Advice/Help Please


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 11, 2015
We have one indoor female cat. She just recently had a litter of kittens (her one and only litter) She's never been outside and only became pregnant from a male cat breaking through our screen on the living room window. Her kittens are a week old and today our neighbors cat (which is female) ran into our house I think looking for food but ended up running almost straight to our cats box of kittens. Our cat freaked out and tried attacking the other cat. I grabbed the other cat to get her out and our cat was still trying to attack the other cat up my legs as I'm trying to get it out. We managed to get the front door open and the neighbors cat jumped from us holding her to our front yard at which time our cat got out of the front door to chase the other cat. Our cat attacked the other cat in our front yard and my son (afraid one would be killed) attempted to separate them, got bit and attacked from our cat in the process. Our neighbors cat got away and our cat ran right back to our front door wanting to go back inside to her kittens. We can no longer go into our house because she attacks anything that walks into the front door. We have to use our garage door to get in and even then she is still freaking out trying to attack us. What do I do? I need some serious advice. I have four kids who I can't be afraid she is going to attack them unprovoked. I understand she originally attacked because of the other cat but she is still attacking anybody who tries to go in the house period. :'( She's never acted aggressive before so will she calm done and eventually go back to her sweet normal self???

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Can you put the cat and kittens in a room (like a guest room) and shut the door so she cannot attack people coming in?  Put her food and litter in there so she has everything she needs.

You can also try a Feliway diffuser to help calm her down.  Here is a review by one of the members
[article="30316"]Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats  [/article]
You also need to find a way to keep neighborhood cats out of your house.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
We have one indoor female cat. She just recently had a litter of kittens (her one and only litter) She's never been outside and only became pregnant from a male cat breaking through our screen on the living room window. Her kittens are a week old and today our neighbors cat (which is female) ran into our house I think looking for food but ended up running almost straight to our cats box of kittens. Our cat freaked out and tried attacking the other cat. I grabbed the other cat to get her out and our cat was still trying to attack the other cat up my legs as I'm trying to get it out. We managed to get the front door open and the neighbors cat jumped from us holding her to our front yard at which time our cat got out of the front door to chase the other cat. Our cat attacked the other cat in our front yard and my son (afraid one would be killed) attempted to separate them, got bit and attacked from our cat in the process. Our neighbors cat got away and our cat ran right back to our front door wanting to go back inside to her kittens. We can no longer go into our house because she attacks anything that walks into the front door. We have to use our garage door to get in and even then she is still freaking out trying to attack us. What do I do? I need some serious advice. I have four kids who I can't be afraid she is going to attack them unprovoked. I understand she originally attacked because of the other cat but she is still attacking anybody who tries to go in the house period. :'( She's never acted aggressive before so will she calm done and eventually go back to her sweet normal self???
Reading, will answer soon.  Alhtough I see Handsome Kitty did already answered.  I suspect its a good answer, it usually is by H.K.  :)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
We have one indoor female cat. She just recently had a litter of kittens (her one and only litter) She's never been outside and only became pregnant from a male cat breaking through our screen on the living room window. Her kittens are a week old and today our neighbors cat (which is female) ran into our house I think looking for food but ended up running almost straight to our cats box of kittens. Our cat freaked out and tried attacking the other cat. I grabbed the other cat to get her out and our cat was still trying to attack the other cat up my legs as I'm trying to get it out. We managed to get the front door open and the neighbors cat jumped from us holding her to our front yard at which time our cat got out of the front door to chase the other cat. Our cat attacked the other cat in our front yard and my son (afraid one would be killed) attempted to separate them, got bit and attacked from our cat in the process. Our neighbors cat got away and our cat ran right back to our front door wanting to go back inside to her kittens. We can no longer go into our house because she attacks anything that walks into the front door. We have to use our garage door to get in and even then she is still freaking out trying to attack us. What do I do? I need some serious advice. I have four kids who I can't be afraid she is going to attack them unprovoked. I understand she originally attacked because of the other cat but she is still attacking anybody who tries to go in the house period. :'( She's never acted aggressive before so will she calm done and eventually go back to her sweet normal self???
Yeah, its just to agree with Handsome Kitty.   Make sure she is comfortable and safe with her kittens.

The tom broke in because she was in heat - but still, outsider cats breaking in are always touchy for the resident, cat or human.  And here it happened twice...

Get a Feliway diffuser, possibly supplemented with Feliway spray.

If you can get other calming preparates, alike Dr Bach´s   Rescue Remedy - try with this too...  There are also something similiar, I think its called for Floral spirits.

You can also try with calming, relaxing music.  Classical harp music is best, but almost any may work...

There are also long sessions of purring sounds on youtube...  Can be tried too...

As you saw, her adrenaline got high sky, with a good reason...  It will go down, but it may take some time, as she IS in protective mode because of the kittens, and as reality showed, with good right.

Observe, when you tried to carry out the intruder, for your resident it was alike you raised up the intruder, helping it...

And later on your son joined the fight...

Traitors both, in the eyes of the poor mom...

Let someone not involved be the main caretaker for a moment, till she had calmed down some...
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 11, 2015
Thanks HK and stefan. Besides when the male stray broken through our window (like he seriously broke the screen, there was a tiny hole and somehow he ripped it more to get in) no other cats have ever came into our house. My mom was over with my nephew and had just opened our front door when our neighbors cat bolted through the door and into our house. I highly doubt our neighbors cat will ever come back (hopefully!) Now since she was attacked but I just don't know how to calm my cat down now. We left our house for the day hoping that will ease our cats stress level and to give her time to calm down. There's no way to even go around her or the kittens right now. Thanks for the advice I've just never seen a cat react like this before. :(


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Thanks HK and stefan. Besides when the male stray broken through our window (like he seriously broke the screen, there was a tiny hole and somehow he ripped it more to get in) no other cats have ever came into our house. My mom was over with my nephew and had just opened our front door when our neighbors cat bolted through the door and into our house. I highly doubt our neighbors cat will ever come back (hopefully!) Now since she was attacked but I just don't know how to calm my cat down now. We left our house for the day hoping that will ease our cats stress level and to give her time to calm down. There's no way to even go around her or the kittens right now. Thanks for the advice I've just never seen a cat react like this before.
This was actully wise, and helps in cases of the so called redirected aggreession.   These can get quite violent!!!

Typically, your resident see some intruder in your yard through the window.  He cant attack the intruder, so he attacks what he can attack  - his pal and friend, another cat.  Or even his owner.  The remedy is to take the cat onside, and lock it up somewheree alone several hours, so it can cool down...

Yours is somewhat similiar, although two magnitudes bigger...

Thus, essentielly a fully normal and natural reaction by her.  Even a sound one.   But very gross!!!
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
At some point when she is using her litter pan or eating you will need to move her kittens into a bedroom. She will follow. You put her food, water, and litter with her and shut the door.

This is a problem when kitten nests are in family spaces rather than tucked away. Cats must have privacy, and yours feels doubly unsafe now that another cat has come in. It's a shame this had to happen.

The Felliway diffuser in the bedroom where you will be putting her will help. It emits calming pheromones and is highly rated. It's at pet stores.