Anxiety from Ringworm


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 19, 2021
I adopted 2 kittens a month ago. Oliver got ringworm first and now Betty has it. They have been to the vet but I am still waiting on a positive culture before they will give oral meds (my husband got it last week so we know it’s ringworm). We have cleaned like crazy, quarantined our fur babies, and have been giving the baths (not fun) and putting the cream on the spots. My question is this- does this ever go away? I have googled and basically I feel like the only way to rid your house of this is to burn it down. Right now I have soooo much anxiety about it, I’m losing sleep. We are doing all the right things but I’m afraid it’s just going to be a reoccurring problem forever. If these spores are invisible and each kitty has already put millions of them in our house, how can we ever actually get rid of them. Even if they get a negative test back in a few weeks, how do we let them roam the house when I could have missed a spore cleaning. Does anyone out there have information on success stories or something to ease my worries? I know we’re doing everything we can but the information I’ve read makes it sound never ending. Please, easy my mind if you can.

crystal dawn

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Alpha Cat
Aug 25, 2015
Missouri, USA
People tend to put more negitive then positive out there so keep that in mind. Also the positive thing is while ring worm is unconfortable it's not life threatening. Also a single sport isn't likely to cause a problem. From my experiance with ring worm and other similar nasties as long as you've done a good deep cleaning and keep the cleaning up through treatment once it's healed it doesn't come back unless it gets picked up again somehow. As long as your kitties are indoor kitties then you shouldn't have any problems getting rid of it and keeping it gone.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
How to Deal with Ringworm in Cats [Inc. the Housecleaning Regime] – TheCatSite Articles
Ringworm in Cats
Ringworm and Cats: It's Not That Scary – The Barn Cat Lady

Welcome to The Cat Site! I am sorry that the ringworm outbreak is what brought you here. I agree that with indoor kittens, once they are treated with the oral meds and you have cleaned as much as possible, it should resolve itself. Your vet is actually trying to do the right thing in getting the positive diagnosis so that he can administer the oral meds which are considered to be more effective.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2021
Just came from the vet. We actually got the positive confirmation today. I am getting the meds now. I just want this all over with. The vet reassured me that this is most likely a one time thing for indoor kittens. I just hope I clean good enough. I feel better but still not at ease. I probably worry more than the average person though. I’m also worried about their socialization. They are 4 months old and the only person that they see now is me. My husband and kids are staying away. I don’t want them to be scared of other people.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I agree with the vet that this should be a one time occurrence in indoor kitties. Don't worry too much about their socialization as you can pick it up when they are cured from the ringworm. Be as friendly with them when you are around them as you feel you can be. My GSD, now 15, had mange as a puppy. It delayed his arrival out here as he was being flown in from out of state. It was a one off....never happened again.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2021
Thank you so much for making me feel better. I’m hoping this time goes by fast. I feel like we’re missing out on their kitten days. 😢
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2021
So the vet has both kittens on meds, 7 days on then 7 days off for 3 rounds. Any idea why they do this? It’s going to be another 6 weeks of them in the basement. I feel so bad.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
That is a standard way to prescribe these meds. Is it itraconazole? Can you make, or is your basement a place where they can have some toys or something to occupy themselves with? Try to interact as you feel safe. I have kept kittens in one place, namely a large bathroom, for much longer than 6 weeks and everyone turned out fine.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2021
It is itraconozole. The basement is pretty big and I have cat trees down there. I just don’t know if I should be somehow cleaning the trees every day. I left them in the sun for a few hours Saturday but I don’t know if that’s enough. Those trees are expensive so I can’t replace them every week. As far as socialization, I go downstairs and play with them every day. I hold them and throw toys around. I always change my clothes and wash afterwards but I’m assuming I’m bringing spores into the house when I come upstairs. This is so stressful and I’m probably overreacting but I just feel like I can’t clean enough and that they are going to get it again. I actually can not believe that I don’t have it yet.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Ringworm in cats

This might reassure you a little bit about catching ringworm. While others state that it is contagious without the qualifying factor of a scratch or open sore, most agree that the elderly, very young, and immune compromised are more at risk.

