animal shelters?

jess w/ a cat named dog

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2000
MS Coast
This is a dismal story but it has to be shared. A group of feral cats lived around the campus of the college which I attend and work for. Appearrently, the group set up home near the "daycare" and had been sneeking into the playgroundsupposedly using the sand for a liter box and all the other horrible things kitties do! One of the parents, upon seeing the cats so close to the children, freaked out and threatened that if the problem was not handled by the school, she would(meaning the evil lawsuits). Well, the school could not have this, understandably, and maintenance rounded what they could of the colony up and took them to the local animal shelter. This was fine, afterall what can a school do with cats? It was their fate from here that draws the question. Well, one of the staff of the school decided she would go adopt the cat she believed was the mom to a kitten she had rescued from the school(before parent complaint) but she couldn't until Monday. On Saturday, she called the shelter and asked if the cats were there, they said yes so she asked if she could donate food, they said yes. Well early Mon. morning, she arrived at the shelter to find none of the school cats remained. The same person she talked to 2 days before then told her that the cats were wild and had to be put to sleep. Huh?! I thought that's what shelters were for: wild animals that need homes. To begin with, the school maintenance never gave any of the people at the school a chance to adopt any of the cats(and I have learned of quite a few), and the shelter never gave anyone else a chance. There are tons of people around here that have the time, patience, heart, and money to care for feral cats, and lots of people that own farms and such that want good mousers. I understand that a job like that requires a degree of heart-hardening, but does that mean heart-less? I need some faith restoration in animal shelters because I lost the little bit I had after this.


TCS Member
Nov 29, 2000
It is sad to say, but you will not find any comfort in animal shelters. Most shelters and even humane societys do not have "no kill" policies. There are a handful you have to search for that do not put animals down. The school could not be bothered to try and find a no kill rescue. There are many people who veiw cats as very disposable! May the school kitties rest in peace.


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
This is such a painful subject...

So many people are looking to work only with no-kill shelters. The problem is these often have no vacancies for new animals. So many animals are in need of help and there are so few good homes - it's always a problem.

I really don't know which way is better. I've had to take cats (and dogs) that I found to shelters in the past. I always try the no-kill ones first, but almost always they refuse to take in any more animals becaue they're full.

I'm so sorry about the school cats. Maybe you and the other people there would consider adopting other cats instead? I'm sure there are plenty in need of good homes.


TCS Member
Dec 7, 2000
Vancouver, B.C.
It is sad to say this, but those cats that were brought to the shelter from the school would likely never have adjusted as housecats. If a cat is not handled by humans by the time it is about 8 weeks old, it becomes what is known as feral, and will never truly enjoy the human touch. I'm sure there are exceptions, but generally speaking, feral cats do not adjust well to indoor life.

Most shelters are run on donations and grants, and cannot afford a "no-kill" policy. They take in the animals brought to them, and try their best to adopt them out to new homes. Unfortunately, the animals least likely to be adopted are the first to be euthanized. In a way, this could be looked at as a kinder policy than keeping wild creatures in a captivity to which they are unaccustomed-but it doesn't really even give them a chance, either.

I know how you feel, though. It just doesn't seem very fair.

Whenever I've adopted from a shelter (all my pets have come to me in dire need of a home), I've taken in mature animals. They are not as likely to be snatched up by the nearest family looking for a cute kitten or puppy.

Also, when taking a lost pet to the SPCA, I've always tried to be sure that the animal is clean and well groomed, to the best of my ability. That way, it might stand a better chance of finding a new home right away. I don't know if it makes a difference, but at least the kitty gets some attention.

Sorry for the long post.

I'm really sorry to hear about those poor kitties.

I hope they are happier and fatter where they are now than when they were alive.