.

The treatment required a cocktail of medication and a special diet. I couldn't give her the attention needed. I regret that, part of me feels that I should fought harder for her, I should have taken time off to give her the medication necessary to save her life. I should have money available to save her or I should have gotten a second opinion and drove to a vet that could help my precious Tiger. Find a vet that I could actually afford. SOMETHING!!!

The pain and guilt that I didnt do more......overwhelms me! I would scream and fall to the floor crying. One day I could've sworn I heard her meow. The grief can be so overwhelming. I miss her so much!

I never thought in my life I would feel this way for a cat. I never thought of TIger as my fur-baby until she got sick. I always considered her my BFF. But now, I realized she was my baby.

"Ask the animals and they will teach you...". Well Tiger taught me a lot about TRUE friendship.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 14, 2014
It's been coming up on three years since my precious Back died.  Though unintentional, the fault is mine, and I've thought about him every single day since he died -- in fact that's what brought me to this site tonight -- to see how others are doing who have lost a friend.  Your ability to cope will get better, I can promise you that, but you'll always have that little hole that forever stays empty.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I see a picture of Simon a tuxedo we lost May 2014 on the freezer everyday, and everyday when I come home I see a statue that looks like Sebastian a long haired Chantilly who died in my arms 11/15 and think of them both; then I come inside and see Sylvester who is a 50/50 mix of those two boys put together and it makes me and my heart smile, until I have to yell at him to stop scratching the woodwork lol!!! But I think of those boys often, which makes me think of ALL of them who have passed over the years, and it still makes me somewhat sad, but they are fine now, no longer in pain or suffering, and we will be reunited one day down the line. 

My wife STILL can't talk about Rusty, our cockapoo dog who died in 1995, it still gets to her, so to answer your question, yes, it still at times is tough to think about them, they were a huge part of our lives and families and always will be.....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 29, 2016
SW Ohio
Yes, frequently. At 51 years old, I've lost many and still think of them. From our first cat Mutley that my father rescued from the steel mill where he worked to my girl Bugs who I had to have put down in 2014. They were all friends. They were all family. Bugs is with me always as I had her tattooed on my arm after her passing.  I have framed photos of her in the living room and the bedroom.  She will always have a special place in my heart.



Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I think often of all my babies who have passed. Lena passed in 2001; she was so special but I think all of us cat

parents think ours were special.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2013
I think of all our previous fur babies. Zany was our first cat back in 85' she lived for years with a heart  condition Yahtzee left us too soon with kidney problems Kato Cats died of cancer  Roxy died very suddenly 24 hours after first becoming ill and our Ziggy died last Christmas from kidney failure at 3 years old that is still very raw. The bond you have with your cats can never be broken and we love and miss every one of them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Cindy died in September 2014 after a 2 year battle with cancer. Darcy who we got in probably November 2014 left us in December 2014 after she got FIP. I think of them both nearly every day and still cry, I miss them so very much. I don't know how the heck to get over it.  I just hope they will be waiting for me at the bridge when it's my time to leave this world.