Advice Needed On What Is The "BEST" Canned Cat Food To Buy To Live On After Subtotal Colon Resection


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
IF she has IBD, kibble is definitely not good for her because of the grains in it.  That's another reason why canned food would be better. 

I'm guessing the packets of probiotics you got from the Vet is FortiFlora, and you can actually buy that on Amazon for less money, but it's only worth it if she likes it.  Most cats love it....two of mine do, but one of mine will not touch any food that has it on it

As far as transitioning Nala to canned food, have you seen this article?  I don't think it mentions it in the article, but as a topper, you can also use some of her existing kibble for a topper...just crush it down smaller. 

OR, as a last resort, at least if you can find some truly low carb kibble like Young Again or Wysong  Epigen 90.

The probiotics more help the back end then the front end.  So if she is vomiting, not sure adding probiotics will help much with that. 

As far as food, have you tried Fancy Feast Classics.  Most cats switching from kibble find those irresistible, and they aren't a bad food (but ONLY the Classics).  My own extremely picky eater likes Nutro Natural Choice Chunky Loaf Chicken, or a couple of the other flavors, and that's it.  So it's really just a matter of finding the right food.  All of mine used to eat raw, but now only one does because the others are so darned picky that they started rejecting even that.  What are you gonna do.  I think all cats are a pain in the ...  That's why they are so darned CUTE 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
Hi, glad to her kitty is on the mend.

First off , I am no expert but have a friend that has a Siamese and I guess they are known for having sensitive tummies to begin with. Her Siamese has IBD and she keeps a very close eye the foods that trigger episodes. She has kept a food journal in the past to look for any common denominators of something that might set it off such as potato or rice. It's cumbersome, but keeping an eye on the ingredients and seeing if there is a common ingredient might help, IBD kitties have pretty much individual triggers.

From the little that I know, potato and potato starch aren't that great, wheat gluten is pretty bad, and carrageenan is apparently one of the worst offenders. Guar gum as a thickener is generally one of the least problematic.

As far as probiotics, your vet probably mentioned something called Fortiflora by Purina, Some people swear by it - apparently it has an ingredient that is very interesting to get the kitty to eat. Nexibiotic Is another common "human" pro biotic that is used, along with one that I can't ever spell correctly, but here is the link to a Cat site thread:

Good luck, I would stick with a lot of land type of food that doesn't have a lot of vegetable additives. Weruva paw lick in chicken is plain - and my girl cat really likes it - tiki cat, while most of their flavors are fish based (not good for IBD generally) they do have a plain chicken in consomme flavor that my cat likes too.

It will probably be a lot of experimentation and hit and miss for a while. Good luck to you both and again I'm glad your kitty is on the upswing even if she is has still having tummy issues.

Also, feel free to take anything I say with a grain of salt since I'm not a subject matter expert, but I am trying to learn.

And yes, Fancy Feast classics are also good since they have no thickeners in them. They are more pate style, where the two I mentioned above are more like chicken shreds... so go with whatever floats your kitty cats boat :)
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  • #23


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
What am I going to do you ask?? Kick her in the ASS out the door with her litter box packing that is what I am going to do...I am sick and tired of trying wet foods I have tried every brand with flavors. She does not like pate but likes gravy tuna and that is what gives her gas etc so that wont work. No she should not be on kibble but she has to eat and after two weeks he said give it to her. The tests show she does Not have IBD but vet says he is not totally convinced of that so what the hell do I know? Who knows he is trying everything at least the vomiting is not often now but once a week on this Cerenia medication just a quarter cut a day in morning. Vet was not pushing probiotics he did not think he would make a huge difference because her flora is good but I pushed the issue because of course people told me it makes a difference in her gut bacteria's etc so I don't know what to believe or do so he said try it what can it hurt? So I bought it today and yes it is that brand you mentioned I bought for 32.00. I had no idea it was on amazon but heck for a few bucks more it is local I guess and if she don't like it in her food then I don't use it. If it really don't do anything than what is the point?

I did not try crushing kibble on top of her food or in it as a mix knowing her she will hate it, she turns her nose up to it all I am lucky to get her to eat the science diet liver and chicken once in a while. She must eat so I give her the kibble its made for senior cats easy to digest and chew and Nyla needs that. If I worry about low cards this no grain that raw this etc I will go nuts the vet said stop analyzing it all Nyla is almost 12 we have to get her eating and he is not a believer in all the hype on stuff I guess. Again I don't know what to do just stressful I just take it one day at a time as long as she eats and hopefully no vomit and almost a week so far none. She does love people tuna but cant live on it but for a treat I give it I just wash the sunflower oil off it before I feed it to her. This probiotic powder is brownish knowing her she will hate it but I hope I am wrong...If I didn't love her it would be to the moon Alice for her....

