ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

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TCS Member
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Jul 2, 2023
Idk how to even start. 2 yrs ago Sox was just a luvable gray chunk that we met on our walks and I'm pretty sure thinks he's a dog. I ADORE him. That's important to know.

To keep it short, I'll skip to 1 yr ago. He was just the super spoiled neighborhood tom cat. Many houses pet him inside at times and he probably got 3 or more feedings at each meal from different families. He's not afraid of dogs, loved to join in the walks or follow you home for a treat. One particular family seemed to mostly claim him. They had vetted him about a yr before we met him just for vaccinations and to make sure he was already neutered. No one knows his original origin. (He does have a chip, but they were uninterested.) There's a young girl there who called him her cat, and they seemed close.

Last June Sox started sort of yo-yo'ing in weight. At first, I just scratched my head at it but didn't worry, thinking I was being oversensitive and my eyes were exaggerating what they saw. But slowly, it became obvious that each time he lost weight, he'd get smaller & smaller, to the point that he looked positively gaunt. He's also become extremely vocal (like hear him 4 houses down vocal,) and started showing aggression toward other cats- when before he'd always been the cuddly Bob Marley of our street.

Throughout this entire time, I approached the girls family 5 or 6 times to express concern. Then later to request something be done. Every time was dismissed. "Oh, no- he's fine, he just does that sometimes." But eventually even they finally couldn't deny something was wrong. The girl and her mom adored him so I thought they'd def help him now that they understood! I begged them to have him seen, then later offered to pay half if they would, then to pay ALL, then I just had enough and took him to their vet by my damn self.

Took 5 minutes to Dx Hyperthyroidism. He was down from 11 lbs (when the girls family originally vetted him) to barely 7 lbs. Put him on Tapazole, made some major adjustments to his and my daily routine so I could make sure to be able to admin the meds once a day. Then in November, twice a day. It was tough. He was basically flat when he pay down. It was near impossible to pet, cuddle, or pick him up-he was ALL bones. But then finally around Xmas, he started gaining! In Feb he was 9.3lbs!! Thank the fur gods!


In April, I noticed the little lump on his front right elbow was now 2 lumps...So we took him in just to be safe.

We learned on the same day that the year of twice daily medication and so much extra food/treats that it started to strain not only my wallet, but also my marriage, in addition to making my own cats pretty fat, that it'd finally paid off! His thyroid levels had finally reached normal level! But somehow Sox had lost 2 lbs in 3 months-

As for the elbow lumps, I assumed they were lipomas as my dog had had them in exactly the same spot, and I wasn't worried...but vet was concerned immediately.

Fast-fwd an hour and I was trying to see through the tears to drive back home with a terminal cat with feline sarcoma. The vet said in his opinion, further testing and treatment would be extremely costly, painful, emotionally traumatizing for Sox, and highly unlikely to succeed with Sox's hyperthyroidism and other overall health, and that palliative care was our only real option.

After a couple days, and dissatisfion with the vets pain treatment plan (3 days Onsior), I decided a 2nd opinion wasn't a bad idea. Dr. H, the new vet, took an x-ray and showed me how the cancer was literally disintegrating the bones in his arm. He said Sox was so vocal and needy bc of intense pain, that the bones would break any day, and he wanted to amputate ASAP. He put him on a steroid, antibiotics, gabapentin, and Buprenorephine.

We thought it over for a few days during which his mobility and pain worsened, and decided to take the chance. On June 1st, Sox had his front R leg amputated up to the scapula. I think that's what it's called? (They left the shoulder blade.) I'll NEVER forget the site and shock when they handed him to me the next day. It broke my heart.
Fast forward through a difficult forward and backward recovery; meanwhile we waited for pathology results to see if the sarcoma had metastisized. (We'd wanted to do the biopsy before the surgery, but the leg had indeed broken 4 days before his amputation, so there was not time for a 7-10 day wait.)

Finally, 17 days post op , Dr. H called with the results, stating "Unfortunately, it IS cancer" Well...duh. We knew that. But had it already spread???? "Well the lab is having a really hard time narrowing down what type of cancer it is." Again, we already knew it was Sarcoma. So I asked AGAIN. "Has. It. Spread?" Dr. H replied "Unfortunately, the lab did find some abnormal cells at the excision site, so yes, most likely, it has spread."

