Anxious/scary adopted cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
Hey everyone!

I have adopted a cat 10 days ago from a shelter. His name is Seo and he is a Scottish, apparently he was abandoned and abused from his previous owner which was actually breeding him. I assume it is a cat that lives in a cage throuhout his life, and apparelty he is around a year old now. I think he is a bit older than that though.

Adaptation is goin well I would say. I have set up a 'safe room' for him with loads of beds and few hiding spaces, and thats where he stays most of the day. I have no problem petting him during the day, as he is all day trying to sleep there. Its usually me that does the first step to him, and sometimes he just backs off a little bit but enjoys and purrs just after.

That being said, I have few concerns:
1: he does nothing but sleep during the day. No toilet, not eating, just stays in the same spot (safe room, which is my bedroom but I only use to sleep, with 'open' hiding space). He usually 'wakes up' at 23h, and thats where I can play with him and pet him a little bit. Then he stays awake all night eating, playing, etc. I have a camera in the living room and at night his resting spot is the sofa, where he never joins me during the day, as he is sleeping in his safe room. What can I do to change his habits? Why when everybody is awake he has to sleep 'safely hidden' but at night he takes 1 min to jump on the sofa when nobody is there? What can I do to change his nighlife to day life?

2: no way he eats treats on wet food. Tried all the ways I could, shows no interest at all... I tried all kind of wet food and also heating them or mixing with dry food.... Nothing... What ddo you suggest?

I kind of feel that his fear is for humans... But on the other hand he lets me pet him, purrs, he shows me his belly and even lick me from time to time, but thats mostly during daytime ( his sleeping time). At night time thats when I try to play a little bit with him, and manage to approach to prt him from time to time, but no way for him to rest near me in the living room. When we are in the living room past 23h, he usually joins and is around but on his defenses, very skittish and scared

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to rescribe as much as possible. I would greatly appreciate any input that can help with his feeding (treats amd wet) as I believe it will help me a lot to make him feel safer. Then what do you suggest to change him to daytime to have more interaction?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Ten days in the life of an adult cat isnt much. While some may adjust in a few days, many many others take much longer. I think your guy is doing well actually. Even though it is when humans aren’t around he is eating, using the litter box, playing and exploring. I would continue to give him his space and allow him to seek you out when he wants play or attention. You could try offering him an Inaba churro, which is a tube of wet meat paste. Cats love them and it would help him see you as the source of good things.

As far as wet vs dry food I would first start to get him on a meal schedule vs free feeding, so setting kibble out for him three times day, or when he goes to bed at night and first thing In the morning and along side of the dry food add a wet food at least once a day. If he doesn’t eat it you will have to toss it but next day reduce his dry a bit and set out new wet. You will have to be patient with making the switch, it can take months, and you may need to try different brands to find one he likes. Fancy Feast pate’s are relatively inexpensive and have decent nutrition so a good place to start.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Cats normally sleep during the day then play at night. Litter box is used when I get up,go to bed,and feed them. They are on a feeding schedule 3x a day. Before thier second meal they play. Hunt catch kill eat nap. They love wand toys like the go cat catcher and purrfect leather bouncer. Can you put a box in your bedroom?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 24, 2019
It's totally normal for cats to sleep during the day and play at night. I have two cats, and I seldom see one of them awake during the day, but I hear her running and playing all night long.

It took her a long time before she felt comfortable and safe here; it's only been ten days, so I suspect he's still feeling you out. I personally think it's not up to us to change their behavior; it's up to us to create a space where they eventually feel safe, and their behavior will change accordingly.