I will continue to try wet food but I doubt she will ever live on it maybe because she never had wet in all her life that she hates it I don't know but all this colon issues now vomiting and food she has me never owning a cat again....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
I totally understand its a frustrating situation, I am in one right now with my kitty as well - - minus the mega colon surgery.

Your little kitty cat is still healing. Plus, she needs you. I'm not trying to guilt trip you, I swear *fingers crossed behind my back*

Let's see my fridge as well, it is half filled with open and non eaten cans of cat food that will just end up getting thrown out. There is more cat food in there right now then people food, I kid you not. I must Chuck $20-30 worth of food a week. My cat has to be on antibiotics for 6 weeks, and it makes her incredibly fussy and her tummy very upset. Oh, and did I mention the part about 6 freaking weeks??
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  • #25


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Wasabipea hellooooo it is nice to hear from you too!!

Thank you for your advice and don't apologize none of us are experts we are all here to help one another through our own life experiences and I thank everyone who has reached to write me in length and lend support of advice and luck. Yes Siamese cats in particular have IBD issues I think that is why the vet with all the testing that says no she does not have it, he is not convinced of that as technology is not bullet proof. Surgery wise she has come along way and that was hell for a month to get better and now vomiting. Granted for years she has vomited one and off but not the amount is more when she does and only Cerenia works to stop it and it works pretty much. I will deal with one vomit a weak if I have to. Yes you are correct that is the brand of probiotic that the vet gave me today in packets to mix in her food that she wont eat. I heard it is great cats love it and has everything she needs so I wont go spending money ordering other brands to try. MrsGreenJeens said that probiotic doesn't really work for her gut more the back end so I thought it was for the tummy but heck I bought it id she eats is great if not I wasted my money...She only cost me 3000 so far but who is counting?

I have tried over 10 brands and flavors of wet 2 weeks straight and she hates them all, only one which is the science diet liver and chicken pate will she eat when she feels like it. Today I bought Sheba tuna and another brand and she turned her nose up told me to go pound sand wash her bowl out and give her something else lol. We did learn that she prefers tuna based wet foods but then the vet researched vomiting cats and found professors said to stay away from beef, lamb and seafood, go figure seafood is no good for vomiting cats and that I all she may try if that so...It has not been fun or easy and the saga goes on.....It will be day to day I guess I will try some other brands I can only get her to eat people tuna but that is not to be lived on of course and the tuna with gravy which she likes is no good it gives her gas and runs so im I learn it is no good for her anyways so that makes it even harder.

As I said above I found a senior kibble easy to chew and digest so that is what she is getting and daily I put down a quarter of chicken/liver pate for her to eat and in 4 hours if she hasn't I throw it out....God help me before this cat burries me...
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  • #26


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Wasabipea I love you friend xxoo....Thank you my fingers are crossed to:) I cant take a tongue lashing no worries I have thick skin.....I am sorry about your kitty just know I am here for you to the way you have been here for me as some others my friend I mean that. If you need to talk, if you need advice I am always here for you so reach out and I will help you any way that I can....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
Hi back to you too!
For some Reason they also seem to really like kitten food... plus it probably has extra nutrients if she's being a little fuss budget.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
OK, Drag your frustrated butt to Petsmart and try something called nature's recipe. I think it says only chicken, chicken as the number one ingredient, and it has a purple band on it. It's one of the first foods I could get my cat to eat when she was on major boycott.

And seriously if you can find the tiki cat plain chicken or the paw-lickin' chicken... neither have a lot of (any?) Veggies, which can make them fussy. And they are plain if their digestive systems are all screwy.

