Annul butt


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 19, 2020
Hello, I was hoping someone could answer this question for me. I took my (at least 14 years old cat) to the vet 2 weeks ago because she started scooching her butt. I knew that means annul butt problems. Have 2 other cats who did this. When I took her there she could walk just fine. Brought her home and she hasn't been able to walk fine since. Because of Covid I was not able to go in with her and I think they did something to her. It's all in her back legs/hips. Her left leg she limps on and she walks at the most 6 steps and has to sit down for a few seconds. She has a problem going up and down stairs now and getting up on the furniture and she sleeps pretty much all the time now. Did call the vet 4 days later and they said to bring her in. When I went to put her in the carrier she fought me terribly. In the 13 years I have had her she has never done this. So, I think something went wrong and they did something to her but they did an x-ray and said she was just fine. Little arthritis in her knees but that was it and she walked just fine for them. I highly doubt they are going to tell me the truth. A few years back one of the Vet techs let my elderly cat with really bad arthritis jump off the table. She let go and stepped back away because she was done with her and she knew she would jump down and it all happened so fast I could not get to my cat before she jumped. I told her off about it. She's been in the business for at least 15 years so she knew better. I was wondering if anyone else took their normal walking cat to the vet for butt gland expression to have them not being able to walk after they had that done? I can't seem to find anything on the internet about it. Thanks for any help.


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
Get a second opinion. Go to an entirely new vet, explain your concerns with them, and see what information they can give you.

I'm very sorry you are going through this!
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TCS Member
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Dec 19, 2020
I was going to take her to the vet hospital ,like I have done in the past on weekends, but they jumped their ER price from $130 last year to $400-$600 now. Plus I can't go in with her. No vet office is allowing that and if I can't go in she isn't going in. No more going in without me and this is why. Unless it is life or death. I don't trust easily and I had been trusting them but not now. I've been to the other vets when I had dogs and it wasn't good with them and with the cats when I first had them. Live in a small city so not much to pick from. I was supposed to take her back next month for a follow up on it but canceled it. The animal hospital is a long drive but I was going to do it again if they hadn't jacked up the ER price so high. I understand they have to make money but I think that is just to big of a jump up in one year.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I agree about getting a second opinion, from an entirely different vet practice. Do you have any neighbors/friends/family/co-workers who could recommend a vet, which might help to get you into see one sooner? Some of the vets will allow you to participate via cell phone, so you could ask about that aspect. Doesn't get you in the exam room directly, but might help by being on the phone so you know what is going on during the exam.

I know you said you are in a small city, but perhaps there is at least one vet in the general area who does in-home visits? Or, you might check with any local rescue centers, and/or affiliated pet stores, nearby that could refer you to a vet?
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TCS Member
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Dec 19, 2020
I took her to the vet hospital yesterday. They ran blood work and did an x-ray. X-ray didn't show anything. They just called and her blood sugar is 467. They said it could be due to stress but since they have no records on her they don't know. Wanted to know if she lost weight. Told them no. She has been drinking normally, eating normally and peeing normally. I had a cat that was diabetic so I've been through this before. There is another blood test that will tell if she really is diabetic or it is from stress. The vet did say being diabetic could cause the walking problem but how so fast????? I really do not want to go through this again. Just put down one of my cats Sept this year. Took her to my regular vet and found out she had cancer. They never even caught that! I had her there I don't know how many times and was told she was just constipated. They put my other cat on a diet and then months later she was to skinny and kept begging for food so I told them. Ran blood work, pee test, x=ray and was told it was the food. Put her back on the regular dry food. Oh, and they also said she could have cancer and this all happened the week after putting down my cat who really did have cancer and yet they didn't see it or say anything about it. Now I wait for the call in the morning and just hope.....hope it is all due to stress and if it is then her problem with walking is from a pinched nerve.