8mos old kitten with SDMA 13 (CRE 1.2 BUN 24)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Hello,I'm living in Japan and lost my first cat to CKD last July,at 19 years old

Later,I adopted male kitten (Mix)at 2-3 months old.Now he's 8-9 months old.

I took him to vet to be neutered 1 week ago,and Vet ran pre-neuter blood test.

I asked to do SDMA too,In Japan,SDMA test became available in last July.

Turned out,he got SDMA result "13"(done by IDEXX japan,same test you already know)

Vet says I don't have to worry,but in Japan,we don't have many SDMA study,especially for kitten.

He is now 4.2 kg and still growing.Eating "Natural Balance"kibble and wet (Royalcanan kitten instinct or Munichimotsu=only in Japan,and made by 100% fish,or chicken,(choice from Tuna,Chicken,Bonito))

Above the normal range 

ALP 235

Phos 7.9

(For both,Vet says these high numbers just showing My kitten is still growing)

He have never done urine test.

Should I worry(already worrying) and ask more test? He had ultrasound when he was 2-3 month,and It was normal.

Vaccination is done and FIV,FeLV negative.

edit:Medical condition till now=wounded eyelid in August,prescribed eyedrop and antibiotic.(can't be specific what the medication was,I should have asked)

had flea when he was rescued.(rescued by individual,no other cat)got a anti-flea medication 2 times.I can't come up with the name..Maybe I'm panicking.) 
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Is that "13" with normal ranges?  (each lab has different ranges, that's why I ask. 

What did your vet say about that number?  Was he at all worried?  The creatinine and bun look good, so that's good.  And if the Vet says the raised ALP and Phos are because he is still growing, then I think you need to take their word for that.

I know it's hard once you have had one cat pass to worry that the next one will get sick too, to be a little paranoid about any and everything.  Believe me, I'm the same way, but at some point you have to trust the professionals if they tell you everything looks okay
(the professionals being your Vet)  Especially if he is acting like a normal kitten
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Thanks for reply.13 is in normal ranges,and normal range is 0-14.It's "high normal".

Vet said I don't have to worry.but also said SDMA number will not go down.

She is same vet who took care my first cat to the last,so she knows I tend to panic.

I try to trust her,but problem is,in Japan,we still don't have many SDMA result..

Only one website says kitten or puppy tend to get high number,


But it's only one.I want to know what it means,but still,not so many cases here..So I'm wondering.

My kitten is acting normal,and his normal means hyperactive.

I'm getting flashback,as you say,and same to you.Thanks for feeling me and I can feel you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
I found information about SDMA result for puppies and kittens on IDEXX website!


It says "median SDMA results appear to be slightly higher (approximately 1

µg/dL) in puppies and kittens."

In Japanese IDEXX website,They writes "reference interval for puppies are 0-16 µg/dL,for kitten,reference interval is not decided yet,

87% of kitten are in Adult's reference interval,but 6% of kitten shows 15 or 16."

I have to watch closely,but it might related to his age!(which Vet didn't tell me,but I think most of kitten owner don't ask SDMA exam,unless he/she just lost other cat to CKD..)


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
OK, that should make you feel a little better

I've had three kidney cats so far, and now have two healthy cats.  I try to do every thing humanly possible to keep them that way. (changed their diet to only high protein, low carb food with extra water added, give them only filtered water, etc)   Only time will tell

I know exactly where your "paranoia" is coming from
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Yes,it made me feel better:)Thank you!

Since my 1st cat was 19years old,lots of information changed..I used to give my 1st cat only dry food,so it was very fortunate he lived to 19yrs.

I'll learn many new information,and I'm giving new kitten both dry and wet food,
And maybe I have to learn how to giving a kitten carefree kittenhood :)

Thank you for be here!!


TCS Member
Dec 29, 2017
Hello,I'm living in Japan and lost my first cat to CKD last July,at 19 years old

Later,I adopted male kitten (Mix)at 2-3 months old.Now he's 8-9 months old.

I took him to vet to be neutered 1 week ago,and Vet ran pre-neuter blood test.

I asked to do SDMA too,In Japan,SDMA test became available in last July.

Turned out,he got SDMA result "13"(done by IDEXX japan,same test you already know)

Vet says I don't have to worry,but in Japan,we don't have many SDMA study,especially for kitten.

He is now 4.2 kg and still growing.Eating "Natural Balance"kibble and wet (Royalcanan kitten instinct or Munichimotsu=only in Japan,and made by 100% fish,or chicken,(choice from Tuna,Chicken,Bonito))

Above the normal range

ALP 235

Phos 7.9

(For both,Vet says these high numbers just showing My kitten is still growing)

He have never done urine test.

