Adult Cat And Kitten Not Getting Along....please Help!


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Aug 17, 2018

So I adopted an 8 week old kitten about a week ago. I was very nervous about adopting him because I am a little insecure about taking care/being a good cat mom. I love cats and have lived with my roommates cats ever since college about 3 years ago. I finally bought a house and decided to adopt. The first few nights where a little rough for me. I named him Skyler and he is so tinny I couldn't sleep the first few nights because I was worried I would roll over on him. He likes to sleep right next to my back or he will burrow himself under my blanket by my feet. He also cries so much! I was told that is just him getting used to his voice but I honestly still hate hearing it because I feel like he is crying because he wants something or I am not doing something right.

I kept him in my room the first 3 days and the two other cats I live with (kitty and Riley) where super curious. They both kept sticking their paws under the door and meowing wanting to see what was in my room. Over the weekend I let Skyler out and explore the house. I put Kitty and Riley in their rooms while I did this. Skyler seemed to be doing really well so I then moved Kitty and Riley to my room (without Skyler) so they could smell around the kitten's stuff. Everything seemed to be going well so my roommates and I decided to let everyone out and explore together. Kitty and Skyler hit it off great. Kitty even started grooming Skyler and they chase each other around. But Riley will not stop hissing at Skyler and now just hides in the basement whenever Skyler is out of my room. Riley even started to swat at Kitty when she did decide to come out of the basement. I never let Riley get close to Skyler because she will not stop hissing and I am worried she will attack Skyler.

Having a kitten alone was really stressing me out and triggering my anxiety. Now that Riley doesn't seem to like Skyler I am even more stressed and anxious all the time around them. I am starting to get pretty attached to Skyler and really don't want to return him to the shelter but I cant live with always worrying that Riley is going to hurt him. I need help! Did I not give it enough time? Do you think Riley will eventually come around to Skyler? I need some advise please.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! Have you had your tiny one in to a vet just to be completely sure that the crying isn't from a health issue? Which is to say, he's probably missing his siblings a lot, but you want to be as sure as you can be about his physical health too.

Can you get a sock and fill it mostly with rice, heat it gently and let him lie against it? Or a heating pad on low and covered with a towel so it doesn't overheat him.

You do need to try to control your stress, the cats will pick up on it. Try some chamomile tea (from the bags, that's the kind that's safe for cats) for yourself and for Riley - a couple teaspoons a couple times a day.

Skyler will grow and things will calm down eventually. I think, though, at the moment it might be good to do as you are where you're keeping Riley away from tiny Skyler.

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TCS Member
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Aug 17, 2018
Skyler hasn't been to the vet yet. I did set up an appointment as a new customer and I will make sure to ask the vet about his crying then too. Also, thank you for the heating pad idea. I do have one that is just a little pad I can set on a low temp and put in on my bed. He typically burrows himself under my blankets when he sleeps and I wonder if that is because he likes the extra warmth.

I will also try the chamomile tea for both me and Riley :)
Thank you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
The fact that it's only been about a week, I think you still have plenty of time before you need to worry too much about Riley and Skyler getting along. It can several weeks before a resident cat accepts a new member into the home.
The fact that you mentioned that Riley hides, may mean she feels threatened. And the reason for her swatting at Kitty is probably because she smells Skyler on her. Try to encourage more play time with Riley to keep her confidence up and distract her with a toy or treat if she becomes agitated with either cat. When she catches on that good things are associated with Skyler/scent, eventually she should learn to accept your new baby.

As for Skyler's crying, one of our kittens was extremely vocal when we first brought him home, eventually he settled, I mean, he still talks a lot, but it's usually for a reason and not...constant.

I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job keeping Skyler safe and happy, good on you to bring him to the vet for a check up and ask any questions about your new addition. I'm sure it will all go well.


TCS Member
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Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
The interactions between Skylar and Riley is how you can usually expect new cat introductions to go. That is typical. I am a little worried with the swatting but hissing and other vocalizations are perfectly fine and normal. That is how cats communicate. Riley is not interested in a new friend right away.

I also would not introduce them if the young one hasn't been to the vet, vaccinated, or tested for FIV/FeLV yet. If you adopted him from a shelter there is a good chance this was all done already and if so disregard that comment.

You could also pick up some Feliway plug ins or calming collars and see if that helps.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
First, breathe deep and drink that tea! Now, get the vet check. I think that Sylar is fine, just missing Mom and the sibs,'ll want to make sure, and to get him wormed, all that good stuff. The heating pad is a wonderful idea, just wrap it well in at least two layers of towels...even on low.

A week is no time at all when it comes to introducing cats. It really isn't. We've seen cat introductions (successful ones!) that have taken nearly a year, although that's usually older cats, and it is rare. A few to several weeks is more normal.

Just be sure to monitor ALL interactions between the older cats and Skylar until you are confident that all is well, and remember to be patient about this. You can only go as fast as the most reluctant cat, and trying to rush things will actually make it worse.
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TCS Member
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Aug 17, 2018
Thank you everyone for all of the suggestions! As a new cat mom I am so happy to have found this site! It has really helped me feel more capable of taking care of my little guy. <3
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TCS Member
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Aug 17, 2018
Hi! Is Skylar crying less today?
I believe so. He is being more playful with one of my roommates adult cats named Kitty. I think he is only crying for attention because he only does it if Kitty is to tired to keep playing with him and then I take over haha. Skyler sleeps in my bed and likes to burrow under the covers and last night I accidently bumped him with my leg which woke him up. He then cried for like 15 min and I was worried I had hurt him but I think it was more of a "mom you woke me up now play with me" cry.

I also have been trying to feed him at the same time I eat dinner because he tends to cry/beg for food if I am eating and he doesn't have wet food to eat too.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Not sure about your feeding schedule, but for now, he should be eating three smaller meals a day, rather than one large one. As he gets older, you can transition him down to two meals a day.