Am I Nutty? (put my cat down yesterday)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Here's an observation-  I have another cat, Bosun, who we've had for 15 years, a year younger than Bitty.  When I brought Bitty's remains home, I let him sniff (sounds kind of grim, Bitty was in a little box that the vet put her in for the trip home), he sniffed all around Bitty for quite a while.  Bosun seems out of sorts, he's been kind of lackluster, and wanders around seemingly looking for something.  I wonder what is going on in his little cat brain, if there is some level of understanding- I guess we can only speculate.  The two kitties have been with each other for 15 years.  Bosun has spent almost all of his time outside, and Bitty inside, but they would sit and look at each other through the glass door at my house each morning and afternoon; just sit there for a while each day. 
Cats form deep bonds not only with humans but with other animals in the family, be it other cats, dogs, birds, etc. Letting Bosun smell Bitty's remains I'm sure helped him understand where she is now, but he will still be missing her, and is probably grieving. It will take time for him to adjust. Given his age and outdoor status, I recommend a check up, with blood work, for him, just to be sure all is well. Would he be wiling to come inside and be an indoor cat now?
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ya catman

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2012
Actually I have had him indoors for the last couple of days.  He has a little cat door through which he can go out when he wants, and was outside part of the day yesterday.  It is a one way door though (can go out not in) because we had a problem with raccoons coming in the house in the past.  To bad we can't make pets out of raccoons- they are such crafty little buggers.

I plan on getting Bosun to the vet for a check-up next Friday.

Appreciate the comments.


TCS Member
Mar 26, 2005
Bitty looks so sweet near "her" Christmas tree....
what a wonderful picture to add to her tribute.

I hope that all is well with Bosun.:vibes::heart3:
Please let us know what the vet says....
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ya catman

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2012
Bitty looks so sweet near "her" Christmas tree....
what a wonderful picture to add to her tribute.
I hope that all is well with Bosun.

Please let us know what the vet says....
Yes it always seemed like her tree every year.  Every year she would circle around the tree meowing when I brought it inside.  This year she sat on the windowsill by the tree as soon as I put it up and sniffed it for the better part of an hour.  Must have reminded her of when she first came home from the SPCA.

Thanks for the support on here.  I'd feel weird telling other people in person how sad I was about my cat, I'd probably get snickered at.  Helps to just vent a bit- a traumatic experience.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 22, 2011
Loosing loved ones is a traumatic event and you certainly shouldn't get snickered at for loving something so much.  Bitty looks quite content and happy, what a beautiful little girl.  You did a kind thing to let Bosun understand that Bitty was now at peace.  I didn't think to do that for my cat Fluffy (20yrs.) when my dog Casey (13 yrs.) died.  We brought him home from the vet and buried him right away.  Fluffy paced the perimeter of the yard everyday for weeks and was so depressed.  I felt so guilty that we hadn't let her sniff his body and understand.  She and he lived together outside for almost 12 years, even slept together on cold nights in his dog house. They were buddies and she didn't get to say goodbye.  Bosun won't have to go through that.  He will, as Otto said, grieve and adjust in time, just as you will.  I would consider making him an indoor cat as his age is climbing, it may help you both,  and the children as well, he certainly would be more comfortable as he ages.  Sending comforting thoughts your way.

Janice and Buddy


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 3, 2012
Tennessee, United States
I'm so sorry about your kitty. 
Bitty is a cute kitty. =) It sounds like Bosun is grieving just like you. It amazes me when people say animals don't have feelings. That's not true at all. You know, being a grown man doesn't mean a guy can't love his cat. A lot of guys don't seem to know that. I don't know if man is the appropriate term (I'm 18 so I don't know lol), but we lost our kitty, Kitty, like two years ago and it still breaks my heart when I think of her, and all the laughs and good times she's given our family. It was just as hard when my dog passed. Even worse, she went to the vet and checked out A-Ok, before she died a few days later at the young age of four. I don't think everything was A-Ok. Both cats and dogs are equally loved by many people, and it's equally difficult when either of them pass. By the way, telling your sadness on here to fellow understanding cat lovers is better than bottling it up inside. Bitty loved and trusted you and loved being your owner. A dog's love is almost expected. A cat's love is rewarded. Rip, Bitty.
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auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Originally Posted by YA CatMan

Thanks for the kind words everyone.  I would attach a picture of her under the Christmas Tree just a few days ago, but the site says I don't have permission.  Oh Well.

I appreciate the suggestions on getting another cat, and I probably will.  It might be a while though.  Spent a good bit of the day teary-eyed at my desk, with the door closed.  Folks would come into my office for work stuff, and I would have to pretend I dropped something under my desk and compose myself.  In the grand scheme of things, it seems kinda silly. 
Somehow it seems more accepted for people to be attached to their dogs than cats.  Not sure why.  I've had both, and they are both great to have around.
Love is never silly. And you loved her, so of course you're grieving for your loss.
God bless you, my friend!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Cats certainly grieve, especially when they have known each other so long. My Wellington grieved for six weeks when his brother died. He would cry and wander round the house looking for him. I did let him see his brother before I buried him, and he sniffed him and licked his ears, but he still showed how much he missed him. All you can do is give Bosun as much time and love as you can, a nd talk to him, even telling him what has happened. It is amazing what they can understand from your tone of voice, and it may help your grieving process too.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I am so sorry for your loss.  You were blessed to have her in your life for so long.  She was blessed to have a family who loved her all her life.   Rest in peace, Bitty. 