A Beautiful End To A Beautiful Life


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Not a cat I'm mourning, but the loss of my beautiful Malamute, Luna.

Last night she was having trouble breathing and her stomach was filling with fluid. So we called the vet and took her on her last car ride. As we loaded her into the car on her dog bed she perked up. She always loved the car. She was able to sniff the warm evening air and then settled down on her bed. She passed away breathing the fresh air as she rested peacefully on her bed in the backseat on the way to the vet.

I am truly thankful for her passing as she saved me from making the challenging decision to end her life. She never had to experience another needle poke or go through any tests or treatments that would likely have done nothing to increase the length of her life.

While I know she had a wonderful life, it never feels like enough time. I was so looking forward to seeing her meet her new brother (Cardigan Welsh Corgi) Leo in a couple of weeks. I know she would have loved him.

I truly believe that animals are far more spiritual than us and far more willing to go when it is their time. She really seemed ready to go and wanted it to be on her own terms. She knew Leo was coming home soon and that we'd be taken care of.

Still, having to put away her bowls and collar and seeing Carrot searching for her around the house is heartbreaking.

She will be missed.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Beautiful tribute to a beautiful life.......I am so very touched she passed while so extremely content and in a happy moment, her last car ride.....That photograph of her is beautiful, smiling into the sun, she looks like she is reminiscing about a good life spent with a loving family.
The bond you have built with her over the years is a strong one, use it and your precious memories to bring comfort to a broken heart. I'm sure she held on as long as she could to make sure you were welcoming another little love into your home, she sensed he would bring a welcome distraction to her leaving. Leo will be well looked after and ferociously protected from afar.
I hope you can rejoice that you shared your home with this beautiful girl, she gave you a peaceful ending, so that is a blessing. Concentrate on that life, and how she loved each and every moment of it, do not dim that joy with sad thoughts of her end, she would never want that for those she loved so very much. She will always be near, her new path will forever parallel your own, a love that strong is eternal, will never be lost.
My heart goes out to you, I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, give Carrot a kiss for me, be gentle on yourself......RIP beautiful Luna. You have etched a mark for eternity on hearts that will never forget.... you will secure a place in those loving hearts forevermore. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry to hear this but glad that it was such a peaceful ending filled with love, if only all animals and humans could move on to the next life so smoothly.

She is gorgeous, and happy still, no pain or sickness, just fine now, just fine.....

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope your heart heals more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Luna, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

What a lovely dog Luna was, and is. I know how much you will miss her physical presence in your life, but love never dies. Luna is with you still.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Time ago I wondered why animals have tails. I searched and found nothing.

Except for the saying "No matter how much you will search, you will never know Me".

Perhaps some day science will find a reasonable explanation. Or maybe not.

But to that time, I can only believe that animals (dogs and cats and all) have tails to be closer to the sky when they cross the Bridge.

So they can wave their tails to silently say "Good by"! to us, when they gradually pass the other side of the Rainbow.

Happy hunting, Luna!

mama africa

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
That's indeed the most beautiful end to Luna's wonderful life. She will be missed, but I'm sure the lovely memories will ease the pain.