Should I worry(already worrying) and ask more test? He had ultrasound when he was 2-3 month,and It was normal.

Vaccination is done and FIV,FeLV negative.

edit:Medical condition till now=wounded eyelid in August,prescribed eyedrop and antibiotic.(can't be specific what the medication was,I should have asked)

had flea when he was rescued.(rescued by individual,no other cat)got a anti-flea medication 2 times.I can't come up with the name..Maybe I'm panicking.)
Hello,I'm living in Japan and lost my first cat to CKD last July,at 19 years old

Later,I adopted male kitten (Mix)at 2-3 months old.Now he's 8-9 months old.

I took him to vet to be neutered 1 week ago,and Vet ran pre-neuter blood test.

I asked to do SDMA too,In Japan,SDMA test became available in last July.

Turned out,he got SDMA result "13"(done by IDEXX japan,same test you already know)

Vet says I don't have to worry,but in Japan,we don't have many SDMA study,especially for kitten.

He is now 4.2 kg and still growing.Eating "Natural Balance"kibble and wet (Royalcanan kitten instinct or Munichimotsu=only in Japan,and made by 100% fish,or chicken,(choice from Tuna,Chicken,Bonito))

Above the normal range

ALP 235

Phos 7.9

(For both,Vet says these high numbers just showing My kitten is still growing)

He have never done urine test.

Should I worry(already worrying) and ask more test? He had ultrasound when he was 2-3 month,and It was normal.

Vaccination is done and FIV,FeLV negative.

edit:Medical condition till now=wounded eyelid in August,prescribed eyedrop and antibiotic.(can't be specific what the medication was,I should have asked)

had flea when he was rescued.(rescued by individual,no other cat)got a anti-flea medication 2 times.I can't come up with the name..Maybe I'm panicking.)
Hello,I'm living in Japan and lost my first cat to CKD last July,at 19 years old

Later,I adopted male kitten (Mix)at 2-3 months old.Now he's 8-9 months old.

I took him to vet to be neutered 1 week ago,and Vet ran pre-neuter blood test.

I asked to do SDMA too,In Japan,SDMA test became available in last July.

Turned out,he got SDMA result "13"(done by IDEXX japan,same test you already know)

Vet says I don't have to worry,but in Japan,we don't have many SDMA study,especially for kitten.

He is now 4.2 kg and still growing.Eating "Natural Balance"kibble and wet (Royalcanan kitten instinct or Munichimotsu=only in Japan,and made by 100% fish,or chicken,(choice from Tuna,Chicken,Bonito))

Above the normal range

ALP 235

Phos 7.9

(For both,Vet says these high numbers just showing My kitten is still growing)

He have never done urine test.

Should I worry(already worrying) and ask more test? He had ultrasound when he was 2-3 month,and It was normal.

Vaccination is done and FIV,FeLV negative.

edit:Medical condition till now=wounded eyelid in August,prescribed eyedrop and antibiotic.(can't be specific what the medication was,I should have asked)

had flea when he was rescued.(rescued by individual,no other cat)got a anti-flea medication 2 times.I can't come up with the name..Maybe I'm panicking.)

Hi there,
You should definitely get regular blood tests and urinalysis. SDMA being 13 does indicate that your cat will develop kidney disease if you don’t take action immediately.
One of my cats had SDMA 13 in July 2017.everything else, bun, creatinine looked perfectly normal. The vet did not mention anything at all. He did not even tell us that she might develop kidney disease. He said she is perfectly healthy! 5 months later, December 2017, her SDMA is 22 and she has stage 3 chronic kidney failure. We just found out yesterday. Her bun is 100 and creatinine 3.9.
My point is, do not always trust the vets! They don’t tell you everything. Had I known that SDMA was so important in terms of finding out about the possibility of kidney disease, I would have started the necessary treatment last July. I know for a fact that there are very good supplements to keep the kidneys in good shape in early stages. We are going to treat her with the supplements but since she is stage 3 now, we don’t know how effective they are going to be. We just hope that they will work and her quality of life will improve.
Good luck!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
G Gcos , I'm sorry this happened to your little girl. I've had three kidney cats myself, but they were all diagnosed from symptoms since it was before the SDMA came to be, so they were already well along in their disease. Fortunately, they lived for a few years after being diagnosed.

Are you aware of this website? Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Cat It was my "go to" for anything kidney related. Very helpful, but not interactive like WE are!

:vibes::vibes::vibes:for you and your little one as you travel this road together