Adding older with kitten?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2012
Our kitten is roughly 14+ weeks old . We have to get him neutered when he is old enough. We want a friend for him but I have read that a spayed or neutered cat is better for allergies and I have them big time.

I keep reading that they get lonesome for their own kind but to add another kitten his age would be hard on my allergies and it would also be easier financially on us if the cat was already spayed or neutered as well from the shelter.

Just wondering if they can get along ok as the cat would be probably be over 6 months old.Would that be too old to introduce too a kitten? Years ago it seemed I always added a younger cat not an older one  so not sure on this.




TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Any cat of any age can be introduced to any cat of any age. It's all a matter of method, really. Kitten to kitten is usually pretty easy, but it's not absolutely necessary. Usually with adult cats a slow introduction method is best. Many of us have done it many times, you'll get plenty of help here!

I don't know where you heard that older/spayed/neutered cats are less likely to cause allergy reactions. This is not a true statement.

People who are allergic to cats are allergic to the dander. Dander is what forms on the cat's fur and skin from his or her saliva, when the cat washes. When the cat sheds, the fur and skin flakes get into the air.

There are many things you can do to reduce the dander floating around in your house.

Wipe the cats down once a day with a damp cloth to wash the dander off. (don't soak them of course just a damp cloth or paper towel) Brush or comb them daily. Vacuum daily. Keep them out of the bedroom. Stuff like that.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2012
I read it somewhere online . I do a lot of searching for allergy remedies etc. They also say a neutered male is less allergic than a non neutered male. That a female light color causes less allergy and that a spayed light female is the best.

At my mothers nursing home there is a very large old spayed female cat . She spent the entire day in my mothers small room with us on my mothers bed and I had put my face on her and sat right next to her for hours just to see if I got a reaction .. Nothing happened and I was there for the whole day.Not even an itchy nose or eye or sneeze. 

Some cats I cant be around five minutes. I have allergies to the kitten we have but not as bad as with some.

Anyway thanks for the info



TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 26, 2013
Spaying or neutering has no effect on allergies.  As a previous poster explained, it's a substance in the cat's saliva that causes the allergy reactions. 

However there are a number of things your doctor can do to get your allergies under control and  keep them under control so you can live comfortably with your cats.

It's also possible for people to be allergic to other substances on a cat's fur.  For example a cat that's been outdoors may have pollens etc in its fur that trigger a person's pollen allergies.  It's also well known that a pet can get into poison ivy and get the poison ivy oil on its fur and then when a person who is sensitive to poison ivy touches that area of the fur where the poison ivy oil is, the person gets poison ivy.   A cat who has been in a damp basement or crawl space or other similar place may pick up mold in its coat.  Mold is another common allergen. It may only take a small amount of pollen or mold to set off a sensitive person's mold or pollen allergy.  People can be allergic to chemicals or fragrances used in some scented cat litters.  Cats also often crawl into dusty or cobwebbed places and get dust or cobwebs in their coats and there may be allergens present in the dust or cobwebs. 

Unless a person undergoes allergy testing, it can be difficult to know for sure whether the allergy is actually specifically allergy to cat dander or whether the allergy is to something else a cat may have picked up on or in its coat.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2012
Funny cause I had allergy shots about five years ago and it showed I was not allergic to dogs,cats, or many other kinds of animals and mildly allergic to some trees. The eye specialist told me eye allergies are very different other allergies with  a runny nose sneezing or even hives etc.Reason for tests?We had two Papillons and days after they came into the house I could barely see. Cold clothes on the eyes most of the day etc scarring under the one eyelid.I kept them for a year untill I could take no more and found them a great home.The live across the street from us.
 I have had a reaction to this kitten from day one so I know it is him . It is not as bad as the allergy to the dogs we had though.

I  do believe there is some merit to the neuter spay idea that they dont produce as much of this protein because they dont have the hormones and that affects everything. They tend to settle down more,they have a tendency to gain weight and neuter and spay helps keep them from having some serious health issues so it does change their physiology so why not the proteins in their saliva?

Anyway thanks for the advice.I think maybe we better just stick to one kitten for now and after he is fixed an more settled maybe introduce another cat of the same age but maybe by then he will be used to being on his own. I know people with one cat and seems they do ok.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I have cat allergies as well and have also done quite a bit of research on the subject. I've also heard that males that are not neutered have higher levels of fel-d1. :). My cat allergies sound a bit worse than yours and I have remained a one cat household.

Some of the tips in this article may help reduce your allergic reaction:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2012
Thanks Karen 

I appreciate your reply and the site. I have read it and do follow it to the best of my ability . I am glad to know someone on here that has only one cat as I sometimes feel guilty . How is your cat Abby on her own? I have read that cats are not like dogs and dont have the pack mentality so dont get as upset when alone for a time. We are home most days as we are retired but we do go away for a month in the summer with a tiny trailer .Not sure he would like camping. 



At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I think when Abby was younger she may have liked a playmate, but now I think she is too set in her ways and likes things the way they are. You just have to remember that you are your kitten's only playmate and spend time and play with him. :)

I'm not sure if he would like camping either, although some member's have done it before. I think my biggest concern would be him escaping from the trailer and then be out in an environment that he doesn't know. Maybe you can get someone to stay at your house with him while you are away?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2012
Yes I would rather not take him camping. The trailer is a tiny trillium and only 15 feet long and cramped. I would not be able to open my eyes for a month LOL.

We do play with him a lot and he loves to play especially for a couple of hours before we go to bed. We made him a special cat room of his own and lots of toys  etc. I was so looking forward to a couple of kitty's like I had many years ago but seems after the change this allergy is just not going to let me .I am lucky I can live with one I guess and be reasonably comfortable.