Advice Needed On What Raw Diet Blend To Feed My Cat Who Had A Colon Resection Done A Week Ago...

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
LDG...As I finished my post to you and Peaches08 she vomited a puddle of brown liquid obviously the food. She did not handle the adding of the ID to the AD AT 300PM today which was the beginning of the transition. I have been crying I feel to vomit I am sick to my stomach right now. Raw diets are not local they have to be ordered and it seems Radcat is the best choice for a raw diet so I cant even switch right now tonight. My vet is off tonight he colleague called said give her Pepcid and try giving her a small amount of AD around 9pm if she is hungry this is the food she has been on I am trying to get her off but for tonight just AD. I cant even type right now I am just upset its to much to handle..


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hun, call the vet tomorrow. I'm sure it's OK if she stays on the a/d a bit longer. And the advice makes good sense.

Please know that if she continues to have trouble keeping the food down, even if just the a/d, you can take her to the vet to get a shot of cerenia. This is an anti-emetic that will enable her to keep the food down until things settle down for her. There is also a pill form, and the vet may send you home with some IF she even needs it.

Many vibes for you and Nala! :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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  • #23


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Peaches08.....The Pepcid did not help she was dry heaving a few minutes ago so she is not feeling well. The AD is rich and ID is bland but vet said mix a lot of the AD and a little of the ID to start, I did that at 300pm and 545pm it was gushing all over my kitchen floor. Now about 10pm 2 hours after taking Pepcid she was trying to vomit some ran down her chest. Very upsetting I have called the vet a few times her vet is off tonight and it is another vet who obviously is leery on giving advice on her case but my vet said any problems they have been briefed all about Nala but basically I have to wait for my vet to get in and call me at 730am.

I should of just gave her the ID by itself a small amount and not listened to mix the AD with it I don't know. But at 530 I will get up give her a tablespoon of ID by itself I am not mixing the two again. I got a private message from this website I am doing something wrong with my threads I am posting the same things repeatedly and I don't understand and right now  I am frustrated and I don't want to upset the people who run this site because I am not using this site properly because I don't understand and I don't have time to worry about small things. I appreciate your concern and always reaching out to me it means a lot. Private message me If you care to am I am not a big on line person I am more personal by phone I prefer it but I am on here because of my cat and desperation and heartache....
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  • #24


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida

Thank you for reaching out this has been a horrible evening it took a turn merging these two foods for the worst. I gave her the Pepcid at 7:22pm and she is dry heaving vomiting liquid down her chest a few minutes ago. I am past words right now I don't know what to say but I have been through hell for 6 weeks straight with her and vets almost every day literally. So Pepcid did not work. I called the vet my vet is not on call tonight it was his colleague and she does not want to advise on her case when my vet told me she can call him with any questions and she said hold her food tonight and forget giving her the AD tomorrow morning give her a tablespoon of ID by itself and see if she vomits. The vet told me AD is very rich and ID is very bland so why would you mix the two together? I don't get it at all but mixing those foods wrecked her gut and she has internal sutures healing and she is vomiting like this and they don't tell me to bring her in tonight to give her a shot to calm her stomach since Pepcid did not work? My vet will call me at 730 or so when he gets in...Will be a long night.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
What was she eating before now, right after surgery? Just give her that, don't try to change anything until she feels better. Poor her and poor you :(. Hope things go better for the rest of today.
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  • #26


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida

She was eating before the surgery yes, she was on Hills AD it is a food used after colon surgery it is critical care food. It has nothing in it so the stomach digests it super fast and the body gets rid of the rest very fast this is so she can have loose stools whole internal sutures heal. So Tuesday she had been on the AD over a week since surgery and I went and picked up Hills ID which is a bland GI food for digestive system for cats and he told me start to wein her onto the ID from the AD but use a lot of AD and a little ID...I did this at 300pm Tuesday by 545pm she was vomiting up puddles of food she was so sick I tell you she did not handle the mixing of food at all. I ran bought Pepcid but it did not help she was sick vomiting and by 10pm dry heaving. Next morning which was yesterday Wednesday vet called me said bring her in right now so we went and he took her from me and said she is not coming home until she is better. He this is not about me or my daughter missing her or wanting her home he said she has been through hell and is dehydrated and vomiting this much with internal sutures that need to heal is not good.

