A new kitty to the family


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 1, 2012
I have a 10 months old cat, very spoilt isolated and loved!
I thought he would get bored at home because i work long hours, so I adopted a 2 months old kitty. She was in a separate room for one week and after that i let them to be together, here is what happens:
The big one was running after the little one all the time, tried to catch her squeeze her and sometimes a friendly bite! Obviously she was scared sometimes.
The little one was playing on her own only and didnt care about the big one.
My cat got lack of sleep during two days that they were together, the little one didn't let him sleep.
After two difficult days i gave the small cat away, but now both of us miss her to bits!
My big cat looks for her everywhere, under the bed and all the places where she used to hide.
I don't know is it better for my big cat to have her?
Wouldnt he feel jealous if i give the small one attention?
Wouldn't he really hurt her?
Would she become a good friend for him later? Or she would remain independent?
Please advise me before it is too late...



TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
You might want to get the kitten back and use this method to introduce them - www.thecatsite.com/a/introducing-cats-to-cats - it is a tried and true method.

Your big cat evidently enjoyed the little one. The difference in age and size shouldn't make a big difference if they are introduced properly. I brought two 4-month old kittens into a household of 3 adult cats.This was about a year and a half ago.  I sometimes see all 5 of them playing full-contact tag.

The sooner you get the little one back, the better. That is, if you decide to take him back.  Is your older cat neutered? That is an important thing when it comes to behavior, and interaction with other cats.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 1, 2012
yes he is neutered. I just dont know how to make him understand not to bite the little one, i know he does it because he likes her. he does the same to me, but it doesnt hurt me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
I agree that you should try and get the little one back if you seriously want her and are willing to let them work it out. It sounded to me like they were actually doing pretty well together. Often what we think of as fighting or hurting, isn't so in cat world. The kitten will grow, and grow fast. She will learn to defend herself if need be, but it doesn't sound like she needs to do much of that. She will teach your 10 month old just how far she will allow him to go. Do introductions the way the link catspaw gave you shows. Go slower. I think they'll be fine.

Breaking him of biting you should be done also. Does he do this because you play with him in that manner, like rough play? If this is so, then that could be an issue down the line. It often leads to play aggression. Redirect him to a toy. Teach him toys are ok for biting, not hands. If he bites due to over excitement, then you need to make sure every time he bites, you put him down and say no, walk away. It's important that you not allow him to bite, even if it's not hurting you right now.

Hope you get her back. Good luck.
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