More about cleaning the premises

You are wearing long sleeved tops and gloves when you are around them? There may be some very good reasons that you don't have it because of the precautions you are taking and the cleaning you are doing. I would vacuum the cat trees. Another tool that easily removes hair, although it does not vacuum, is any kind of a pet hair remover or rake like you might use on upholstery or carpeting.


TCS Member
Sep 13, 2022
J JaimeLDM - so glad I found your post. I too am currently losing my mind, having daily panic attacks and losing sleep with trying to clean my house enough for when my kitten is able to finally come out of isolation. I have 2 other cats who are still roaming around (they seem far) but I keep thinking that they're picking up spores with their fluffy tails and tracking them all over the place. The kitten was allowed free roam in the house and hanging out, cuddling with his fur brothers and living life so it's super sad to see him all by himself in his room. Now, I'm even starting to have anxiety petting the 2 adult cats for fear of passing it back to the little one or passing it to them myself (I have dried up rashes my arms) and also spreading more spores around the house. Ive never been OCD but I do have anxiety and am easily stressed so this is so overwhelming especially because we live in a moderate sized home that's mostly carpeted. The kitten is in a carpeted room so hopefully me vacuuming every few days is enough. And I also bought a bunch of cat trees and scratchers prior to his arrival that I would hate to have to throw away. So I totally understand how you were feeling last year. I wanted to see how you all were doing and if there were any reinfections after your kitten got better. Also, any tips for me either in the cleaning area or overall ease of anxiety. I just want my little one to be able to play with his big brothers again and have freedom in the house and of course all the love and cuddles they all deserve. Would love to hear how it went with your babies. Thanks so much!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
#3 and #10 in this thread discuss cleaning. OP has not been back to the site in a year, so you may not get a response.

J JaimeLDM
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2021
J JaimeLDM - so glad I found your post. I too am currently losing my mind, having daily panic attacks and losing sleep with trying to clean my house enough for when my kitten is able to finally come out of isolation. I have 2 other cats who are still roaming around (they seem far) but I keep thinking that they're picking up spores with their fluffy tails and tracking them all over the place. The kitten was allowed free roam in the house and hanging out, cuddling with his fur brothers and living life so it's super sad to see him all by himself in his room. Now, I'm even starting to have anxiety petting the 2 adult cats for fear of passing it back to the little one or passing it to them myself (I have dried up rashes my arms) and also spreading more spores around the house. Ive never been OCD but I do have anxiety and am easily stressed so this is so overwhelming especially because we live in a moderate sized home that's mostly carpeted. The kitten is in a carpeted room so hopefully me vacuuming every few days is enough. And I also bought a bunch of cat trees and scratchers prior to his arrival that I would hate to have to throw away. So I totally understand how you were feeling last year. I wanted to see how you all were doing and if there were any reinfections after your kitten got better. Also, any tips for me either in the cleaning area or overall ease of anxiety. I just want my little one to be able to play with his big brothers again and have freedom in the house and of course all the love and cuddles they all deserve. Would love to hear how it went with your babies. Thanks so much!
Hi! I haven’t been on here in a while but I will say- Oliver and Betty are great. They are full grown big kitty cats now. I did everything I was supposed to do for the ringworm, went to the vet and had Oliver tested again and it came back positive. At this point I was so over it that I just said screw it and I let both cats back into the house full-time with no further treatment or cleaning. I was just done! Neither cat was showing symptoms at this time. And we never saw any ringworm symptoms again on the cats, the dog, the kids, my husband, or myself. The vet had told me to go through the cleaning again, the baths again, the medicine again… I just couldn’t. I was so worked up from this that I just figured, OK we will just have ringworm forever, I can’t do this again. But, it never resurfaced. They have both grown into wonderful cats and have not had any health issues. They’re living wonderful lives. Online they scare the crap out of you about ringworm. I say wait till the symptoms go away, clean your house, and move on. From what I understand ringworm is airborne and they could test positive forever.

this past summer I worked at a cat rescue shelter. Some cats had ringworm, some cats didn’t have ringworm but they don’t make a huge deal out of it. They do what they’re supposed to do to the extent they can and then move on. The owner there said that she has never seen a cat get it more than one time. The cats aren’t uncomfortable from it they just look a little silly for a little while. Even my husband who had it, said that it was really no big deal.

