Any Advice With Helping My 2 Female Cats To Coexist


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 6, 2018
I have 2 beautiful female black cats, both 4 years old. Chloe who is the 1st resident cat, she's the queen & very territorial. I had Chloe first and brought Paris home after a year thinking she needed a friend. I go to school full time and work part time so I thought Chloe would accept her eventually. Paris is super affection and loves to cuddle, although timid will do her best to stick up for herself with hissing and growling. I did a very slow introduction for about 2 months. It was very challenging because I have a one bedroom apartment but I separated them with separate everything. Chloe was not happy. I only let them have supervised visits after a month or so. They tolerated each other after the 2 month period keeping in separate areas of the apartment but would have confrontations with kitty litter visits and feedings. I decided to feed them separatedly and still do. They both get grain-free wetfood once in morning and again in the evening, there's also high quality grain free kibble in 2 different areas, both in high spots in different rooms and multiple water dishes. They both prefer different kinds of wetfood, Paris prefers wetfood over the dry kibble and Chloe prefers the dry kibble over the wetfood. I measure out about a cup between them but I know Chloe is eating more of it then Paris. Paris just occasionally nibbles. Both are indoor cats, it's really not an option for either to be outdoor indoor cats living in an apartment style dwelling.

Lately Chloe has been positioning herself in the bathroom hallway and blocking Paris from coming out. I have 2 kitty litter boxes in there and really don't have an option anywhere else in the house. In the earliest stages of introducing them I had Paris's litterbox in my bedroom. After they seemed to tolerate each other I gradually moved the litterbox into the bathroom. When I see Chloe blocking Paris from coming out I promptly go get Paris and safely bring her to another room or put her on her perch. Also Chloe eats from both kibble dishes in the different areas. I've tried moving them, also I tried adding a third but she's very adiment that all kibble dishes are hers. When eating she'll growling and act very territorial over the kibble. During the wetfood feeding times Chloe is in another room and Paris is the kitchen they both eat calmly.

About a week ago they have had a full on catfight and Chloe had Paris cornered under the kitchen table & literally in the corner with no way out. I managed to get Chloe away from Paris and put her in a time out room. I left Paris alone until she was ready to come out of hiding. I decided to separate them for over an hour then let Chloe out. It's been a year and a half and I'm just getting discouraged. Some days they are lounging in the same room and I get my hopes up. Paris has her hiding spots and always seeks me out for affection. Chloe is more aloof and chooses when she wants affection, this is usually when I first come home and I find the doorway entrance with at least 3 or more of her favourite toys. She greets me and I lift her up and I spend quality time with her until she lets me know she wants down. Almost always she goes directly to Paris and hisses and growls after this encounter. The territory has worked out that Paris tries to keep on higher ground and Chloe takes the lower ground in the apartment. Paris is very playful and has tried to engage with play with Chloe but Chloe rejects her efforts. Other then reintroducing them does anyone have any advice how I can get them to live more peacefully. When I'm home they usually just stick to their own areas and somewhat behave, Paris does try to avoid Chloe but eventually their paths cross and the hisses and growls start. Also Chloe won't play when Paris is around, she will start and I know she wants to but when Paris wants to partake Chloe gets all pissed off and goes off to sulk by herself.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2015
I would advise to separate the two litterboxes so that Chloe can not guard both of them. I would also try, if I were you, to offer as many beds as possible, to put shelves on the wall to add "territory" so they have more space to share and to give yourself a set amount of time to try and fix this. Say 6 months. If things haven't improved after that it would be best to try to rehome one of them. This is no way to live for any of you.

Other members will probably give you more and better advice but that is my 2 cents. I feel for all 3 of you and hope things get better quick.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Yes, if they are acting like this, two separate feeding and litter box areas are needed. Chloe cannot guard them both at once. Two females almost always act this way. They do not become buddies like two boys do. They ARE providing each other with company and entertainment, and it might take a few more years for them to truly get along. It sounds like you are doing everything right, I would just tell Chloe NO very loudly when she is bullying, and give both individual attention and maybe some play time where they both can participate. I feed all my cats separately so as not to bring on bad feelings. Provide Paris with a high up place to retreat to and make sure Chloe knows you will not tolerate any bullying. I think things will come around eventually, it is just taking longer. My cats took over a year to get along,and for the most part get along, but I still have the occasional fight years later.
Just love them both for who they are and things will turn out, all the luck!