And they are also real chicken shreds in some kind of a liquid gravy instead of that pressed and formed stuff in that weird congealed "gravy". you will make Nala feel like a little cougar in the wild :-)
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  • #29


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
W.....I also tried the kitten food multiple brands and Nyla told me to go pound sand again so SOL is all I can say...I did read up on the FortiFlora the vet gave me today it had rave reviews from people. Even though it is really for runny stool and stuff a few people were told by their vets to give it for a vomiting cat and it helped many now whether that is true or not I don't know but I bought it and what do I have to lose but 32.00? Nothing....A lot of people also say that their cats love it so much in food or their water that is smells like chocolate etc lmao....That is crazy but not Nyla I am sure she cant be easy no way not her makes my life hell this cat but I love her like no end she is my baby girl and I will keep pulling my long locks of hair out and deal with it....Well I just went and checked her bowl that I put down at 600pm of the probiotic mixed in the wet and it is still sitting there...Case closed...If it is sweet or chocolaty what cat would want that?? Well not this one...If I sprinkle it on dry as I was told to do she will never eat it I know it plus the powder will fall to the bottom of the bowl so what is the point??
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  • #30


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
W... listen Petsmart is where I frequent for 2 weeks sometimes twice a day buying and returning foods they know me on first name basis I even had to bring her even so they could be the cat of death lol...I have a customer of the month parking spot, true frigen story:)... She does not like fruits and vegetables nor potato or rice ingredients anyways but yes I am aware that veggies and fruits no good very gassy for digestive track...I have tried chicken in gravy etc but I will go look for that brand and try it...She is going to be a cougar homeless in the wild if she don't stop this but the thing to is I was told cats can love a food for a day or week then hate it...I mean really who the heck has time for this drama? It is hair pulling crazy she is lucky she is so damn cute or else....I will continue to try different things but here we go tonight she wasted packet number #1....and counting....


Animal Lover Extraordinare
Top Cat
May 17, 2014
What am I going to do you ask?? Kick her in the ASS out the door with her litter box packing that is what I am going to do...I am sick and tired of trying wet foods I have tried every brand with flavors. She does not like pate but likes gravy tuna and that is what gives her gas etc so that wont work. No she should not be on kibble but she has to eat and after two weeks he said give it to her. The tests show she does Not have IBD but vet says he is not totally convinced of that so what the hell do I know? Who knows he is trying everything at least the vomiting is not often now but once a week on this Cerenia medication just a quarter cut a day in morning. Vet was not pushing probiotics he did not think he would make a huge difference because her flora is good but I pushed the issue because of course people told me it makes a difference in her gut bacteria's etc so I don't know what to believe or do so he said try it what can it hurt? So I bought it today and yes it is that brand you mentioned I bought for 32.00. I had no idea it was on amazon but heck for a few bucks more it is local I guess and if she don't like it in her food then I don't use it. If it really don't do anything than what is the point?

I did not try crushing kibble on top of her food or in it as a mix knowing her she will hate it, she turns her nose up to it all I am lucky to get her to eat the science diet liver and chicken once in a while. She must eat so I give her the kibble its made for senior cats easy to digest and chew and Nyla needs that. If I worry about low cards this no grain that raw this etc I will go nuts the vet said stop analyzing it all Nyla is almost 12 we have to get her eating and he is not a believer in all the hype on stuff I guess. Again I don't know what to do just stressful I just take it one day at a time as long as she eats and hopefully no vomit and almost a week so far none. She does love people tuna but cant live on it but for a treat I give it I just wash the sunflower oil off it before I feed it to her. This probiotic powder is brownish knowing her she will hate it but I hope I am wrong...If I didn't love her it would be to the moon Alice for her....

I will continue to try wet food but I doubt she will ever live on it maybe because she never had wet in all her life that she hates it I don't know but all this colon issues now vomiting and food she has me never owning a cat again....
If she likes tuna she would probably like tiki cat or weruva
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  • #32


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Bone picker I have not seen those brands but I will look but vet researched flavors to stay away from in vomiting cats and seafood was one besides beef and Lamb so technically I should avoid tuna....This is not easy she must eat but I can't feed her things that will cause vomit the problem I'm trying to avoid...


Animal Lover Extraordinare
Top Cat
May 17, 2014
Bone picker I have not seen those brands but I will look but vet researched flavors to stay away from in vomiting cats and seafood was one besides beef and Lamb so technically I should avoid tuna....This is not easy she must eat but I can't feed her things that will cause vomit the problem I'm trying to avoid...
I was thing of tiki pkus pika or weruva paw licked chicken they are more like human shredded food ( I cut it up to make smaller shreds)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
I was going thru fortiflora too like crazy, giving Roni foods that she wouldn't eat. and throwing out not only the FF but the expensive food as well.

For some reason the Natures recipe she really likes, except for one of the seafood ones (but we should try to avoid that anyway). You may have luck if you put the Nature's variety "juice" on one side of the dowl and the shreds on the other, because she might lap at the juice and then a shred or two might find it's way into her mouth and she may like it?