So now I'm just trying my absolute best to give him the best quality of life I can, while I can. (And ofc these things happen all at the same time, so I'm already in debt another $10k from a recent human health emergency.)

Now that you know the back story, my main question right now actually regards the hyperthyroidism. Sox has chronic diarrhea, partly from the disorder and partly from the tapazole. He gets pumpkin daily which helps some, basically switching it from a thin gravy to maybe chocolate soft serve-WHEN it works, which is about 2/3 of the time. (Hope you weren't eating while reading this.)

Ofc Sox can no longer venture outside, so the litterbox situation is as absolute nightmare ATM. It takes me close to half an hour 4-6 x a day ATM, not to mention the massive amount of cat litter, just to get to the minimum level of maintenance. (I've tried the harness and leash outside and even taking him into the backyard without leash/harness. He simply will NOT go with me around, and I can't take the chance that he gets over the fence etc.)

Yesterday, I started transitioning from clumping clay litter to wood pellets, due to cost and amount of time required for clean up of the clay litter and the inevitable splashes everywhere. So far, the pellets thing has been a disaster. I haven't thrown in the towel yet bc I REALLY need a cheaper option than clay. Sox urinates 6x and has a BM 3-4x daily, so cleanup is a full time job.

Can anyone suggest a solution for the litter issue?

And I would love to hear suggestions from those who have experienced any of these specific situations to help him retain some quality of life, while saving money as much as possible bc just the food/treat and meds and supplements bills are already more than my wallet (or my marriage) can take.



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
My heart goes out to Sox and you. I am not sure I have any ideas about the litter. But perhaps you can try adding S.Boulardii to help with the diarrhea. Many folks use this for their cats who have diarrhea. I often see Jarrow as one of the preferred brands.
The benefits of using S. Boulardii for cats– FullBucket Health

I suppose you could try shredded paper/newspaper. If you reach out to your neighbors, perhaps on a site like Next Door Neighbor, you could find folks who shred their papers and would be happy to provide you with bags of it. I do that for one of my neighbors.

Some people give their cats Y/D food in lieu of hyper-T meds. Might be something else to consider.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. This is very sad. I am so sorry this has happened.

For the litter, use regular clay litter. Just dump at the end of the day. Or you can use shredded paper and dump several times a day. No matter what you do, it’s going to be a mess.

I am so sorry. Thank you for posting the X-ray. Have they mentioned anything about his lungs? Did they mention an abnormality in his sternum? It may be positional. He could have twisted when they took the xray.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
This may seem really stupid as questions go, but I noticed in older pictures his ear is not tipped. Then in the pic of you hiding him, his right ear is tipped but in the picture where he is laying down, it’s his left ear thats tipped. Maybe one of the pictures was flipped? You are sure he is the same cat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
I'm so sorry. Mine had a Cancer diagnosis on June 21st (lump in the leg) so I feel your pain very closely.

Your best bet is probably going to be the clay litter. I've tried all different ones with mine as well and it's a no go. If you have a Costco near you or Sams Club is similar in the US I think. You might be able to get it cheaper. EG: The one I get from Costco is about 50 LBS and 11$ Canadian Approx. That should help your budget at least.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
My heart goes out to Sox and you. I am not sure I have any ideas about the litter. But perhaps you can try adding S.Boulardii to help with the diarrhea. Many folks use this for their cats who have diarrhea. I often see Jarrow as one of the preferred brands.
The benefits of using S. Boulardii for cats– FullBucket Health

I suppose you could try shredded paper/newspaper. If you reach out to your neighbors, perhaps on a site like Next Door Neighbor, you could find folks who shred their papers and would be happy to provide you with bags of it. I do that for one of my neighbors.

Some people give their cats Y/D food in lieu of hyper-T meds. Might be something else to consider.
Thank you for the wonderful suggestions! I will definitely be researching each one tomorrow!
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
I'm so sorry. Mine had a Cancer diagnosis on June 21st (lump in the leg) so I feel your pain very closely.

