Advice for smooth transitioning (moving cat)


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 14, 2014
Sacramento, CA
So I get a week trial period coming up for trying to keep an older, higher maintenance kitty in my room in a house that I share with roommates.

He doesn't mind dogs, but doesn't like them. However, they (my roommates) have a 60lb dog that loves to bark at cats. She chills out after they're around for awhile, so Im hoping they will co-exist after awhile.

Im planning on keeping him in my room and letting him outside with a harness, eventually. 

Im getting a Feliway diffuser the day before he will be here... anything I can do for the dog to help in that way? Any tips and tricks? Im going to try to bring the cat when my roommates are out of the house so if the dog causes a ruckus, no one will know about it and hopefully the dog will chill out before they get back home. Dog will be going for a big walk while kitty gets acclimated to the room. And another big walk if she gets excited by the cat smells again later on. Thankfully I have the whole day off as well as the following two.

(Before anyone goes into the "you should know that you can keep the cat before taking on the responsibility" Im well aware... I found him extremely sick behind the building where I work in June. He's fixed, older, extremely friendly and very sweet but I couldn't find a rescue to take him in anywhere within 2 hours of where Im at. Ive been driving 40min each way to take care of him almost every day since and my finances are getting too low to be able to do that comfortably, besides the 2 hours minimum it sucks out of my day. Besides the fact that he really needs the care Ive been giving him once daily, twice daily and no one else seems willing to do that. If this doesn't work, its likely his last chance as I just don't see him making it through the winter on minimal care as an outdoor community cat. And I can't keep driving that far every day unfortunately)


TCS Member
Oct 23, 2014
I noticed nobody has posted, so I will try to help. I have never had a dog so I've never had to deal with this, but I typed in "introducing dogs to cats" and some good articles from aspca showed up. You could try reading that :) the feliway is a very good idea. I'm sorry I couldn't help more but good luck!!!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Bless you for trying to help that cat, I'm sure you know by now that he loves and trusts you. You will have to keep him strictly in your room for a period, maybe even months before the dog and him will accept each other. When they are introduced, or when the cat is let out, the dog must be leashed so she won't hurt the cat.  I taught a 'cat hater' to accept a cat by strictly leashing her in the house when the cat was around, and when she lunged she was told "NO" and made to sit. The dog should be told not to bark, and shouldn't be barking in the house anyway, so really it is just about training the dog on what she should be doing anyway. They CAN be friends and most likely will be, but it will take a lot of training and patience. I'm sure their are forums here that can help and others much more versed then I am on this matter. Once again, bless you, and good luck!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 14, 2014
Sacramento, CA
Ive found quite a bit of tricks and tips thanks to the leads y'all gave me...

He'll be here tomorrow if I can get everything finished up tonight. If not, then Tuesday.

I know he trusts me... thats why I couldn't bear to stop going to take care of him every day for the last two months (I don't work at the place during the week, only Fri-Sun, so its really out of my way). My fiancé would shoot me if he knew how much gas and other $$ Ive spent on this cat this summer.

Now to convince my roommates that they won't even notice he's here most the time. So I don't have to drive every day to care for him! 

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 14, 2014
Sacramento, CA
So everything has been going perfectly... the cat has gone virtually unnoticed, the dog hasn't freaked out yet, and has visually seen him a couple times.

I dunno if he's just so mellow, or if the calming collar and diffuser really work that well, but he pretty much settled in like he's lived here his whole life.

Im still doubting my roommates will let him stay :/ They haven't said one way or the other, it just seems so doubtful, And he's SOOOO happy, Im going to feel horrible if I have to take him back outside. On top of gas costing me about $150 a month to go take care of him daily. My fiancé mentioned that the roommate that owns the house was totally against having him here at all, but didn't want to say no to a week trial. I hope he changes his mind. Kitty makes literally no noise, there's no smell and it doesn't affect the dog at all. He shows zero interest in leaving my room and lounges around when Im not there (I've been sitting outside my room quite a bit and peeking in to see what he's up to). Plus, the room has wood floors so there's no carpet to damage. Id be okay with taking him back outside if he was being a nuisance, but he's not... he's so close to invisible, which is perfect for the situation.

He's doing extremely well, finally able to get his lysine supplement twice a day instead of just once, his runny nose is almost gone already and he's only been here 3 days. He non-stop purrs. He's not really a play-er just yet, but Im sure he'd get there. He makes himself comfy all over my room and is all about the snuggles! He looks a bit worried when we leave the room and my mind is convinced he thinks Im not coming back, serious guilt-trip.
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