I don't know if you have a Pet Goods near you, they are a smaller chain - but I have found some stuff she loves there too - havent seen it anywhere else - one is called Call of the Wild... or In the Wild or something (it had a pic of a cougar on it), I'm not sure what's in it but it is grain free and Roni loves it. There is a brand (it used to be Nature's Variety) called Pride in a dark blue can and my cat went nuts over the Rockin Rabbit one, but she threw it up. I think the yak was from the meds she was on, I'm going to wait a bit to try it again but she woofed it - and that was during one of her fussy phases. And don't forget the tiki cat chix only and weruva paw-lickin chicken (dont bother with the Grandma's soup one, my cat looked at me like I was nuts).

I think FF's "enticing" ingredient is something that is in dry food to make them eat it. If the Fortiflora isn't working - then forget it. A lot of cats hate it.

If you do want probiotics - I would try the s. boulardii with MOS (you may have to pill her, but those s. boulardii pills are big - most stores sell empty gelcaps). Making your own pill/powder cocktail in one gelcap if she is on multiple meds also helps because you only have to pill her once. From what I understand, you can give the s. boulardii anytime in relation to anti-biotics since it is yeast based it isn't killed off - but the Nexibiotic, I was advised to give a couple hours after the AB.

Also the Nexibiotic... I can mix that into baby food (have you tried that yet? - no onions or garlic and mine prefers Gerbers beef or ham the best and she licks it up yummy). You might just have to get her appetite stimulated first and then things could slowly fall into place?

Oh, another one that I give mine when she is acting up is fancy feast "appetizers" - the skipjack tuna, tanjoi tuna and shredded chicken she goes for. But they aren't fortified, so no long term without additives.

Sometimes cold cuts can be an option - but low sodium - I got Roni some rare london broil cold cuts at the store when she wasn't eating anything else.

Just tossing some ideas at you sweetie. I know what it's like to offer up every darn thing under the sun only to have it snubbed.

I started freezing some of my snubbed food for a later date because I was throwing so much out, and when you buy high end - that adds up. And I know what you mean about being know at the stores, my Petsmart and Petgoods totally know me too.

OK, gotta jet. I'll let you know if I have any other ideas - keep us posted! also there are appetite stimulants that the vet can prescribe (make sure they work with what she's on) and I've heard of Reglan being used for nausea. Also... Pepcid AC believe it or not. Regular strength - you can also buy it generic at any store, it begind with an F, can't refall the name. My 7.5 lb kitty got perscribed 1/4-1/8 pill once a day (into the gelcap it goes, VERY small), but of course I'd talk to your vet about that.

Sorry for the long post.
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  • #35


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
BonePicker.....I wrote those brands down and I am going to look for them on my next hunt for sure thank you for your advice:) I am not sure if I want to attempt it today but I did think about running up to the vet today and grabbing a can of wet Prescription ID and see if she eats it since it is geared for digestive issues first then if not back to the flavor hunt. xxoo
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  • #36


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Wasabipea.....Thank you so much for the long informative message I appreciate you taking the time to write me it means a lot:) Don't be sorry for it being long it is fine...Well as I posted I mixed it with water and it took 2 syringes full and fed it to her orally and she vomited it up over 2 hours later...I don't know if I should keep trying it or not, if you look at this damn cat wrong she vomits....But anyways I may trying to mix it in food one more time but the stuff smells like chocolate and I cant imagine how that tastes good in food? I find it hard to believe cats love it cause its sweet but mixed in wet food of meats? Ewww but I read cats love it well so far mine doesn't. So unsure on the outcome of FF.. If FF don't work I don't think I am going to invest in any other probiotic I am tired of throwing money away and if it really doesn't help her vomiting issue then no reason to bother. As car as buying adult probiotics and mixing powers and feeding it to the cat, that scares me I wont even try that easier to let it go. Now if the vet said she must live on it then maybe or he would have to dose it out I am not keen on giving a pet human meds to begin with without a vets approval and dosing...