Your best bet is probably going to be the clay litter. I've tried all different ones with mine as well and it's a no go. If you have a Costco near you or Sams Club is similar in the US I think. You might be able to get it cheaper. EG: The one I get from Costco is about 50 LBS and 11$ Canadian Approx. That should help your budget at least.
I am so so sorry. What is your baby's current status if you don't mind me asking?
And thank you for the advice regarding the clay clumping litter; I def worry about going down a rabbit hole trying to find something better just to end up spending more and still having the same mess.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
This may seem really stupid as questions go, but I noticed in older pictures his ear is not tipped. Then in the pic of you hiding him, his right ear is tipped but in the picture where he is laying down, it’s his left ear thats tipped. Maybe one of the pictures was flipped? You are sure he is the same cat?
Yes lol, he is def the same cat. Some photos were selfies so they are indeed flipped. (As far as the ear tipping, he got accidentally trapped by the local TNR group about 1.5 yrs ago thinking he was unaltered. He was already sedated etc when they realized I guess bc they went ahead and tipped his ear. I was not happy, but he wasn't "my cat," and I knew it would protect him from being grabbed by or sent to the local shelter which has between 60-75% kill rate for cats.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
Hi. This is very sad. I am so sorry this has happened.

For the litter, use regular clay litter. Just dump at the end of the day. Or you can use shredded paper and dump several times a day. No matter what you do, it’s going to be a mess.

I am so sorry. Thank you for posting the X-ray. Have they mentioned anything about his lungs? Did they mention an abnormality in his sternum? It may be positional. He could have twisted when they took the xray.
That is a very interesting idea! 💡 I'm thinking maybe a combo of your and Feebys Owner's idea: ask for shredded newspaper donations and dump daily...though with Sox it would prob need to be twice daily. Cat mess never smells good, but his will quickly run you out of a room, and lingers much longer.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
My heart goes out to Sox and you. I am not sure I have any ideas about the litter. But perhaps you can try adding S.Boulardii to help with the diarrhea. Many folks use this for their cats who have diarrhea. I often see Jarrow as one of the preferred brands.
The benefits of using S. Boulardii for cats– FullBucket Health

I suppose you could try shredded paper/newspaper. If you reach out to your neighbors, perhaps on a site like Next Door Neighbor, you could find folks who shred their papers and would be happy to provide you with bags of it. I do that for one of my neighbors.

Some people give their cats Y/D food in lieu of hyper-T meds. Might be something else to consider.
Oh! I forgot to ask! What is Y/D food?
(Here is a photo of baby boy rn, who actually CHOSE to lay on the bed WITH MAMA for once! He's not Mr. Cuddles, as much as Mama wants him to be, especially now, that's just not his style. He must've just tired himself out reading his magazine. He does love his fashion & makeup trends. He said for this summer, nose highlighter and one-sleeve shirts are all the rage.)


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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
Have they mentioned anything about his lungs? Did they mention an abnormality in his sternum? It may be positional. He could have twisted when they took the xray.
My apologies - Dr. H said the X-ray showed that his lungs were clear, and therefore, there was a good chance the cancer had not metastasized, and that amputation would not only end his pain, but possibly even cure him! But that was pre-amputation and pathology though. Idk what to do about that part. What do you all think if it were you? He may not've started out as one of MY babies exactly, but I've never been able to look away from suffering of animals. Part of me wants to know everything. To hound the vet to make the lab do (IMHO) what they were already paid to do: to tell us exactly what evil version of this ugly C word is attacking someone so innocent, where it is exactly, what to expect next and what to look out for, like is the new lump near his upper spine a lymph node, nothing, or worst, a new tumor, and also to tell us just how long do we have with him. But then another big part of me thinks maybe ignorance is bliss (though that word could never be correctly used to describe any part of this ordeal) and that we'd spend hundreds, likely thousands, more and still not know more than we do now, and to still have the same sense of confusion and powerlessness. 🥺
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
He looks much better in this picture. Such a cute cat!!
Thanks, that's from just yesterday. I've included some shots of his 1sy few days post-op. We saw such a massive improvement in him during week 2-4 post-op that I know amputation was the right choice. (He's not doing so well now, but I'd rather him have a short happy life with us, than a long painful one. )


white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi thedjlil thedjlil and a very warm welcome t the forum!

I'm hoping you didn't miss the other suggestion from FeebysOwner FeebysOwner that you try S.Boulardii against the diarrhea - there's a long history on this site (TCS) of its successful use for the most seemingly-intractable diarrhea. (And, yes, the brand matters!)

