accidently stepped on 5 week old tiny kitten


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2016
Sunny South Carolina

I'm so sorry that this accident happened to your kitty. I know you must feel terrible and I know that you want to do the right thing and get her help. Coming on here and asking us - is a good start!

The thing is when it comes to injured cats there are NO safe over the counter pain relievers. Also when it comes to injured cats - they are really great at hiding pain. If this was your 18 month old child, who lets say got hit by a car - what would you do? I know it's a harsh scenario, but it's an extension of the same scenario. By doing nothing, this kitten could really be suffering. I know you love this kitten and never intended to hurt it, but hun, you've got to get it some medical care as soon as possible. If you love this cat, get her some help, even if it means surrendering her. That's loving owner.
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  • #22


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 11, 2016
Update, kitten is up and walking around. Eating and using litter box. I called both shelters, the only thing they can help me with is putting her to sleep which at this point I think would be the wrong thing to do. Ill keep yall updated,


TCS Member
Apr 3, 2016
Everyone on here is right, cats are masters at hiding pain. We often don't know until it is too late. This kitty needs help. Good luck to both of you. Best wishes.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I'm glad the kitten is doing better. Please try to take her to the vet soon for a thorough exam to check for any broken or fractured bones or internal injuries. Your kitten may seem fine on the outside but there could be issues inside which may need treatment. At the very least, she may need pain medicine. Please do not give her any OTC Human pain medicines. They are toxic to cats.

See this for how to afford vet care:

Keep in mind that if a vet determines that the kitten has pretty serious but treatable injuries and / or will have long term health issues, that would mean very expensive vet bills. If that is something you can afford, then surrending the kitten to a shelter would be best where the kitten will be able to get the proper vet care.
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  • #25


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 11, 2016
Last UPDATE, kitten went to vet. They said they couldn't find anything obvious no broken bones internal problems or fluid. May have some nerve damage. She is much better today eating and meowing to come into the rest of the house (she's quarantined to kitchen) and grooming stretching and acting somewhat normal. Still holding her head to the left some and walking in circles to the left sometimes. Vet expects a full recovery. Just an FYI, when I came on her i asked for advice from similar cases or experience. I told u all up front I was short on cash. I just want you ALL to know. If I would have took your alls advice my kitten would have be put down immediately. I'm so glad I didn't listen to you. I lost my mother in law last month. I'm not irresponsible I'm paying on a funeral and cash is short. I hope u all know how guilty you made me feel.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Absolutely no one wanted you to feel guilty. We only wanted your kitten to get an appropriate level of care. It would be irresponsible to give you any advice other than to get the kitten seen by a vet because none of us can see or diagnose your situation. Totally understand financial limitations, and I'm very glad you were able to bring her in.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
No one here can give you veterinary advice. Even a veterinarian cannot diagnose your cat via an online site. Pets cost money. I hope as you searched for veterinary help you round some necessary resources to get your cat properly vaccinated, wormed and S/N. The fact that you took your kitten to the vet and the vet feels there is a chance of full recovery doesn't release you from the responsibly of taking an injured pet to the veterinarian or seeking help to get a diagnosis.

Surrendering and euthanasia are both acceptable methods when a pet owner cannot provide for a sick or injured pet. Which is exactly what you stated.


TCS Member
Apr 9, 2016
Connecticut USA
I'm thankful that you gave us this update as we truly were concerned for the kitten's well-being... but I sense an awful lot of misunderstanding about advice that was offered here. You are probably hurting from a recent loss in family and a financial overload... I'm betting more than half of us have also experienced such hardships. I just wish you might somehow come to realize that nothing was said in anger or blame here ... people we trying hard to be as helpful as one could be on a forum such as this. It probably felt like an attack... I assure you... it was not meant as such. Having said that, we are all animal lovers and carers... we cherish our pets as we imagined you cherish your little kitten and we desperately wanted the best for her when comments were written. Please keep this in mind. Best of luck with spaying/neutering your kitten... and maintaining her care!


Slave in a cat house
Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
Last UPDATE, kitten went to vet. They said they couldn't find anything obvious no broken bones internal problems or fluid. May have some nerve damage. 
We are very glad that you were able to take the kitten to the vet and nothing is broken, and no apparent internal injuries. 
She is much better today eating and meowing to come into the rest of the house (she's quarantined to kitchen) and grooming stretching and acting somewhat normal. Still holding her head to the left some and walking in circles to the left sometimes. Vet expects a full recovery.
This is GREAT news! Fur prayers for a SPEEDY recovery!

Just an FYI, when I came on her i asked for advice from similar cases or experience. I told u all up front I was short on cash. I just want you ALL to know. If I would have took your alls advice my kitten would have be put down immediately.
I'm so glad I didn't listen to you
Actually, it sounds like you did, by finding a way to get the kitten to the vet. You evidently made a sacrifice for a "little one of God's creatures", and for that you are to be blessed.
I lost my mother in law last month. I'm not irresponsible I'm paying on a funeral and cash is short.
So sorry to hear this-- please accept my condolences on your loss. This is never an easy time. I lost my own mother recently, so I understand that things can be very difficult. My prayers are with you. 
I hope u all know how guilty you made me feel.
Okay, then. The common goal was to instill feelings of urgency and reinforce the importance of getting your kitten checked out one way or another. None of us are vets, but most of us have had kittens and kitten accidents. You described some pretty scary symptoms which should have warranted an urgent response. It is indeed difficult to convey just the right emotion using just the written word so if someone came off sounding like they were guilting you, that may not have been their intention at all. If you turned that into guilt... that's on you.

The folks here provided you with options for care since you said that money is tight now. But you do need to consider whether you can currently and in the foreseeable future AFFORD the care that a cat needs... S/N, follow-up for the injury, vaccines, flea and HW prevention, food, toys, etc. and etc. for as long as 15-20 years or more. If you can't reasonably see your way clear to make that commitment... then it is no shame to release the kitty to a rescue, foster or adoption group.

You have already gotten the wee one off to a good start, accident notwithstanding-- things like this happen sometimes. If you cannot continue the job, it's only fair to her to be with someone who can. You have already proven that you have a good heart, but that alone isn't "complete" It's a BIG part, but the reality is... pets and kids cost money, and they have accidents and misfortunes. Can you absorb those AND meet the daily needs? Only you can answer that. And only YOU can "guilt" yourself.

Hope all goes well for you and your kitten.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2016
Sunny South Carolina
No one tried to make you feel guilty. Certainly not our intentions. We were simply expressing how there is a very limited number of options for us to help you and your kitten. There isn't a pain remedy we can suggest and with the symptoms you described - we were very concerned for the cat.

I'm thrilled that through some means you were able to get the cat to a vet and that she will be okay. That is the best possible out come.

I am very sorry that you are having a rough time of things being a single mother who has to pay for your mother in law's funeral. My deepest condolences.
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