Any uusual Stories or signs that gave you comfort?

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
I agree; in fact, the older I get I've come to understand that there are no such things as coincidences.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
I just checked out the link; very interesting. Thanks for that.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
Chaplin passed over Tuesday night. The fact that I know he’s frolicking around in a far better place, free from his kidney failure suffering, helps me a lot. These true events depicted in this thread....let them comfort you as well. I’m sure some of you can add newer ones. :)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree, there are too many happenings that make mere coincidence impossible. I feel sorry for people who refuse to believe in a higher power, I have felt evil, i have had evil in my life. I so strongly believe that for every single thing there is an opposite reaction, therefore there MUST be a good power out there. If the nonbelievers are right I have lost nothing, if I am right, I have gained everything, eternal life.....
When my Chrissy was killed on that dark December day, we buried her tiny body and wept with uncontrolled grief. As I wept anew when I gazed at her grave and realized she hated the cold so very much and now was buried in it, my husband and I held each other and he cried to the skies, "Chrissy, PLEASE send us a sign that you made it, that you are safe and warm!" At that exact moment a shooting star appeared and shot sideways across the sky! We were answered! I wish I could hold on to that feeling at that exact moment, the complete belief that our plea was answered, the relief that our little girl was able to communicate to us in our time of grief But time brings doubts and logical answers, though I hold on stubbornly to my belief that she answered us in our time of need. It has been 6 years now, 6 years of loss and heartache. My soulmate is gone and I will mourn her until the day I die. But on that one cold night, I truly was filled with conviction that there is a higher power, that there IS more out there, and I will hold on to that for eternity and more......and I believe because the shooting star fits my little girl to a T, she never did ANYTHING in half measures, my precious, sassy little diva!
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
Sometimes God blesses us with a sign, but whether He does or not, rest assured, Our four legged best friends await us and are happy, so happy that they don’t miss us. There’s no sadness in heaven.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Simon was our Tuxedo cat (more like a dog!) and passed away May 2014, Sebastian was a long haired black cat with a bushy tail who passed November 2015. I held both of these boys as the passed, and it hit me hard, real hard. One day months after Sebastian died I saw a picture of a cute little guy in the newspaper up for adoption at a local shelter, said he was a little tuxedo and I remember thinking "sounds like a little Simon". When I looked at his photo online he looked like a combination of the two, long haired tuxedo and I thought "how cool would that be to have him?". Well, they didn't let me adopt him, said we had too many cats, and "perhaps one will come along who needs your help more than he does" and they were right, as I found out about Sylvester whom you see pictured to the left who is EXACTLY a purrfect combination of the two boys mixed together, and he was basically living in a bathroom most of the time because another cat who turns out to be his father turned so mean against him and wanted to kill him so they kept him "prisoner" until he and I found each other. I made the calls and was set to get him in a few days but the owner was a bit lax with it, and one night while I was lying in bed I had this "vision" that I seem to get from time to time, my grandmother used to get them, almost like a video is playing in your head and you are being communicated with mentally and in this "vision" I sensed an image , a black image is the best way I can describe it and it represented Sebastian and to the right of that was another image that I knew was my Grandmother, almost like she was there to let me know "this is legitimate" and the black image (Sebastian) slowly started to move closer and twice I heard the words "do it" and I knew he meant to get Sylvester, and mentally I said "I will buddy, I'll get him", and the images faded away, and I got Sylvester out of a bad situation, he was thin and flea bitten and living a horrible life but has been spoiled and is just fine now, healthy and happy and strong, he saved me as I was so distraught over losing Sebastian like that and I saved him, and Sebastian cared enough to see that that happened!!!
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
Wonderful story!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 10, 2012
I recently been praying and I know for sure I saw my cat spirit cause felt my feet my cat was on top my cat in spirit was by my pillow. I think she gave me a sign a heart imprint on the towel I was going to use.

I believe they are in heaven in a realm where they await, I have two cats I miss so I am sure they bonded together. Even read this book imagine heaven, it talks about nde I believe these stories some children see their pets in nde and read about nde with pets. I know most will say no pets in heaven but put your faith and trust in Jesus and God.