So Nala was brought to the vet yesterday which was Wednesday and is being kept till next week. She was very sick from the vomiting that was a night from hell after mixing the food and I was up with her all night. She was dehydrated and they gave her medications to stop nausea and vomiting and vet told me he is not giving me a choice this time, he said Nala needs to be confined and rest get better she has been through so so much in the past two weeks that all this vomiting with internal sutures is not good.

I want her to come home but I understand and realize she needs to stay this time and not come home till she is better and recovering. I called today to check on her and they told me she is on the ID and keeping it down so far. They have her in a smaller cage to rest and not so much movement and as far as I know still pooing...

I guess this time it was pretty serious:(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
I know you miss her but this sounds serious.  It sounds like she needs vet supervision for a while.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
I'm so sorry about Nala's vomiting. I agree that it seems like she needs hospitalization at this point. 

Just throwing this out there...I know she had some pretty serious surgery and there's no telling what exactly could be the cause of her vomiting at this point, but I do wonder if the surgery and the anesthesia and the medications and the stress has triggered something like acute pancreatitis. That brown liquid vomit is all too familiar. Might be worth mentioning to your vet. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
I'm so sorry about Nala's vomiting. I agree that it seems like she needs hospitalization at this point. 

Just throwing this out there...I know she had some pretty serious surgery and there's no telling what exactly could be the cause of her vomiting at this point, but I do wonder if the surgery and the anesthesia and the medications and the stress has triggered something like acute pancreatitis. That brown liquid vomit is all too familiar. Might be worth mentioning to your vet. 
Excellent point. 
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  • #30


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
GoHolistic &Peaches08... I am not sure where my posts went but I explained it in a long post what had happened why it was brown but I think this site is emailing my posts saying they are duplicates and this is why I am not posting anything really its to frustrating and juvenile. Nala was brought to the vet Wednesday morning and she is being kept till next week supervised. The reason the color was brown is because she was throwing up her food. Tuesday before the radical vomiting of brown food puddles of it was being thrown up, I was advised by the vet to come by the office pick up ID food which is for the digestive track and a bland diet this is what he wanted her to try as her first new food. So she was on AD which is a diet that is used that keeps stool lose while colon heals. So it was time Tuesday to wein/transition from one to the other so at 3pm I took a lot of AD which she was on since surgery and a little of ID the new one and mix it. I fed this mix to her at 3pm and at 545pm she was vomiting up brown which was food tons of it she was sick. I ran bought Pepcid but it did not help. This went on for hours.

By 10pm or so she stopped but you can tell she did not feel well so the next morning which is Wednesday. I called the vet Wednesday morning and he told me bring her in right away. They took her from me and said we will call you later. 500pm came vet called and said it isn't what I want or what my daughter wants at this point for her to be home she needs to remain in the hospital she was dehydrated and he was giving her meds for her stomach to calm it down. He said they fed her small amounts of ID by itself and she ate it but she still is not coming home. He said she has been through so much over the weeks and coming home she will not rest. He is concerned about her internal sutures coming undone with all the vomiting and heaving she needs to be in the hospital so that is where she is till next week. I am not happy but I understand fully she needs to be confined and rest.

Vet called me today about an hour ago and said she had not vomited all day and is eating small amounts of ID, they stop the food after surgery all together no mixing just straight to the ID she did ok so far. Still giving her fluid under the skin today and over the weekend. Only thing is no stool today but he is not alarmed will have to see how this food works. The food after surgery had her going everyday and loose but she cant live on it no nutrients in it it is made for the stomach to digest super fast and fly through the colon and out the rectum. He called me at 5pm so who knows she could go tonight I  will call in morning to see if she did go...

Its all upsetting the what ifs etc....I am going to ask the vet Goholistic if pancreatitis could be happening right now, they did not mention that but I will ask him that for sure. A lot of vomiting caused pancreatitis with her in the past so who knows but great point. It was not mentioned but I shouldn't assume it wasn't just because it wasn't mentioned but I am going to call and ask it she in fact has it...So day two with out her it is sad I feel bad for her but I know it is best I don't want her to die on me..Vet said they don't want her going home until she is good physical condition. They basically told me this time she is not going home...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
I have seen your and in the other threads, so no worries. Every cat is different, but what I meant about the brown liquid vomit is that when Sebastian is having a pancreatitis flare, his vomit will look like that, regardless of what he has eaten or even if he hasn't eaten. It does not look like that any other time.