I do not have a PetGoods near me at all never even heard of it...I do have Pet Supermarket and a private pet store I can check out. I did write down all the brands and flavors you and others told me to check out and I will look for them and buy the ones I find one can of each to see if she eats it or not. I did decide today to run up to the vet and buy 1 can of the ID prescription wet and see if she eats it because it is for digestive issues so that would be best for her but lets see. Now my cat never has been on wet to live on but for over a year twice a day I gave her a tablespoon of ID wet with Miralax mixed in that is how I got her to eat it and she never rejected the ID...But who knows now but I am going to buy a can and see today. Her appetite yesterday and today seemed poor not sure why...Its so overwhelming all this unstableness...It makes me depressed upset and wore out:(

I want to say I saw a flavor called Rockin Rabbit and I think something also called The Call Of The Wild...I am writing these other brands and flavors you wrote down and adding them to my list of stuff you already wrote me and between both stores I will look for them, I am sure Pet Supermarket will be happy to see me again...I did see the fancy feast appetizers but I didn't bother because they don't have what the cat needs nutritionally so I didn't bother....Yes now with vet telling me no sea food not good for vomiting cats that is off the list and sadly she likes tuna but oh well...Yes I have Pepcid and you are correct on the dose it didn't do much to regulate anything and I believe I have Reglan still from before he colon was removed thank you for reminding me of that, she only vomited once the FF mixed in water nothing again since 530am...

Have a great day babe and thank you again for taking the time to send me all this information and I am putting it to use xxoo....Keep in touch with me:)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2009
I wasn't aware she was throwing up so much, maybe go easy on the rabbit them and stick with the plain chix flavors that were also mentioned by bonepicker.

Maybe just a little Rabbit and the Call of the wild, and see how she tolerates them - they may be on the rich side and upset her tummy. I think the Pride brand may have a chicken also. I's stick with chicken or turkey for now if she is throwing up so much.

Also, I have been hearing about Slippery Elm Bark for nausea - I haven't looked too deeply into it since it states not to use it while on other meds since it can interfere, but once we get thru the 6 wks, I'll do more research.

Even if you are sick of throwing $ away, the s. boulinarii (or however you spell it) is supposed to be a wonder probiotic for cats. and hey, you can always take it if it doens't work out! If you haven't, I'd check out that thread above about it. I put Roni on it when the secon AB was looking like it might nose dive, and she has been pretty good lately. Knock wood.

Anyway, totally not trying to tell you what to do, just regurgitating (haha, like you haven't had enough of that) all the info I have been gathering over the past week.

My thoughs are with you and Nala, hope you make it thru this tough time. It is sooooo hard. Have you tried warming it in the microwave too?

Ech, I need a life.

Talk soon!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 16, 2014
southern california
So sorry to read about the troubles you and Nala are having. It's tough when they are getting sick and you can't pinpoint why. And when they are rejecting food.

I read through the recent posts, but I am not clear what you are doing and what you have tried, so some of this might be useless information for you. Anyway ...
  • See if you can pinpoint common ingredients when Nala vomits. If she's vomiting after every meal, look to see if there are one or two ingredients that are in every food. This was happening with my cat, Tim, and I stopped feeding him food with any chicken, carrageenan, guar gum, and xantham gum. I don't know what, if any of these, caused him to vomit. But he stopped vomiting once I stopped feeding foods with these ingredients. I am just now slowly trying little bits of guar gum, but I will never feed food with carrageenan. Once I feel like Tim's digestive system is healed, I will try small amounts of chicken.
  • I would actually try the rabbit food. My holistic veterinarian told me that cats with sensitive stomachs do well on rabbit. For a while, this is all Tim could eat. Rabbit is usually fairly lean; sometimes foods too high in fat are the problem. I am gradually adding turkey to Tim's diet, but he's eating more than 50% rabbit. Plus, he and his sister Abby love rabbit. Be aware, however, that most brands mix some other protein with rabbit. I feed Nature's Variety Instinct, which adds pork liver. But Tim with his sensitive stomach tolerates this food pretty well. The "Pride" brand is by Natures' Variety Instinct and includes pork. Pride also includes gums as thickeners, which I personally would stay away from, but that's because I don't know if they are a problem for Tim.
  • I would ditch the Fortiflora if you can't get her to eat it. I've heard there are better probiotics and one of Fortiflora's supposed benefits is cats like it. If your cat does not, why force it? I use Proviable DC, which is in a capsule. I open the capsule and mix the powder with the canned food; Tim doesn't even know he's taken it.
  • I think I suggested this before, but if you find a food Nala can tolerate, stick with it and slowly add others. She might be vomiting due to rapid food changes. Rapid food changes cause Tim to become nauseous and I have to change foods slowly, like 0.25 ounce at a time.
  • Nala might be rejecting certain foods because they remind her of what she vomited.
I know we are all throwing suggestions at you, some of them contradictory. All we can offer is our own experiences, but every cat is different. Unfortunately, it is trial and error, and I really do hope you can find a good rotation of foods that Nala tolerates and will eat.
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Hello AbbyNTim it is nice to hear from you again..