I truely believe that we will see our furbabies because they are like family!
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  • #31


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
Absolutely. There are horses, for example, in heaven. Christ, the Bible says, will ride on the back of one when he returns!
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
Let this thread be a comfort to all of us who have lost a fur baby. We will see our kitties again, but until that day, they are happy and not in any discomfort whatsoever.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
We just lost our youngest, Hank, to CHF on Friday afternoon. :sniffle: The ache in my heart is still strong, but my Chewie, who is the most intuitive cat I've ever known, has NOT left my side. :hugs: He purrs louder than he ever has, and just now, has made both myself and my husband laugh. :lol: He is 18, and his play sessions are brief, but he had been running around the house for about a half hour,:bliss: which is out of character, so I pulled out a toy for him and he played with me like he hasn't done since he was a kitten. :runaround:
Big thank you to my Chewie, for giving me something to laugh at, and something to smile about. As I write this, he has fallen asleep, I think that burst of playtime pooped him out. :sleep2:
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2005
I teach at colleges and one of my former adult students (ten years ago), a level headed talented student, told the class he and his family occasionally see a cat in spirit form. I contacted him last week and he told me he and his family have since moved, but still see the cat. Our loved pets do cross over!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2017
Syracuse, NY
With my sweet girl, Missy, who passed in 2013, I felt a jump on the bed and moving around down in the bed corner right after she died, and the same thing happened with Beamer, who passed this past January. First, I heard his meow earlier in the night, and I felt a jump on the bed on the night he passed.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Just bumping this one up so Bootsm can see it and read all the wonderful posts that relate to her post the other day!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 17, 2014
Normandy, France
I will share this and hope it can bring a bit of help and comfort.

I have been in deep pain lately, having to say goodbye to 2 of my beloved furbabies within 10 days.
My Crumpy had to leave because of lymph node cancer and at the same time my Azimut had a stroke that left him blind. We tried various medication in the hope he would recover, but whilst his balance came back, his sight didn't, and he just didn't have the quality of life he used to enjoy. He bravely stayed with me another 10 days, but by then I could see he was declining and I had to let him go.
Calling the vet to the house for the second time and knowing how much he would be scared was agony, but I had to do it.
This was last monday.
Since then, I've been in a very dark place in my heart, praying for a sign that they were ok and happy.
Nothing happened.
Until last night.
My Azimut always had one of his back claws growing crooked, which made a distinct sound on our wooden floors when he walked. A click-click.
Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke and heard this sound. Now, I know it was a 'real' sound because it was so, well, real - I would guess it might have been a small twig tapping on the window, but whatever it was, the sound was identical, and the rythm was identical and it made me think "that is exactely like my Azimut" - at wich point a few words from a song just jumped in my head, as clear as anything (this song I hadn't heard in ages, never even thought about in ages, just a song that I happened to know....)

And those few words said: "We are free, we are young".

The sense of comfort I got for the first time in days was just unbelievable.
And when I thought about it during the day, it brought a smile to my face.
When I looked up the rest of the song online, the full sentence says :

"We are free, we are young, we are free, we're allright"

Thank you my little ones - I love you so much.
Till we meet again.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 10, 2018
We just lost our youngest, Hank, to CHF on Friday afternoon. :sniffle: The ache in my heart is still strong, but my Chewie, who is the most intuitive cat I've ever known, has NOT left my side. :hugs: He purrs louder than he ever has, and just now, has made both myself and my husband laugh. :lol: He is 18, and his play sessions are brief, but he had been running around the house for about a half hour,:bliss: which is out of character, so I pulled out a toy for him and he played with me like he hasn't done since he was a kitten. :runaround:
Big thank you to my Chewie, for giving me something to laugh at, and something to smile about. As I write this, he has fallen asleep, I think that burst of playtime pooped him out. :sleep2:
Hi Jem,

My cat is in the end stages of CFH. How did you know it was time?