OK, everyone knows how graceful and regal most cats are, right? Well, my tuxedo Socrates is as regal as they come He's one of these cats that say "Don't touch the fur unless I want you to".
Well, this one day I had my LR window open and both boys were sitting up on the wooden shelf next to the window, looking thru the screen at the birds and squirrals. Then a squirral came by close to the window and Socrates AND Tiger 'stand' up and put their hands (Yes, I call the front paws their hands and the back their feet) on the screen. Well, I was watching tv and heard this noise and I looked over just in time to see their combined weight push the screen out. Well, Tiger sprang away and landed on all 4's on the couch, but Socrates, as UNgraceful as you please went right out with the screen.
Don't worry, I live in a 1 story apt. and the ground was only 2 feet away. But, there's nothing as hilarious as looking over and seeing the ass-end of your cat sticking up in the air as he tumbles out with the screen.
I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up and when I looked out the window he was just standing there with those cockeyed ears that cats get when they're ungraceful, looking up at me as if to say "What? I meant to do that!".
Well, to say the least, I pulled Socs in, put the screen in and told both of them that they were on a diet affective immediately.
OK, time for 1 more. When I had a roomate his daughter would come over on Saturday nights. Well, after her bath she went to bed, but the tub was still full of water and her rubber ducky floating around. Well, again, I was in the living room watching tv and heard this KASPLOOSH! And here comes Tiger hauling butt out of the bathroom, half wet because he tried to catch the rubber duck. Again, I was laughing so hard I could barely get a towel to dry my wet cat off.
I love cats. They provide me with so many smiles and an occassional belly-buster and there's NOTHING better to me than pulling up late at night from work and the boys will hear the car and jump into the window (The same one Socs fell out of) and MEOW at me as if to say "Dads Home....Foooood!"! They make even a bad day not seem so bad. Can you tell I love my boys?
Well, this one day I had my LR window open and both boys were sitting up on the wooden shelf next to the window, looking thru the screen at the birds and squirrals. Then a squirral came by close to the window and Socrates AND Tiger 'stand' up and put their hands (Yes, I call the front paws their hands and the back their feet) on the screen. Well, I was watching tv and heard this noise and I looked over just in time to see their combined weight push the screen out. Well, Tiger sprang away and landed on all 4's on the couch, but Socrates, as UNgraceful as you please went right out with the screen.
Don't worry, I live in a 1 story apt. and the ground was only 2 feet away. But, there's nothing as hilarious as looking over and seeing the ass-end of your cat sticking up in the air as he tumbles out with the screen.
I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up and when I looked out the window he was just standing there with those cockeyed ears that cats get when they're ungraceful, looking up at me as if to say "What? I meant to do that!".
Well, to say the least, I pulled Socs in, put the screen in and told both of them that they were on a diet affective immediately.
OK, time for 1 more. When I had a roomate his daughter would come over on Saturday nights. Well, after her bath she went to bed, but the tub was still full of water and her rubber ducky floating around. Well, again, I was in the living room watching tv and heard this KASPLOOSH! And here comes Tiger hauling butt out of the bathroom, half wet because he tried to catch the rubber duck. Again, I was laughing so hard I could barely get a towel to dry my wet cat off.
I love cats. They provide me with so many smiles and an occassional belly-buster and there's NOTHING better to me than pulling up late at night from work and the boys will hear the car and jump into the window (The same one Socs fell out of) and MEOW at me as if to say "Dads Home....Foooood!"! They make even a bad day not seem so bad. Can you tell I love my boys?