Any Hope? Kidney Failure


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 4, 2018
our 13 yo female cat has been on months of antibiotics fighting a persistent bone infection. She was recently at vet for two weeks for treatment when she stopped eating. Tests showed kidney failure. They said she has a short time to live. We brought her home 2 days ago. She won’t eat or drink though I keep putting food and water for her. She is extremely weak and uncoordinated but today ventured out from her hiding place so she’s moving...responds when I brush her and seems not to be in pain/distress. The vet doesn’t think there’s anything to do that will make a difference in the long run. Should I try syringing some water into her mouth? She resists when I try. I just want her to be comfortable. But I don’t want to give up if there’s any hope.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I'm so sorry about your kitty. Its absolutely heartbreaking watching your cat decline. I'm going thru the same thing right now with one of mine who we are simply providing hospice care for, until his time.
I do have a few questions for you though...
What did they do during her 2 week stay at the vet? Was she there for the infection and THEN stopped eating? or did you bring her in BECAUSE she stopped eating? Sorry just need clarification.
Did they offer you subQ fluids to do at home to keep her hydrated?

If you are providing hospice care for her at this point, maybe adding a little tuna water to some water would entice her to at least drink a bit on her own.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 4, 2018
Thanks Jem. She was at the vet so they could administer the antibiotics. Then they put her on a drip when she stopped eating. Then she ate a bit, stopped again and then they discovered kidney failure.

I asked the vet today about subcutaneous fluids but he said it wouldn’t make a difference.

I’ve been watering down her food with tuna water and she just isn’t interested. I will try it in the water though.

Is your cat still moving around? I was surprised that mine staggered around the house today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Is your cat still moving around? I was surprised that mine staggered around the house today.
Yeah, he still gets around, but he tends to stay in his room, unless we go get him for some cuddle time. We both feel so bad that he can't get around the house much, so my husband has set up his game console in our cats room so he has company while my husband does his "wind down" gaming. And if I'm sitting watching TV or whatever, I bring him out of the room to hang with me. He ends up sleeping most of the day and night, no matter where he is, but still gets up to drink, snack and use his litter box. So if we have him out of his room, we always put him back in every hour or so, so he can use his litter box, eat or drink.

He's slowly not eating as much this past week, so I think his time is coming soon

And now to your Kitty...First, what is her name??

Unfortunately if they had her on an IV for fluids and she still did not eat, I think the vet might be right that the subQ fluids might not work either. Although, It took almost a week on subQ fluids before mine started to eat well, IDK, I know how you feel about wanting to do absolutely everything and hoping for a better outcome.

If her time is coming, I would just giver her whatever her little heart desires. Sardines, smelly canned food, tuna, meat only baby food (no onions or garlic), you could try making kitten glop for her. Furballsmom Furballsmom has an amazing list of things to try to get a cat to eat, she'll hopefully see this and post it for you.
I would also keep her warm, you could place a hot water bottle or microwaveable bean/rice bag in her cat bed to keep her comfy, kidney cats are prone to being cold, and the heat might help her legs be less stiff.
The thing is, and I don't know if your vet told you this or if you knew this already but, when they know their time has come they will instinctively stop eating and drinking.

If you have any other questions for me feel free to ask. I don't really know what else to say, given what your vet has told you, but if you think of anything you would like to know, I might be able to give you some insight base on what I'm doing or have done.

I'll be thinking of you and your kitty.:heartshape:


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I'm so sorry to hear this!
Try something here below regarding food for your kitty, but also try some classical harp music for your cats. It's known to help them relax, there's also an app called Relax My Cat, and

Try one or two of these items below - (just a note, I've seen that some people are using nutritional yeast but I'm wary of this one-too much can cause the uric acid to become too high.)

Finger feeding could help as well.

You could double-check with your vet just to be sure these things are ok.

Try some raw egg yolk. Egg white must always be cooked, and some people cook the white and make a slurry of sorts by adding in the raw yolk.

Try making the Pedialyte here;
tent test for dehydration and home-made pedialyte recipe - The Daily Kitten

Also, try making one of these;
Kitten Glop Recipes - Supplementing Cats and Kittens with nutritious formula you make at home: presented by Bengal Cat breeder Foothill Felines. --This website has a number of kitten glop recipes, with ingredients that you may very well have in your house.

These can be used on their own or combined with food. Also, if you heat the food a little - stir it so there aren't any hot spots from the microwave.
Or you could heat some water, about a tablespoon, and add that to canned food. A small glass works to stir it all up.
  • Chicken, beef or ham flavored baby food such as Gerber Stage 2 - make sure there is no garlic or onions in the ingredients
  • Tuna and/or the juice, a low mercury/low/no sodium brand is called SafeCatch
  • Salmon, mackerel
  • Sardines (make sure there are no bones)
  • boiled cut up chicken or turkey with no seasonings
  • canned kitten food any brand
  • Try mixing in Kitten Milk Replacer - there are recipes on the internet or store bought
  • Fish, tuna or BBQ flavored canned wet food (I personally have never seen BBQ flavors, but...)
  • Lickable cat treats or pouch treat 'gravy' poured over the food
  • kitten glop (recipes in website link above)
  • Bonito flakes
  • fortiflora
  • fish oil
  • green beans, asparagus mushed up
  • goat milk, or no lactose cow milk
  • whole cooked eggs (the white must always be cooked) or raw egg yolk now and then
  • broth with no salt and no garlic or onion or seasonings of any kind
  • There are also commercial toppers, Applaws is a brand that can work well as a topper
  • Some good treats would be freeze dried Purebites, Orijen, Meowtinis, Meowables, Only Natural Pet, Primal
  • There are also Lickimats that you could spread types of soft food onto, even plain unflavored yogurt, and even freeze it. Licking something can help a cat to feel better emotionally The LickiMat - Food Puzzles for Cats
  • shredded cheddar cheese
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 4, 2018
Thanks so much. I have tried sardines, tuna, chicken, eggs - tried hand-feeding- she turns her head away...she just won’t eat. She did drink a little tonight. She’s so weak she can’t keep her head straight. We will likely call the vet tomorrow to get her advice if to euthanize her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
She's lucky to have someone like you caring for her. What ever you decide or happens, we're here for you.

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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 4, 2018
Rooney is still holding on...she’s been drinking but won’t eat no matter what I give her. She can barely hold her head up. I did syringe a tiny bit of chicken broth and fish oil into her mouth yesterday but she hates being forced...I feel like I am torturing her when the vet says there’s no hope .