Any experience with feline idiopathic cystitis (blocked urethra- crystals)?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2015

So on Thursday, my 2 year old cat Lotus was acting very strangely so I took him to the vet.  It turned out he had a blocked urethra caused by feline idiopathic cystitis. It was unblocked using a catheter while he was under anesthetic, and the catheter was kept in for 12 hours while he was kept on an IV.  I got him back last night, 3 hours after the catheter was removed. He is on 1 mg Prazosin, 0.3 g Buprenorphine, 62 mg Clavamox, and Ofloxacin eyedrops (they somehow hurt his eye while he was at the vet! poor guy!). 

I got him back home around 10 last night, and he seemed terrible. He was just groaning, couldn't stand being touched, and didn't seem to realize he was home.  I laid him on a towel by his litterbox, and he hadn't moved 9 hours later the next morning and had peed on the towel.  

It's now almost 1 the next day, about 13 hours since I got him home, and I've only seen him stand twice.  The rest of the time he just lays there looking miserable.  He's eaten a tiny bit of wet food, but the only water he's had has been given to him through a dropper.  He's extremely lethargic and has just been laying in his bed (that I put him in), either staring into space or sleeping.  

I called the vet 3 times and they acted like he should be his normal self by now.  I'm struggling to see how this could be true considering all the medication he's on and what he's just been through.  The fact that the vet thinks he should be "fine" or acting "normal" is concerning me.  They said that he shouldn't be exhibiting unusual behavior but again, I feel like unusual behavior should be considered normal at this point.  But again, I'm not a vet, so I don't know.

I just wanted to make this post before taking him into the vet again, because I don't want to pay for another visit as it's already put a pretty big strain on me financially.  Could anyone share their experiences with this? 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 24, 2015
Have a female that had it but didn't have a blockage.  She had lots of blood in her urine.  I had to take her back to the vet numerous times for the same problem and each time I took her they did not charge me for an office call.  They only charged for medication.  Hope this helps...I'd get him in ASAP.

I was happily surprised about their policy.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Sorry no one else responded in all this time.  In my experience, sometimes cats have a bad response to Clavamox.  One of my cats absolutely could not take it or he acted as if he were dying, so we had it in his records not to prescribe it to him.  It's possible that's why Lotus is not "somewhat" back to normal, although I would not expect him to be completely back to normal, as he's been through a lot in a short period of time.

Did you take him back in?  If so, what happened?  if not, has there been any change?  If not, I definitely would,or if nothing else, see if you can get a different antibiotic and see if that makes a difference.  IMHO, something is not right. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I suspect that the Prazosin may be causing his lethargy. That is also a high dose of buprenorphine, which is a pain killer. It also tends to make cats sleepy.

I am surprised that your vet isn't aware that it may be the drugs causing your cat's symptoms. I would ask the vet about stopping or lowering your cat's doses of these two particular drugs.

You really need to get more fluids into your cat. Try syringing clear pedialyte into him - 2 mL's every hour or so, or he's going to need sub-q fluids.

Let us know what the vet says. I sure hope your kitty feels better soon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2013
Orlando, Florida
My cat wasn't really acting normal until about 2-3 days after the blockage. The pain killer did make him a zombie but at least I knew he wasn't in pain. The pain killer was probably prescribed for only a couple days it may be that drug that's making him sleepy but the vet should be telling you this. Urine leakage is also normal for a couple days. I would say by day 3 if your cat is not back to being semi normal I'd really start worrying or before if you don't see many many many trips to the litterbox to pee or pee leakage on the towel. The biggest concern is making sure the pee is coming out.
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