Advice On Moving And Bringing In A New Friend


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 7, 2018
i recently lost my little Pumbaa due to heart failure, he was 7 months old. He and his brother Timon have never been apart and I am sad for T as he doesn’t know what to do without his best friend. I am also moving in 2 weeks to a new apartment. I really want to adopt a new friend for T but I would like advice on when that would be best for him. Would it be better for him to get acclimated to the new house and then introduce a new cat? Or should they meet before the move and take on the new home together? Any advice is welcome along with how to make him comfortable during a 3 hour drive. Thanks in advance


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Pumbaa!!
Here are some articles, they aren't long but have good information.
I think you'll need to watch/listen to Timon and see how his stress is. I personally think I might want to wait - you need to give Timon as much love as you possibly can during this time, and with the move, both before and after, it'll be challenging. Having a new cat in the mix just now might be asking a lot.

Do Cats Mourn?
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist

How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide

How To Move With Your Cat To A New Home In A Safe Way
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)
How To Help A New Cat Adjust To Your Home
36 Awesome Tips For Road Tripping With Your Cat

Your Second Cat: How To Choose The Best Friend For Kitty
The Multi-cat Household


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
So sorry for your loss :rbheart:

This is a tricky one because there are so many variables. I don't know your situation or the personality of your Timon, so all I can do is give you some things to think about rather than suggestions.

In some ways it would be better to get a new kitty now and have them start out on equal footing in the new place.

On the other hand it could increase your stress trying to integrate a new kitty into your household while you're packing to move. Kitties do pick up on your stress.

Do you have a shelter near you where you can go to at least meet some of the cats that are available for adoption? That could be a determining factor. If you don't have access to a shelter you might want to wait until you make the move before you spend time looking for one.

Will you be traveling back and forth to the new place before you make the move? If so, you could check out shelters there and possibly bring a new kitty into your home as soon as you move. That way you wouldn't be traveling with two cats.

Good luck with whichever way you decide.