I appreciate your advice and reaching out to me. Yes I get all sorts of advice from all of you and I appreciate it ALL as I realize it is all life experiences with your own cats but again it means everything to me whether the email is long or short I read them all and always respond. Nala doesn't vomit after every meal, sometimes its once a week but a large puddle of projectile vomiting or like last week it was 2 days in a row once each day and nothing since so its not chronic like everyday but she does tend to vomit. After the colon resection vet did not want her on dry one reason she has molars on top and bottoms were removed two years ago and the old vet kept her on dry food and my new vet since surgery said he doesn't understand why they did that to her. I would watch her eat over the past to years she ate funny and always vomited up undigested whole pieces of food. Well the problem besides periodic vomiting and not knowing why is that I have been buying brand after brand and flavor after flavor and she rejects them all and if she likes one she will eat it a day or two and its all over. Vet did a lot of research and cats who vomit should not eat seafood, tuna beef or lamb stay away from them and go figure of course she desired the tuna but only for a day or two the most. So I am trying chicken all types and nothing. I wrote down the brands everyone on here recommended and I also wrote down what you told me about the rabbit and I am going to the pet store to start again.

I did buy her Science Diet senior it is very tiny dry kibble easy to chew and easily digested and the vet said give it to her she must eat. Well since Wednesday her appetite has diminished I don't know why she was eating it fine now either she don't feel good or I don't know what the hell to say but this is more than I can handle every day it is something else. Last night she started swallowing so fast non stop for 20 minutes I got nervous almost called vet I had her on the kitchen floor to see if she would vomit she never did very strange she stopped went to sleep then she got up at 230am at a little of dry which she had not touched since Wednesday. She was eating Science Diet liver and chicken for a week and now she don't want it. This morning she didn't eat so I grabbed a pouch of my own tuna and she went crazy so does she not feel well since Wednesday not wanting to eat or is it the food? I just don't know anymore sometimes I wish I did not have a pet it is over whelming I cry from all these problems no reprieve just non stop negative. So I mixed a little tuna in her dry food she ran over there she ate very little and probably only the tuna off the top so I am about to throw the bowl of food out.

This is what I am dealing with now hopefully it makes more sense to you. I am throwing money out the window left and right. I went to the vet yesterday grabbed a can of ID prescription wet food to try and nope 1.75 a can down the drain...When does this all end? I try to be funny because I naturally am a character but I get deflated a lot this takes me below my knees now its not eating, she stays low to the ground a lot and not as talkative unless I open people tuna....
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  • #40


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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Wasabipea....Hey there friend.

Listen don't worry about repeating yourself or regurgitating as you called it lol ewwww because I appreciate each and everyone of you who reach out and give advice. If I didn't want to hear it I would have canceled this site along time ago trust me I appreciate it all and I read it all. I write down what you tell and others like the list of foods you gave me and others that are on my counter ready to go and buy today. Read my feed above to AbbyNTim because that is what is going on now the past few days its ridiculous and I feel defeated right now just tired I don't even want to be funny:) I am focusing on chicken and turkey staying away from seafoods but I am going to buy the rabbit and try what the heck do I have to lose? Money? Really well that is nothing new....I don't know since she stopped eating this kibble if I should try another one she has to eat I feel bad with not enough molars to chew yes wet is best but I cant get her to eat it and she cant chew her morsels well so she vomits I can win for losing this is a nightmare...going to buy wet foods and maybe another dry who the heck knows I just want take a vacation leave her by herself and miss me and when I return she may want to eat her food and stop being a pain in my ass but that's not possible.... Oh by the way YES I do warm the princesses food I have tried it all....As far as probiotic wise I cant mix anything in her wet food the damn cat don't eat anything! The one I have I mixed it with water and filled 2 syringes and fed it to her and she vomited it up two hours later so their you have it...Any questions? If she would eat wet food regular then yes mixing it she would never know it but I cant get that far. If you can send me the link to the one you are talking about in someone elses post I did not know which one you referring to. I am not sure how important a probiotic is right now in the relm of all this drama but I will research it....I don't see the post above about that probiotic you are talking about if you can send me the link:) Help a sister out please im going through enough over here....:)

Uhhhh...I will be calling you though need to talk to you this is stressing me out....

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