Oh, so Nala has a history of pancreatitis?

I'm glad she has not vomited today and is eating a little. 
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  • #32


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Hi GoHolistic....

 Yes Nala has had pancreatitis over the years when her bowel would back up after so many days of no stool then she would vomit a lot and inturn pancreatitis occurs and I don't remember the color back then but I do remember clearish yellow with some specks of blood vet said was inflammation from so much vomiting and it was pancreatitis not sure of brown but maybe at times.

I called the vet tonight on there after hours voice mail and left a message about my concerns on pancreatitis if they tested her for it, does she have it or do they feel she does not have it...I told him also he did not have to call back tonight that he could advise me tomorrow when he calls me with an update on Nala...

Yes he did tell me today they fed her a few small meals of the ID regular digestive food by Hills and no vomit. He said she did not poo and it was 500pm so I am hoping she did sometime tonight I will call tomorrow to check and see. I am glad to she is eating a little and not vomiting, thank you for staying in touch and caring:) Makes this difficult time feel a tad not so lonely...It is very sad and hard... 
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  • #34


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida

Thank you much appreciated. This is the longest she has been away from home and it is sad I don't like how it feels but I have a taste of life without her and I don't think I can handle it. The vet called said she vomited a tiny tiny amount last night at about 11pm pea size. She did not poo Thursday but did poo today and is still eating. I hope she comes home Monday we miss her so much. The vet said everyone is loving on her, she wont let you pass her cage without shouting to you with her unique meows, she is so cute but they all love her...Vet will call me tomorrow and give me an update. One thing I have to say since Nala started with this new vet a month ago he calls every single day with an update if she is in the hospital and if she is home he will call to see how she is feeling. He said she is a critical case and very complicated. The vets personal calls everyday is wonderful I never had that before it just makes it so personal and caring for Nala...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Sounds like she's exactly where she needs to be right now.  I know you miss her and are worried, but as serious as this case is I'm glad she's where they can make immediate interventions as needed.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 16, 2014
southern california
I know it's hard when they're away - Tim has spent too many days and nights at veterinary ERs and the veterinary hospital - but considering what she's been through, I agree with peaches08 that Nala is in the right place right now. You are so lucky, though, that your veterinarian is giving you regular updates and checking in.
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  • #37


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Peaches 08 - AbbyNTim..... Good evening and Thank you for the positive reinforcement on Nala remain at the hospital. Its been 5 days we miss her terribly can't sleep nothing. I cried today to the vet when he called me but he said he still is not sending her home till next week. Monday if I'm lucky. She did vomit a tiny bit last night not much at all. Vet did not seem worried. He said she did not poo yesterday but did a small amount today. He is still pushing fluids as a precaution regardless of how much she drinks...Yes this vet and his colleagues call every single day with an update everyday and when she is home they call for a few days to make sure she is OK. My vet has been on vacation and his colleague just as nice and good love him to. The personal calls everyday of updates with care and concern make this organization stand out in a crowd. Happy I got a second opinion for a few reasons. I think Balance should have been kept after surgery and not sent home 2 days later I think some of this would not have happened to her...I don't know but now she is being kept a full week or so. I pray vomiting stops and things return to normal I'm tired out and sick if worrying will she vomit will she poo...Its rough. Thak you both for your continued support. Xxoo
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
What is the news on Nala?  Hopefully she is home and doing well
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
MrsGreenJeans.... Hello there:) Glad to hear from you...I have not been writing under this post because it was about raw diets noone Really wrote anything. Most People write me under my original post but I still get alerts from this one...Nyla came home after 10 days in hospital she has been home 2 weeks now and she has vomited some plus a little constipation so I brought her in today and they kept her so I'm not happy. This has not been easy at all very frustrating and expensive and not fair to Nyla either. One month after surgery she stopped going poo everyday now its every 2 or 3 days and Monday it was a rock hard piece so they kept her today. Vet did X-ray and could see stool inside her little but of colon left and it was soft so he wants to see how many days it takes to pass it...Is it motility? Why I don't know but I'm woreout and upset over it all almost 3 months straight of non stop issues. I appreciate you asking about her.