Good on you for everything you've accomplished so far!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
I am so so sorry. What is your baby's current status if you don't mind me asking?
I don't mind at all. I'll keep it short as I don't want to take over your thread accidentally.

The Vet's fought to get her into oncology quickly and Mia has an appointment on July 11th (It's 2 hour drive.) My Vet, I could tell, didn't want to say or do much without oncology looking. At this stage we don't know what can be done, if anything, but on the plus, besides the cancer and being overweight, she is healthy and you'd never know anything was wrong with her - right now.

And thank you for the advice regarding the clay clumping litter; I def worry about going down a rabbit hole trying to find something better just to end up spending more and still having the same mess.
That helpless feeling you talk about - I so clearly understand that. My heart bleeds for you.

Exactly - going down the rabbit hole of litter might make you crazy and you have enough right now that's going to push on you without adding one more thing to that list.

I hope you are taking care of yourself too. Rest, lots of water and all that.

Thank you for posting all those pictures. Such a beautiful boy and he looks like he is adjusting very very well too!

Belated Welcome to the site as well. I'm sorry this is what brought you here but glad you are here -this is the place to be. The folks here have gotten so many of through so much. They are a blessing and a wealth of knowledge.

I will be following your thread and I hope you will keep us all updated on how you all are doing.

I'm hoping you didn't miss the other suggestion from FeebysOwner FeebysOwner that you try S.Boulardii against the diarrhea - there's a long history on this site (TCS) of its successful use for the most seemingly-intractable diarrhea. (And, yes, the brand matters!)
:yeah: Very true.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Very nice pics of Sox!!
What is Y/D food?
Y/D food is an alternative to Methimazole. Some cats like it and some don't. It isn't to be used in conjunction with Methimazole, but rather in place of it. It also requires that no other food be given to ensure the low iodine effect is not compromised by adding other higher iodine foods to the mix. Hill's offers it, and there may be others, I am not sure. It requires a prescription, just like Methimazole does.

I only mentioned it because you said that it is believed that Tapazole could be attributing to your cat's diarrhea. But tbh, I'd start with other solutions first, such as s. boulardii.
yd diet | Animal Endocrine Clinic
HILL'S PRESCRIPTION DIET y/d Thyroid Care with Chicken Wet Cat Food, 5.5-oz, case of 24 -
HILL'S PRESCRIPTION DIET y/d Thyroid Care Original Flavor Dry Cat Food, 8.5-lb bag -


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
My vet said the food is very hit and miss too. Not all cats respond to it even if they do eat it.

Kabuto takes felimezole 1.25mg twice a day and it seems to work well for him, just makes him a bit sleepy. He also has heart disease so could be that too.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
I wouldn’t think the Y/D food would work for him. He would have to eat it and only it. Meaning if he had an incidence of not wanting to eat, that is common in cats with multiple issues, you wouldn’t have an alternative food. I think it best you regulate his thyroid like you are with the medication. Of course all to your vet about this.

My cat has been on Methimazole, tapazole, for years and is going well.

The picture show a cat that loves you deeply, cuddly or not.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2023
I don't mind at all. I'll keep it short as I don't want to take over your thread accidentally.

The Vet's fought to get her into oncology quickly and Mia has an appointment on July 11th (It's 2 hour drive.) My Vet, I could tell, didn't want to say or do much without oncology looking. At this stage we don't know what can be done, if anything, but on the plus, besides the cancer and being overweight, she is healthy and you'd never know anything was wrong with her - right now.

That helpless feeling you talk about - I so clearly understand that. My heart bleeds for you.

Exactly - going down the rabbit hole of litter might make you crazy and you have enough right now that's going to push on you without adding one more thing to that list.

I hope you are taking care of yourself too. Rest, lots of water and all that.

Thank you for posting all those pictures. Such a beautiful boy and he looks like he is adjusting very very well too!

Belated Welcome to the site as well. I'm sorry this is what brought you here but glad you are here -this is the place to be. The folks here have gotten so many of through so much. They are a blessing and a wealth of knowledge.

I will be following your thread and I hope you will keep us all updated on how you all are doing.

:yeah: Very true.

Hi again- I will add an update on Sox at the end of the thread, but how is your baby? 🙏
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