A Few Months With New Adult Cats, One Semiferal


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 21, 2015
Back in January this year we rehomed a pair of cats (mother and daughter) as adults. The daughter "Smokey" (dark tortoiseshell) aka "biggie cat" (20 pounds) is reasonably friendly and likes to be petted and scritched, but not big on laps. The momcat (10 pounds) had been quite skittish (we figured she was a feral when she was pregnant and approached the former owners in desperation for help. She hid from us for the past months, except the past week or two she willingly walks into my bedroom, chirps, and hops on my bed and lays by my feet. And she seems to not hate me petting her, maybe even likes it some (she usually doesn't run off). I took the opportunity to see how much fat is on her bones, she seems fine, no ribs, was worried that Smokey was hogging all the food. But she is still fairly skittish during the day, though I do see her more than a few months ago.

The two cats get along quite well.

Was wondering if momcat will continue to be more trusting and friendly over more time.

One thing, both cats seem to avoid my brother, even though Smokey did used to like him.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Formerly ferals can take a lot of time, but if you just go on living your life normally and spending time with them, they will eventually accept you and actually make moves to befriend you. They generally automatically fear the upright human, but when you are lying down, that's a different story. I have two boys here that I have had for nearly a year and they have only recently decided I was allowed to pet them. I couldnt even handle them months ago when they needed to get neutered. I just had to condition them daily by throwing treats into carriers, so on the morning of surgery, they followed the treats in and then found the doors closed and off they went. It took them a couple of weeks to chase treats into carriers again. Their two littermate sisters tamed down faster and were adopted together into a wonderful forever home. These two are nowhere near ready for that, but they are much better than they were even two months ago. It is a slow but steady progress, and they may always spook when you walk into the room, or if you move too fast, but if you sit down, they will come over to you eventually. Don't feel the need to rush anything. They are with you for their lifetime and your relationships will continue to grow through the years.

PS - Men have deeper voices and heavier steps in general, so ferals find them scarier, but they should get over it in time if your brother is living there with them.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 21, 2015
Momcat now always hops up onto my bed within minutes of my turning into bed every night now. She seems to like being petted some, she usually lays down by my feet. Took a few pictures of her there.