I promise, there is an end to it. I spent so much time making myself sick over this and it wasn’t really worth it. Just do the best you can with the resources you have and give it time. Your kitten will be wonderful in a month or two.


TCS Member
Sep 13, 2022
Hi! I haven’t been on here in a while but I will say- Oliver and Betty are great. They are full grown big kitty cats now. I did everything I was supposed to do for the ringworm, went to the vet and had Oliver tested again and it came back positive. At this point I was so over it that I just said screw it and I let both cats back into the house full-time with no further treatment or cleaning. I was just done! Neither cat was showing symptoms at this time. And we never saw any ringworm symptoms again on the cats, the dog, the kids, my husband, or myself. The vet had told me to go through the cleaning again, the baths again, the medicine again… I just couldn’t. I was so worked up from this that I just figured, OK we will just have ringworm forever, I can’t do this again. But, it never resurfaced. They have both grown into wonderful cats and have not had any health issues. They’re living wonderful lives. Online they scare the crap out of you about ringworm. I say wait till the symptoms go away, clean your house, and move on. From what I understand ringworm is airborne and they could test positive forever.

this past summer I worked at a cat rescue shelter. Some cats had ringworm, some cats didn’t have ringworm but they don’t make a huge deal out of it. They do what they’re supposed to do to the extent they can and then move on. The owner there said that she has never seen a cat get it more than one time. The cats aren’t uncomfortable from it they just look a little silly for a little while. Even my husband who had it, said that it was really no big deal.

I promise, there is an end to it. I spent so much time making myself sick over this and it wasn’t really worth it. Just do the best you can with the resources you have and give it time. Your kitten will be wonderful in a month or two.

Thank you so much for the update and so happy to hear your good news! That def makes me feel better that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Over the past few days my full blown panic attacks have been weening off as I get used to our new way of life with extra cleaning and isolation but I am looking forward to the day where baby boy can come out and play with the rest of his family. Thanks again and best wishes!


TCS Member
Oct 28, 2022
J JaimeLDM - so glad I found your post. I too am currently losing my mind, having daily panic attacks and losing sleep with trying to clean my house enough for when my kitten is able to finally come out of isolation. I have 2 other cats who are still roaming around (they seem far) but I keep thinking that they're picking up spores with their fluffy tails and tracking them all over the place. The kitten was allowed free roam in the house and hanging out, cuddling with his fur brothers and living life so it's super sad to see him all by himself in his room. Now, I'm even starting to have anxiety petting the 2 adult cats for fear of passing it back to the little one or passing it to them myself (I have dried up rashes my arms) and also spreading more spores around the house. Ive never been OCD but I do have anxiety and am easily stressed so this is so overwhelming especially because we live in a moderate sized home that's mostly carpeted. The kitten is in a carpeted room so hopefully me vacuuming every few days is enough. And I also bought a bunch of cat trees and scratchers prior to his arrival that I would hate to have to throw away. So I totally understand how you were feeling last year. I wanted to see how you all were doing and if there were any reinfections after your kitten got better. Also, any tips for me either in the cleaning area or overall ease of anxiety. I just want my little one to be able to play with his big brothers again and have freedom in the house and of course all the love and cuddles they all deserve. Would love to hear how it went with your babies. Thanks so much!
I am not sure if you will see this, but I have a similar situation and am wondering how it turned out for you? Is the ringworm gone? Did the others end up getting it? How did the kitten do in isolation? I am worried about mine becoming less social because of the isolation. My family and I do take turns going in to spend time with him, but it’s not the same as when he was brought home and had free run of the house.